Rat Queens: Braga #1
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Rat Queens: Braga #1

Writer: Kurtis J. Wiebe Artist: Tess Fowler Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: January 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 7
8.3Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Before joining the Peaches, Braga was destined to become the greatest leader of her people. But a life changing decision proved too controversial for even her most devout followers. A former life paved on the bodies of her enemies left behind...what choice was worth losing everything?

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - Soup Owens-Fowler Jan 14, 2015

    Rat Queens Special: Braga #1 should be given away freely to anyone who feels alone in living in the wrong body, culture, social role, family, or mindset. It is a testament to thriving as the true You despite what you are expected to be. It relishes in embracing this theme and carefully structures a tale that is relevant and relatable to the lives of those born different. It should have been a parody of the DnD world of storytelling, but Rat Queens is turning into one of the most heartfelt and profound comics being made today. This book is a game changer, and this issue should be celebrated and used as an example of how comics can be relevant to our world and the plight of those marginalized within it. Buy 20 copies of Rat Queens Special: Braga #1 and do the world a favor and give 19 of them away liberally. Read Full Review

  • 10
    We The Nerdy - Kristina Poffenroth Jan 15, 2015

    Tess Fowler does a phenomenal job in this issue. She draws Braga with a really gentle face that reflects her peaceful leanings and sets her apart from the other orcs. That doesnt stop her from kicking ass, though, or from being incredibly sexy in the beginning and end of the issue. Fowler and Wiebe tackle transgender stereotypes by making it clear that now, to the reader and to other characters in the story, Braga is a woman, and shes a desirable woman, too. Read Full Review

  • 10
    BGCP - Jonny Stone Jan 19, 2015

    A brilliant, progressive comic with sublime art work and a touching story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Capeless Crusader - Nathan Brown Jan 15, 2015

    Rat Queens Special: Bragais a great origin story for a secondary character in the largerRat Queensseries. The issue is packed with orc bloodshed, but also a beautiful fantasy story. This issue would be great for anyRat Queensfan, or even a newcomer like myself to this realm of fantasy. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Jan 14, 2015

    Next week we swing back into the main story and I for one can't wait. This issue didn't feel like a placeholder, it just whetted my appetite for more of our foul-mouthed heroines. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye Jan 15, 2015

    The engrossing tale is brilliantly told and helps to add further depth to one the series' most enigmatic and intriguing characters Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Jan 13, 2015

    Another fantastic chapter to add to this already beloved title. A world where no one is a background character as their story is just as important as the next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jan 14, 2015

    Art wise, Tess Fowler proves well equipped to match the style and tone we've come to expect, her characters emotive and well constructed. Her colors are definitely on the darker side comparatively, but aside from a few weird scale issues she feels right at home in Wiebe's world. Rat Queen's Special: Braga may not sate all those looking for more on the fearsome foursome, but it nevertheless proves a welcome and engaging chapter. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Jan 5, 2015

    Obviously, at some point in Braga's life decisions were made. However, they are not the core of what shapes her it's the scars of familial tradition, derision and force that have turned her into a glorious warrior and pushed her to leave home. It's a story that, no matter your gender or background, many can relate to. That is what more trans stories should have in them so that those, walking the same path as Leelah Alcorn, have representation to see that life can go on a be what they make of it, when surrounded by people who care about them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Nikki Sherman Jan 14, 2015

    Overall, this issue is a treat, and a worthwhile read for fans of the series and fans of social issues alike. At the very least, this issue will sate the Rat Queens need until the next issue comes out. Get to know Braga at one of the deepest levels possible, and do it all with the cavalier attitude that makesRat Queens consistentlyone of the best books on the shelf. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Enrique Rea Jan 14, 2015

    Rat Queens Special: Braga is a nice diversion from the series that may not have the usual sarcastic humor, but does a wonderful job of addressing a transgender character by merely treated her as a person. Something we could all learn in general. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 14, 2015

    At the end of the issue a new artist is revealed for the main series, but you'll have to check the site for that bit of news. It's interesting, but also a bit sad that Upchurch won't be returning. As for this issue though, it really goes to show that the world is solid enough not to rely on one artist which is the true test for any property. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Jan 11, 2015

    Rat Queens: Braga was a fun way to establish both the character Braga and the artist Tess Fowler to a larger reading audience of Rat Queen fans. With the main series of Rat Queens suffering from large gaps between issues, doing a one-shot like Rat Queens: Braga is a smart way to sedate reader's urges until the story picks back up. Rat Queens: Braga felt so successful handling both the concept of a one-shot and bringing in a guest artist, one can only hope for more. As a reader and fan, I would love to see all sorts of artists tackling other minor characters in similar Rat Queens one-shots. Rat Queens: Braga was a fantastic read to bring readers back into the Rat Queens world, but it also stands on its own perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Jan 16, 2015

    Rat Queens Special: Braga #1 is probably the only one-shot we are going to get with this character and it was an outstanding one well-executed by everyone involved. I'd love to see more about this character and I bet you would too. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Martin Doyle Jan 14, 2015

    Writer Kurtis J. Wiebehas unflinchingly broached a sensitive subject without resorting to fanfare or sensationalism, and given us one of the first, if not the first, transgender characters in comics. There are many who could take a leaf from his book with regard to handling such a ground-breaking move. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Travis Anderson Jan 16, 2015

    This Braga focused special was an enjoyable book that gave us greater insight into a fan favorite character you can't help but like. I appreciate what Kurtis is doing with her and the direction he's gone in, I just wish we got more in terms of the "reveal" and less of the overused rpg backstory. Rat Queens fans better pick this up, fantasy fans better be reading Rat Queens, and anyone else better start. Rats Queens Special: Braga #1 isn't a place to do it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Jan 16, 2015

    Rat Queens has been a breakout success at Image Comics and for good reason. It incorporates humor, action, and diverse, fully realized characters into a beautiful looking romp of a comic book. None of those elements are present in Braga #1 though. Both Wiebe and Fowler's contributions to the one-shot read as if they are unfinished turning what might have been an interesting look at a lesser known character into something unnecessary and unsatisfying. Read Full Review

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