Archie #3

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Fiona Staples Publisher: Archie Comics Release Date: September 30, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 29 User Reviews: 17
9.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Something strange is looming over Riverdale - and it's taking the shape of a giant mega-mansion owned by an elusive mogul. Why has he chosen the quaint town of Riverdale, USA as his base of operations? And how is he going to use the teens of Riverdale High to further his political aspirations? Big questions and challenges await the teens and townsfolk. Meanwhile, a new student has graced the halls of Riverdale High and she's turning heads in a big way! Find out all the answers to these important questions in the third issue of the biggest comics sensation of the season!

  • 10
    GWW - Gabbie G. Sep 29, 2015

    Basically, Veronica's addition to the cast has already set the stage to a whole new level of nuanced dynamics and reactions like the domino effect it should be, but all very subtle and realistic. Better yet, it's unpredictable, which aside from humanity is one of the things you most want from your comics. Yes " even Archie! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 30, 2015

    Regardless if you've never read an Archie comic before or if you're a long time fan, Mark Waid and Fiona Staples' ARCHIE is such a delightful read. With a great mixture of of the core essence of the characters combined with a fresh and modern twist, it's easy to see why this title has risen to the top of our reading lists. Forget what you know about the Archie characters or embrace it all. Either way, you're going to dig this series. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicsverse - Danny Rivera Oct 1, 2015

    It may look cartoony and silly and bend the rules of logic and reality, but that's because ARCHIE's got a big, beating heart that can't be contained by normal rules. I guarantee anyone who reads ARCHIE #3 will findsomemoment to point at and scream, “YES! I'VE BEEN THERE!” Which is whyeveryone should read it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Oct 1, 2015

    'Archie' #3 is another reminder that rebooting the iconic comic could be fresh and entertaining while adding depth and nuance. Even the well-worn love triangle between Archie/Betty/Veronica is reconstructed devoid of platitudes. Waid and Staples have tapped into what makes the Riverdale experience so relatable to its readers. At its center is the emotional toll that being young takes and how that manifests in actions, usually in hilarity. Despite the loss of Staples moving forward, 'Archie' will continue to take readers on a hilarious journey with friends they continue to rediscover. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Gabbie G. Sep 29, 2015

    Basically, Veronica's addition to the cast has already set the stage to a whole new level of nuanced dynamics and reactions like the domino effect it should be, but all very subtle and realistic. Better yet, it's unpredictable, which aside from humanity is one of the things you most want from your comics. Yes " even Archie! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Sep 29, 2015

    Archie #3 was the last comic book I expected to give me a strong case of the feels, but all the same, I am glad it did. While still funny and fresh feeling, Mark Waid and the Archie art team present the classic Archie/Betty/Veronica love triangle in a way that feels relatable and avoiding of cliches. Teenage embarrassment is often an easy source of comedy for comic books, but Archie #3 understands that its never funny for the people involved and used that to inform Veronica's debut and turn her into more of a character and less like a romantic ideal. Though we will miss Fiona Staples in Riverdale, Archie's first installments prove that this new series will continue to be entertaining and resonant moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Oct 2, 2015

    This is once again a great issue, and proves that Archie reboot is a success. Now the classic Archie/Betty/Veronica love triangle is finally established, I'm excited to see where the story will take her next. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Sep 30, 2015

    Archie #3 brings the core characters together and sets up the main conflict that will play throughout the series. Smartly, this creative team has changed the Betty-Veronica-Archie love triangle to something a little more tenable that puts Archie in a more positive light (I mean, sixty years to choose one girl? That's way too long!). The issue also features a very interesting"if brief"afterward from Waid and a reprint of a classic Archie issue (this time it's the first appearance of Veronica). Once again, Archie has proven to be one of the highlights of my month. Dr. Josh gives this an" Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 28, 2015

    I'd like to say this is excellent reading for everybody, but the truth is if you're more of an action orientated person you're going to find this boring. Then again, if you're even picking up a comic called Archie and you're looking for action you're probably too misguided to know what's good for you in the first place. Without a doubt the most fun you'll have with young adults this year. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Oct 7, 2015

    The reboot of Archie has been met with a surprising amount of enthusiasm most likely as it's more down to earth than before. The issues of the characters in the comic actually feel like a mostly realistic idea of what it's like to try and navigate your way through high school, the creative team works excellently together and will hopefullycontinue to hit this new version of the classic out of the park for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Oct 2, 2015

    The plot doesn't have any real surprises, the structure is standard and the major characters retain defining traits, but the creative team makes it all feel fresh, if not new. The reader knows what will happen when a rich girl has to slum it, but how it all happens again will delight. This is how to relaunch a classic. The new "Archie" continues live up to the hype. It's one of the best new titles of 2015. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Sep 30, 2015

    Fiona Staples and Mark Waid give us one of the best character introductions in recent comics: Veronica makes an impression as distinct as Regina George in Mean Girls. Staples wows with Veronica's every disdainful look over her shoulder. Readers will enjoy the entertaining range of reactions to Veronica: Archie's puppylike eagerness, Jughead's antipathy, and Betty's disgust. Staples and Waid create memorable characters and a fun, immersive high school world that readers of all ages will love. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Jesse Peterson Oct 4, 2015

    Archie #3 keeps breaking down new walls. When announced everyone knew this series was going to be a force to be reckoned with, but I don't think we knew how much of a breath of fresh air it would be to Archie. I love every change they put in, and yet they still give it that Archie feel. This book is still a must read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Jeremy Farber Oct 14, 2015

    This was another stellar chapter in the Archie reboot story. Hopefully, it won't slow down. At this rate, however, there are no signs of that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Ashley Gibbs Mar 28, 2017

    This series offers a great read, filled with real emotions and plenty of humor. While I looked forward to Archie #3 I was a little personally let down by the depiction of Veronica, but she has plenty of time to grow on me. As a bonus, at the end of the book there is an old Archie comic, when Veronica was first introduced in 1942. While she doesn't have as much attitude as in this new version, she is still rich and an influential lady that Archie wants to spend time with. It's a great read juxtaposed against this modern retelling. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Flip Geeks - Paul Ramos Oct 15, 2015

    Archie #3 sets the mood to an interesting story arc while presenting a serious matter of the social-economic and cultural divide, though still retaining the hilarity that defines the Archie comics. Waid's scripts are absolutely solid, and Fiona's arts are equally stunning. Though this is Fiona's farewell issue yet, Annie Wu's cover art sample may continue the greatness of this lighthearted series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Oct 1, 2015

    This series has been off to a great start. It’s not easy to reinvent a character as classic as Archie, but Waid and Staples are making it look effortless. I can’t wait to see what Waid has in store for us in the future. Judging by what we’ve seen so far, it’s going to be good! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Oct 1, 2015

    One of the most highly-awarded writers of the last few years (Mark Waid) and one of the biggest artists around right now (Fiona Staples) work with 75 year-old character, and the results have been revelatory. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Yet Another Media Site - Kevin Finnigan Sep 29, 2015

    With the first arc over, its safe to say that the ARCHIE reboot has been a full-blown success. Wait & Staples have created a comic that has makes the month long wait in between issues feel that much longer. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Oct 1, 2015

    Archie wouldn't be Archie without the Archie/Betty/Veronica triangle, making Veronica's role in the proceedings an expected one. What's unexpected, however, is the way Mark Waid and Fiona Staples portray the haughty heiress. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Sep 30, 2015

    Archie #3 is yet again another exciting issue in this all-new series that reinvigorates the story for a new generation as well as the old. Veronica has made her entrance and things are taking more of a unique turn than before. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Stefania Rudd Oct 12, 2015

    Overall the story is smart, funny, and lays a sturdy foundation for the shenanigans to come. It's easy to enjoy seeing these familiar characters in a new way with stronger personalities than in past versions, and that makes this book entertaining. The artwork by Staples is gorgeous and modern, and continues to complement the dialogue Waid has written. She is good at having the characters show emotion even when there is little to no dialogue in a panel and it seems to give the characters even more life. It's rather easy to admit; reading Archie is cool again. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 5, 2015

    The drama is amped up, but the comedy is still running strong throughout, and the "new" take on the characters is interesting. I love the art, I like the characters, and I'm intrigued to see where the story is taking us, so I'll continue to hang with the series. So far, the fresh start is working... for me. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    PopOptiq - Logan Dalton Sep 28, 2015

    Archie #3 introduces Veronica to the cast of characters in a visual appealing and charismatic way as Mark Waid's teen soap opera plot gets a touch crazier and gains some new pet names, and Fiona Staples scores some laughs with her art of Archie getting strung along by Veronica. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Oct 5, 2015

    Mark Waid firmly establishes the central quartet of the book and Fiona Staples finishes out her run in style. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Andr Habet Sep 30, 2015

    Sometimes I feel like I'm approaching burnout in writing about a comic after three issues with it, but in the case of Archie I feel very capable of continually deconstructing the ongoing activity at Riverdale. I'm bummed to see Staples leave so soon from the comic, but super glad she took this book on in addition to her work on Saga. The great news is that with Ming Doyle taking over next month, readers will continue to be treated to amazing art to accompany these fun and fabulous stories of teenage life. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Project Fandom - Rexlor Graymond Oct 2, 2015

    After slowly building up her highly anticipated appearance, Miss Veronica Lodge finally makes her grand entrance among her peers and certainly makes a memorable first impression in the third issue of the wildly entertaining Archie series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    First Comics News - Richard Vasseur Sep 29, 2015

    This new updated look is different in some ways and the same in others. It does work though. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Gary Moloney Oct 1, 2015

    If slice of life comedies can be successful in the manga industry, Archie has shown there is no reason why it can't similarly excelin western comics. Read Full Review

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