Soup Owens-Fowler's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 46
8.1Avg. Review Rating

All-New Doop #1

Apr 12, 2014

When this series was announced I was hoping for Wolverine and the X-Men #17 expanded upon into a whole volume of stories, but what I got was a weird tale of unrequited love from the margins. This is not something I wouldn't be interested in, it just seems like with as established Doop has been with being important to the Jean Grey School branch of mutants without even them knowing it, a story where he basically pervs out on Kitty Pryde feels like a missed opportunity. Even as a fan of the weirdest X-Man of them all, I still cocked my eyebrow after closing the last page. I hope Milligan knows what he's doing.

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All-New X-Factor #2

Jan 22, 2014

Overall, I am enjoying this new incarnation of X-Factor and the corperate angle seems like it is fertile ground for many different, and relevant stories. The last incarnation was certainly one of the best filthy mutie books on the shelves, so I am confident Peter David knows what he is doing and look forward to seeing what he has in mind. Fans of David and the previous X-Factors he unleashed upon the world should absolutely get on board if they haven't already. Those who want to jump on to see what the fuss is about couldn't do better than All-New X-Factor as long as they don't mind plot points that reference many years of past continuity from time to time that they would have no concept of.

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All-New X-Factor #3

Feb 13, 2014

I'm still on board. I still want to see how the team responds when the eventually figure out what Serval is about (especially when Lorna finds out how her trust was broken. Oh man, is that going to push all of her crazy buttons). Peter David has earned enough credit to see what he has to say about corporate run superheroes, especially after this issue. The steam is building, let's see if it can pop the way it needs to.

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All-New X-Factor #4

Mar 15, 2014

Peter David feels like he is taking control of the title now that he has a sure idea of what he wants to do. With Carmine Di Giandomenico making wonderful uses of his storytelling abilities and character moments, it's shaping up to be a very fun book. The best decision was to have Gambit be our point of view, as his heart beats strongest on this roster. We still haven't gotten into the meat of what Serval is up to, but I'm content in rounding out the team first and this issue adds a welcome addition with explosive flair.

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All-New X-Factor #6

Apr 12, 2014

All New X-Factor brings us back to one of the most tightknit BFFs in the Marvel Universe. Filthy mutie fans from back into the Claremont days can appreciate the return of Doug and Warlock as a staple to the status quo. How they will fare currently with thise team of Serval employees is the entire reason this issue exists solely as set up, but the implications are intriguing. Cut the Mrs. Snow subplot altogether and even when discussing family dynamics dressed in spandex uniforms among a backdrop of impossible science, and despite being set up the issue is an engaging read.

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All-New X-Men #26

May 1, 2014

If trouble wasn't brewing for our filthy muties, this wouldn't be an X-Men book at all. Bendis and Immonen have a full grasp at this point at what makes these characters work and who they are, even if it took a little bit to get there (as in the case of X-23). I remember when this title was announced feeling it would be impossible to be anything other than a gimmick, and they have turned it into one of my must-reads. This issue provides us with the interpersonal connections that make the muties stand out from all other Marvel properties while setting up the knock down, drag out genetic brawl only they can get themselves into. Fans will already have this one on top of the pile, and new readers will be brought up to speed, able to enjoy the coming conflict. All New X-Men continues to solidify itself as a marker in the quality of the mutant corner of the 616.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #4

Feb 22, 2014

I am 12 years old again. Aaron and McGuinness have transported me back to the age where my eyes are filled with problems only mutants have, and my heart soars at the thought of how they overcome any obstacle, especially death. Amazing X-men's inaugural arc has been, pun intended fully, one hell of a ride. Now that everyone is back together, my inner 12 year old is pumping his fists in the air, totally on board for the final installment where my favorite heroes get to beat the baddie and save the day. I had almost forgotten what it felt like, and now that Amazing X-men is in the world, I never will.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #5

Mar 26, 2014

In an alternate reality we would have never known Nightcrawler was coming back until these issues were presented to us. It would have taken the "Oh that's cool!" reaction from the previews and turned it up to "I CANNOT BELIEVE I'M READING THIS!! THIS IS AMAZING!! HOW DID THEY DO IT?!?!" It would have been talked about for years as one of the industry's best moments of 2014. Sadly, the outcome was telegraphed by Marvel's own PR and what we have left is just a fantastic story, beautiful artwork, and the legitimate return of the character we have wanted to see in his true form for years.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #9

Jul 12, 2014

World War Wendigo is a fantastic idea. It's actually such a great idea that to just confine it to one title seems a disservice. This could have been an awesome multi-title mutant crossover event with how powerful those white, furry legs are. Still, Amazing X-Men #9 does what it can and does it decently enough. The issue suffers from being the earlier part of the story so we see a lot of peril with little payoff, but that's to be expected. If we can just get Puck to lose that ugly onesie all will be right in the world.

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Bitch Planet #2

Jan 30, 2015

I can easily see how this book will instantly alienate the portion of the population who believe women in comics should look like porn stars, use the acronym SJW as a pejorative, and lash out at women on Twitter for daring to be interested in the same things they are. I can see how this would make them uncomfortable, as that is the point. It's a comic that embraces its discomfort to the status quo and wraps itself up in it like a flag. Kelly Sue DeConnick is no fool and knew this would polarize the community and get us talking about the roles of women in comics and our lives. She knew there would be vitriol directed to her and this book and didn't let that stop her. It's the story she needed to tell so that somewhere, someone would pick up this story and go "Yeah. Yeah I get it. I understand this.". This issue solidifies that relationship by bringing the characters more into focus and lays out the path.

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Cable and X-Force #19

Jan 23, 2014

That aside, I am not at all disappointed with the direction of this story, and if they continue at this pace they will give both titles the satisfactory conclusion that we deserve before Si Spurrier gets his weird hands on the property.

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Day Men #3

Mar 6, 2014

I'm on board with this series. The concept is worth exploring and it seems the creators have a handle on how they would like to do it. This issue is not for new readers, but the series is new enough to certainly be accessible to them. With Draculas and Lestats in the world, it's refreshing to get a new viewpoint on the vampire mythos. Day Men delivers on that promise and this particular issue delivers on itself. Action, intrigue, surprising twists, and dire fates pepper these pages. I don't want to wait until June to read the next issue, but Day Men is good enough I will if I have to.

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Deadpool (2012) #23

Feb 20, 2014

If you're not a fan of the character because you hated the loony toons slapstick he is known for, know that this is not that Deadpool. The last two story arcs have put the character through the wringer emotionally and it shows in how he approaches things as a reaction which is darker and more brutal. This issue continues that theme perfectly while framing his violent outbursts in a way that as a reader we can still find humorous without groaning. Deadpool's come a long way, but he's still got so much more to go and that's worth seeing, even if only to see what the hell he is going to do next.

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Deadpool (2012) #24

Feb 26, 2014

Those who have dismissed this title have lost out on the scope Posehn and Duggan have given this title. Events from the first story arc come into play even here (The Ghost of Ben Franklin even makes a manifestation!), and the series works as one long story instead of pieces set up into rows of six. Those who have dismissed this character for being a gag, an irritant, or an over exposed inside joke are missing this new depth of Wade Wilson, a character who feels regret, penance, and most of all grief. It's a new era for the guy, and it makes for some of the best stories ever written about him. If you have even a passing interest in Deadpool, go back and start with this volume. If this issue, and the weight it carries on his indestructible shoulders, is any indication, it will be the volume that makes Deadpool someone to care about again.

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Deadpool (2012) #25.NOW

Mar 13, 2014

As an issue into and of itself, it's one long fight and then some resolution. That would make it unbalanced if the other chapters were not taken into account. As the climax to Deadpool vs. SHIELD it is extremely satisfying. Wade has known depths he has never ventured into before and it noticeably changes him, while he retains the essence of his character that makes him unique among the 616. Fans will see this as one of his defining moments, while casual readers perhaps will see him as more than a walking, talking, murdering Chuck Jones sight gag. It's a new age for the Merc With a Mouth, and it sets up his mind frame perfectly to segway us into the kind of story where he could see himself settling down. I for one, have already RSVP'd.

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Deadpool (2012) #27

Apr 12, 2014

Deadpool really loves his wife, and this story of how they shared vows is a nice touch. It seemed supplemental to the infinite comic which is backwards to me, as fans of the series who missed The Gauntlet will be totally lost with, well, everything going on. The bonus material didn't feel at all throwaway filler and provided a coherent unifying narrative on Wade's marriages, or lack thereof, making this oversized issue seem like an event, and not just an excuse, which for ten bucks is a relief. If only the art on the main story were given as much care as the art in the bonus material this issue would have been a homerun for anyone fully caught up on ShikPool. Everyone else will be totally lost and confused, which is the way Wade wants you to be anyway.

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Deadpool (2012) #28

May 17, 2014

The heart and soul of Deadpool are on center stage during this whirlwind romance with the demon Queen. He shows her his true motivations and she loves him more for them. He reveals his true face to the world and she adores his handsome good looks. He is devoted to her fully, and loves watching her get angry enough to turn enemies into pink paste while she gets a thrill from his proficiency with explosives. They are Marvel's new Bonnie and Clyde and it will be a treat to see them make appearances together in other titles. Like every good marriage, Shiklah makes Wade's world better by sharing it with him and the same can be said for the comic that bears his name.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #11.NOW

Jan 30, 2014

I've been burned recently with bi-title crossovers, but it's hard to be cynical when presented with such enjoyable artwork wrapped around a sincerely fun story. If you have love for either title this is an event you need to be on board with, and if you are mildly interested this is a good place to start. The Guardians of the Galaxy will be a big deal this year and The Trial of Jean Grey will be a story new fans may come back to revist. If this issue is any indication, they would be well served, IF Bendis can stick the landing.

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Hacktivist Vol. 2 #1

Jul 31, 2015

If you are a fan of a sizzling thriller that uses cutting-edge technology to tell a story about identity in a world where we are merging into one collective via cyberspace, there is no better book out there. It's smart, realistic, and grips you every time you turn the page. The market for these stories in comics is expanding and Hacktivist deserves a chance to show the world what comics can do. It's a scary and exciting day and age we live in where we are all on the same wavelength in a sense, so as you read this on your mobile device take a moment to reflect on how powerful that is, and use that mindset to dive fully into this story. Hacktivist will do the rest and make you look at that tiny supercomputer in your hand in a different way the moment you close the last page.

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Jupiter's Legacy #4

Mar 5, 2014

I understand transitional issues to establish the new direction of the story. I just wish this particular transition gave us a little more than establishing shots of how the world is. I was hoping for more sweeping examples of how the world changed. Yes, the little moments with Chloe, Hutch, and Jason were wonderful, but they didn't satisfy the promise delivered by the closing pages of the previous issue. If Frank Quietly and Mark Millar are just filling in the spaces, giving us what seems to be a rushed issue to get to the next thing, what incentive is there for us to be invested? The look and pacing feel as if they forgot about this title in light of their heavy workloads. Those who follow this title are likely to forget about it if we are constantly treated like an afterthought.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #2

Mar 5, 2014

Those who dismiss this title as pandering to a movie audience, aside from missing the point of gaining new readers in the medium, do themselves a disservice by not familiarizing themselves with this new, more active Loki. The concept of putting him on missions for Asgard is one that seems a long time coming, despite the character's recent popularity. Though this issue seems to serves as set up for an upcoming arc told almost exclusively through a conversation, it is to the credit of the creators that it never once seems boring or filler. Loki will tell you the truth that he is going to lie to you. The issue lies to you about telling you the truth. If the quality of this book stays consistent, this will be a title you're going to want to read, and that is no lie.

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Magneto (2014) #7

Jul 19, 2014

Those who delighted in Magneto's Argentinian adventure in X-Men: First Class would be over the moon for this book. It's exactly the vigilante justice against mutant kind delivered by the most ruthless anti-hero this side of the Punisher we need. While the renaissance of more light-hearted fare is a welcome change across Marvel's books, Magneto is NOT a character that should be included with them and thanks to Cullen Bunn, we are getting the Magneto evil mutant hating scum deserves.

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One-Hit Wonder #1

Feb 27, 2014

Hollywood is a hell of a town, where lies and fiction are the norm. For Richie Reese, it's a personal playground above the law and without the constraints of a moral high ground. But with the leaps in logic, and the after the fact characterization is this a Hollywood tale we need? The intriguing concept of a killer who uses special effects to help him commit, and get away with, murder is merit enough for me to check out the second issue. It needs to establish why we should care at all about Richie fast, otherwise I won't be able to convince myself to pick up the third.

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Original Sins #2

Jun 28, 2014

Original Sins #2 isn't a terrible read nor is it essential. In fact, it doesn't really have anything to do with the main story of Original Sin aside from "Hey. This happened to the world. Now here's this other thing"". It's worth having for any Black Knight fan by far, worth skipping for any Howard the Duck fans, and Young Avengers fans will be in their comfort zone, confused yet hopeful and willing to go along for the ride. While Infinity suffered from too much of the main story being told in supplemental books, Original Sin seems to be going the opposite route by touching upon the core story just enough to be aware that it exists and no more. It would be nice if a Major Marvel Event could find the happy medium between the two and give us stories we can't get in the core Event and enhance it by giving us a different perspective of a story we could easily digest without the supplemental titles. Axis, you have been officially been put on notice.

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Rat Queens: Braga #1

Jan 14, 2015

Rat Queens Special: Braga #1 should be given away freely to anyone who feels alone in living in the wrong body, culture, social role, family, or mindset. It is a testament to thriving as the true You despite what you are expected to be. It relishes in embracing this theme and carefully structures a tale that is relevant and relatable to the lives of those born different. It should have been a parody of the DnD world of storytelling, but Rat Queens is turning into one of the most heartfelt and profound comics being made today. This book is a game changer, and this issue should be celebrated and used as an example of how comics can be relevant to our world and the plight of those marginalized within it. Buy 20 copies of Rat Queens Special: Braga #1 and do the world a favor and give 19 of them away liberally.

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Rocket Raccoon (2014) #5

Nov 6, 2014

Rocket Raccoon is the book you get kids into comics with. Coming fresh off the biggest movie of 2014 he now has instant brand recognition, and this book takes everything about him and his pal Groot that makes them great and turns up the volume to 11. Scottie Young and his team are flawless in their execution of movement and pacing, showing you everything important rather than telling you. The concept of Groot telling a story is wonderful and paired with the art shows us all, and ideally the next generation, why comics are so great and a singular medium on their own. If you love fun, buy this comic yesterday as it continues to be one of the brightest spots on the Marvel side of the shelves.

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Sovereign #1

Mar 19, 2014

This initial issue of Sovereign is a toe into this world. Like all good fantasy, the real nature of the story and the world it takes place in is only revealed over time. Impatient readers might want to avoid a title like this, because it will most certainly be a slow burn. Those who can read novels a thousand pages long without breaking a sweat will understand the pacing, but will they be willing to invest in the breaks between issues novels do not have? If so, they have the potential to be rewarded with an intricate world populated by interesting characters, all with problems we can simultaneously understand and never have.

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The Saviors #2

Jan 29, 2014

Image once again proves to be the home of creators who want to tell the kind of stories they want to read, the bottom line and market shares be damned. Robinson and J-Bone have begun a tale that exudes passion for the material, and for them that can be it's own reward. The Saviors is not out to reinvent or deconstruct genres, it just wants to tell an oddball story that's fun in an 'Outer Limits" kind of way. For some, the simplicity may be a turn off, but for those who can enjoy an extremely visual telling of an aliens-among-us story, this is definitely worth a look.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

Jan 7, 2015

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is certainly not for everyone. Those who are slaves to continuity and logic will be furious. Those who think badassery is broken bones and bloodstains need not apply. Most importantly, those who are so serious they think the very idea of a superhero dedicated to the power of squirrels is an affront to comics should be within ten feet and back turned from every copy of this book at all times. The rest of us, young and old, who secretly wish the power of whimsy and punches can make a difference in the world need to get on board. This is a comic for kids, joyous adults, and anyone in-between who think silly is power and smiling is it's own reward.

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The Wicked + The Divine #3

Aug 21, 2014

There has been a void in the comic book community since The Sandman concluded. Several contenders were complimented by coming close to filling that void. It's only three issues in, but The Wicked + The Divine is the best possible candidate for being this era's answer to what The Sandman meant for the 90′s. It has the elements right, metaphysical impossibility delivered through a modern atmosphere, larger than life characters that seem all too human despite unfathomable powers, stories about stories, and the balls to go wherever it needs to go to to make sure every image and every word are given the attention they deserve.

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The Wicked + The Divine #4

Sep 17, 2014

WicDiv is what you need to be reading. There will be a day where we, as fans, collectively look back and remember this book as one of the books that changed the game for us all. Image is putting out the best comics on the stand right now and this is well in their top tier of quality. It's a concept that could be translated into a movie or series in an ultramodern way that would blow minds and win hearts, but it's easy to see the comic will always be the definitive source. At just 4 issues in, now is the best time to see for yourself if the attention is hyperbole, or genuinely one of the most exciting and stylish comics of the modern age.

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The Wicked + The Divine #6

Dec 16, 2014

WicDiv should be on every ‘Best Of' list for 2014. The writing, art, and concept all work in perfect sync every panel on every page in every issue. The marriage of comic and music has never been more pronounced since Kat Bjelland of Babes in Toyland and Peter Steele from Type O Negative made that Witchblade album in the 90's. This issue begins a new arc and with it brings new gods into the web of incredible acts of divinity and intricate portrayals of relatable nuances in how we feel. Expect 2015 to bring this title to more lips as it grows into a bonafide cultural phenomenon of the medium, and marvel at how perfectly it comments upon the idea of cultural phenomenons as it does so.

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The Wicked + The Divine #7

Jan 22, 2015

This issue is a piece of the tapestry that Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie are weaving and it will be imperative to the narrative going forward. For those of us fully invested and on the edge of our seats for every issue it provides us with new clues, new players, new motivations, new suspects, and new developments in relationships. It establishes further, with fresh layouts to the already perfect art and design and the hypermodern dialog and story, that this is a title that is distinctly of our time and needs to be read by those who want to see what comics can be in the future. For new readers this would not be the place to start the journey into fandom and divinity. It is too deep into its own continuity to make sense to anyone who hasn't been fully on board by this point, but you would be strongly encouraged to start at issue #1 and catch up with us. It's worth buying every issue from now until the finale for everyone who needs something fresh and different.

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The Wicked + The Divine #8

Feb 24, 2015

Many comics I have read for years feel sputtering on fumes and fail to excite me anymore. They stick to what they feel is a comfort zone that has persisted for two decades. Reading something like WicDiv that not only engages with a rich and fantastical mythology all it's own, but challenges the boundaries of what comics can actually BE, makes me fall in love with comics all over again. This is the book you buy for people who love cutting edge music and want to start reading comics but don't know where to start. For those fully invested in the mystery and spectacle, this will be an issue you remember no matter how many issues the series will run. Keep it up guys, you're doing everything right.

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The Wicked + The Divine #9

Mar 26, 2015

As a single issue, WicDiv #9 is an infodump where very little aside from exposition happens. Those not invested into this world might very well be put off by an issue where people talk to each other for 90 percent of it. This is not for them. This is the issue those who poured over every detail of the previous eight issues, speculating, making theories, shipping characters, fancasting the remaining gods, and generally adoring everything Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie has been serving them on this title. It is an Issue of Answers, though each answer freely given provides more questions and will most certainly cause strife for the entire cast in the issues to come. To the core mystery of the book it is essential reading, and that alone should be the deciding factor for you. For me, I need to read issue #10 yesterday.

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The Wicked + The Divine #11

Jun 2, 2015

WicDiv is not a book for everybody and that is perfectly fine. Those of us who have bought in fully into this story and have come to cherish these characters as if they were living, authentic people in our lives are going to be emotionally wounded by this issue. That is to the credit of Gillen, McKelvie, and Wilson that they created something so fully realized with a lore that is true to itself that the fans were open to this sort of punishment without ever realizing it was even on the table. Indeed, though I thought about it, I won't rage-quit this book. It's just too good on every level and the fact that I was so effected by the story that I had to stop and process myself emotionally what I just read just proves that is the right decision.

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The Witcher #1

Mar 22, 2014

The Witcher has the foundation to be an excellent addition to the Fantasy Horror genre, with two protagonists who are relateable with the Badass-and-his-Friend dynamic. The world they live in and the dangers it possesses are interesting takes on things we may have seen before, but still have the opportunity to take us by surprise if the story is willing. If the ending is as strong and clear as the beginning, Tobin and Querio will have contributed a story that would be a great compiled volume easily read in a single sitting that would be at home on any genre fan's shelf. In our society, these two men have clearly defined jobs to make our lives enriched, and The Witcher is an example that they take it seriously and do it well.

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The Witcher #2

Apr 23, 2014

If you love atmospheric horror mysteries, The Witcher is an excellent book for you. It transends its video game roots and under Tobin and Querio and becomes its own entity. It is not the type of story for those seeking the hack and slash mechanics often found in fantasy, though it certainly has those elements, as the story has its own timetable when to reach its destination. The dialogue between characters that have personalities are natural and fluid, even if some characters would seem to be enemies based on Geralt's job description alone. Two issues in with the climax around the corner, this story is turning out to be a creepy slow burn of a good time.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #17

Jan 29, 2014

Vendetta' concludes in Uncanny X-Force #17 and after years of waiting for this thread in the mutant-o-sphere to reach a culmination, we get it in the form of a splatting, wet thud. The End.

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Veil #1

Mar 6, 2014

Who or what is Veil? It is too early to tell but the seeds have been planted. There are indications of a supernatural origin mixed with deadly commerce. For now, this introduction leaves us with a powerful girl, blank and loose in the world with a good samaritan now caught up into things he doesn't understand. It's a premise that is haunting and the mystery is the draw. That alone would make an interesting read but the beautiful artwork that is perfectly matched makes it brilliant. This is a comic to experience with your heart, like a song that evokes an exact mood. Atmospheric and bewitching, Veil is going to be on a lot of lips this year, two of which belong to me.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #2

Mar 19, 2014

Wolverine and the X-Men is a title that can live beyond the shadow of Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo, and Nick Bradshaw. It can be a vital part of the filthy mutie lineup that showcases the Jean Grey School, its faculty, and the students. This is not a misfire by any means, and I know Jason Latour has more room to go to express what his vision is for the title, but two issues in and we are more confused than ever. It's good to be confused by a mystery, it is bad to be confused by the answers and introductions you are given. If he can narrow down the focus and not rehash places we have already been, Latour can add a great new chapter to this title. If not then there's always another reboot to look forward to.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #5

Jun 20, 2014

I've given up hope for a student-centered title these days. Not there isn't a need for one, but I don't see Marvel adding yet another book to their lineup anytime soon that focuses solely on the future of the mutant race's day to day. Wolverine and the X-Men, under Latour's guidance, may be the best I can hope for. This issue winds down the first arc and it is dense with development. Cut out the whole Phoenix Corporation nonsense and this would have been an excellent read. Mend the Schism, give us more Doop, and focus on these fascinating new students, and it still very well could be.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #6

Jul 26, 2014

This issue is so bad I worry about what is going on in editorial. I wonder if X-Men editor Mike Marts is doing ok in his life that he would sign off on this. The story is a mashup interpretation of several stories we've already read within the last year and the art is disgusting. I love these characters and I want to spend time with them and watch them evolve, but not like this…never like this. Until this ship gets righted with even a fraction of the creativity, talent, and entertainment Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw infused within the pages, I'm done here and that breaks my heart.

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X-Force (2014) #1

Feb 12, 2014

I didn't love this book as much as I was hoping, but I understand #1′s can be rocky before the creative team finds its groove. I know Si Spurrier is a talented and imaginative writer who can handle oddball humor and "explodo" action as easily as technospeak and high concept skullduggery, so I give him the benefit of the doubt on the vision of this title. An excellent start towards goodwill from me would be to pass over the POV voice to ANYONE else and keep Marrow in the background.

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X-Force (2014) #2

Mar 15, 2014

X-Force needs to step up its game. The goodwill the title has from its concept of finding, saving, and avenging mutant experiments IS worthwhile, and Si Spurrier is one of the weirdest and most fun writers working today. However the art is a huge turn off when studied for longer than a second and several characters need more dimensions added to them as soon as possible. If it wasn't for the fact I know what Spurrier can do to a story I honestly would be dropping this title after this issue, but he's earned the right on other tales for me to give it another shot. Barely.

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X-Men: Legacy (2012) #300

Mar 13, 2014

As a capper to the series this is one hell of a goodbye. I would love to see more adventures of ForgetMeNot as he provides Deus Ex Machina solutions to the problems the mutant race faces, which is a testament to how well he works as a symbol. A home for the singular stories of the most uncanny of X-Men, Legacy is put to rest with the touching dignity it deserves. A comic that makes us feel better about going it alone, embracing our individuality despite the world not knowing our names. That's something we all can identify with and be touched by. Even though our memory will be cleansed of the presence of the X-men's unheralded protector ForgetMeNot, we will never forget the Legacy left behind.

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