Danny Rivera's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 51
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #42

Jul 4, 2015

One last thing: after reading so many comics, we can take panel-by-panel storytelling for granted. Take time to appreciate the tight, economical storytelling in ACTION COMICS #42 (and #41)"Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder are doing excellent work.

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Action Comics (2011) #43

Aug 17, 2015

This arc of ACTION COMICS has an excellent team holding it up. It's just a shame that it now hangs it limbo between what it could be, and what it is.

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Action Comics (2011) #44

Sep 11, 2015

With #44, ACTION COMICS'story, thematically, at least, is back on the right track. With consistently strong art, it's far from a failure, but it seems in the midst of a balancing act that leaves certain elements wanting. Let's hope that by #45 those elements can again work together togive this story theending it deserves.

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Action Comics (2011) #45

Oct 7, 2015

All-in-all, though, ACTION COMICS #45 gives us an interesting peek at Superman minus the Super, at a man who's trying to find the super within himself. Unfortunately, it isn't long before the title puts that aside for a more traditional “Supermanny”, science-fiction plot-line. This story isgood, and it's already bordering on having too many layers, so thisnew one is both unnecessary and probably too much. As always, though, it ends in such a way that reading ACTION COMICS #46 is kind of a given.

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Archie (2015) #2

Aug 23, 2015

Whether you're a long-time fan of Riverdale High or just like being entertained, ARCHIE has what you need.

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Archie (2015) #3

Oct 1, 2015

It may look cartoony and silly and bend the rules of logic and reality, but that's because ARCHIE's got a big, beating heart that can't be contained by normal rules. I guarantee anyone who reads ARCHIE #3 will findsomemoment to point at and scream, “YES! I'VE BEEN THERE!” Which is whyeveryone should read it.

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Assassin's Creed #1

Oct 13, 2015

I can't say with certainty that ASSASSIN'S CREED #1 achieves the same level of success. There's a lot to like here, and the stage is definitely set for an intriguing, action-packed, and satisfying series, but that may be limited to the built-in fanbase. That said, everyone should at least check it out. ASSASSIN'S CREED #1 is on shelves October 14th.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #1

Oct 7, 2015

I hope that isn't the case, because there are a lot of great pieces in place. They just don't come together to do anything particularly compelling. It's as if everyone involved expects you to read this anyway, so they didn't make too much of an effort to make the issueitself grab you. If you want to read BATMAN & ROBIN ETERNAL #2 when it comes out, go right ahead, but I'll pass.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #1

Oct 14, 2015

Tom Brevoort, who edited this title along with Katie Kubert, said of the upcoming event, “Avengers: Standoff”, that he thought of it as a response to themassivescale of “Secret Wars”. “Standoff” will be something more grounded, more about people, and what it's like when heroes get back to the basics of saving lives. Clearly CAPTAIN AMERICA: SAM WILSON isn't waiting for that event, and is making that standnow. It's a brave start, and is definitely something to watch.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #2

Oct 29, 2015

All-in-all, CAPTAIN AMERICA: SAM WILSON #2 is an excellent second-half of a one-two punch that brings Captain America into the 21st century. It looks as if things could get more streamlined in the third issue, but I hope, in so doing, it doesn't lose its social edge. Setting up the world is one thing, but now it has to make sure Cap keeps living in it.

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Deadpool vs. Thanos #1

Sep 8, 2015

I don't want to harsh your Deadpool buzz too much, because DEADPOOL VS THANOS #1is fun, and has set up the potential for even more fun, but don't look to find anything of substance here.

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Deadpool vs. Thanos #2

Sep 23, 2015

DEADPOOL VS. THANOS #2 may have some appeal for die hards, people eager to see Deadpool and Thanos and the Guardians all in one place, but beyond that, everyone else should pass.

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Detective Comics (2011) #44

Sep 8, 2015

Poorly executed stories hurt me, and they hurt even more when you can see their potential right on the page. DETECTIVE COMICS takes place in a worldripe for good cop stories, but it's playing more as just sidequests in the greater BATMAN story. That said, this arc of DETECTIVE COMICS is over, so with the solid foundation in place, we can look forward to what comes next, even if we arevery cautiously optimistic.

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Exit Generation #1

Sep 22, 2015

With one of the best-written introductions I've ever read and confident, sharp execution, it's a masterful debut and a title to which we should all be paying very, very close attention.

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Exit Generation #2

Oct 27, 2015

Come back next time, because I'm definitely reviewing EXIT GENERATION #3.

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Green Lantern (2011) #43

Aug 7, 2015

While there's no standout moment in GREEN LANTERN #43, it is a good continuation of an already compelling story that deepens the character work started in #41 and #42. It remains to be seen whether that trend will continue, but the potential is there for this to be a great Green Lantern story.

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Green Lantern (2011) #44

Sep 8, 2015

All in all, GREEN LANTERN #44 is a solid issue, in a solid arc. The trend of alternating between "important" issues and "standalone" issues may get a little stale, but that's simply a theory. So far, there's so much to like that this ride can last a while.

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Green Lantern (2011) #45

Oct 9, 2015

Green Lantern may be able to stop Hand for now, but that would only be a detail: he would have solveda problem while the Green Lantern Corps was gone, but defeating Hand won't bring them back. He would still alone, still be an outlaw, and still struggling to honor his responsibility to peace and justice throughout the galaxy. That's the brilliance of the issue: the immediateplot may come to a satisfying resolution, but thematically, there are still questions to answer, ideas to explore, and if they keep producing issues like this, I will most certainly come back for more.

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Green Lantern (2011) #46

Nov 4, 2015

No, GREEN LANTERN #46 isn't going to have you breathlessly turning pages, but it will leave you wholly satisfied. It would be perfectly understandable to not read anymore of GREEN LANTERN after this as this specific arc is wrapped up so well, but with Robert Venditti still writing, and the promises of Hal tackling his estrangement from Earth and the Green Lantern Corps head on, you can bet I'll be back for #47. Regardless, pick up the trade paperback when it releases, as this is not only a great Green Lantern story, but one of the better stories of the year.

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Justice League (2011) #42

Jul 16, 2015

I almost wish I had something actuallybad to say about this run. Everything about its execution is top notch, allowing you to sit back, strap in, and let Johns' story take you on a whirlwind of a ride. Especially after that last page (THAT LAST PAGE!), I cannot wait until next month.

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Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 23, 2015

JUSTICE LEAGUE #43 is another strong entry in a strong series and, being the third part of this series, I'm willing and excited to call that a trend.

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Justice League (2011) #44

Sep 30, 2015

It's all flash, though (pun kind of intended). In no moment is that truer than the opening panels. Despite gorgeous visuals, the Joker's presence, even just thematically, is curious. For fan service? To cash in on his recent resurgence in popularity? To promote the release of the “Endgame” trade paperback? It's justified through some allusions to laughter on the battlefield and an inelegant visual transition to Batman, but it just encapsulates the issue's, well, issue: look past the surface and there's not much going on there.

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Justice League (2011) #45

Oct 22, 2015

I only hope JUSTICE LEAGUE can live up to what they're doing. As I said above, the main part is the least interesting part, with Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Power Ring (poor Jessica Cruz–she's been Power Ring for all of five minutes and now has to contend with allthis), and Steve Trevor left cleaning up the mess of the war and dealing with Darkseid's lieutenants, while all the other characters run off into their own books for their exciting parts. Because they're all one-shots, however, I hope they'll all be in a narrative place to come back for more JUSTICE LEAGUE and add to the stakes and circumstances. Otherwise, JUSTICE LEAGUE #45 just did a great job of saying, “READ THESE BOOKS… but stop reading this one.”

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Justice League of America (2015) #3

Aug 27, 2015

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #3 effectively deepens its mystery, putting action in the backseat and letting the plot pivot around character choices. It remains to be seen if that will give way to the usual timey-wimey comic book stuff, but I will certainly be remaining to see it.

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Justice League of America (2015) #4

Oct 14, 2015

If you're looking for something bold and shocking and action-packed, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #4 isn't for you. If you're looking, however, for something clever and well-constructed and exciting and thrilling in a subtly satisfying way, then I cannot more highly recommend it. It almost feels as if what happens after this issue are just details that I don't necessarily need to read, but after this minor stroke of genius, I'm willing to ride out this arc all the way to the end.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: The Flash #1

Nov 4, 2015

The thing is, the Flash is no stranger"and maybe the biggest trafficker"of vaguely scientific-sounding ideas that ultimately make no sense. The Speed Force still makes me laugh every time I hear it, but the Flash is a lot of fun and it has noreal impact on what happens, so I let it slide. Unfortunately, though, this story doubles down on those ideas. What results is a conflict between Death and the Flash, the rules of which are aggressively unclear, and the resolution of which arrives so quickly that I was left scratching my head.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Superman #1

Nov 4, 2015

You get the sense that there are a bunch of pieces here that are interesting on their own, but they don't come together well. Superman is empowered and corrupted by the solar energy of the home planet of one of his greatest foes, and yet he returns to his own planet and throws a hissy fit over a piece of pie.It seems like this comic is attempting to lighten the overarching story, but it succeeds instead in creating an unexpected and sudden tonal shift. Sadly, due to some disjointed narrative choices, JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE DARKSEID WAR " SUPERMAN does little to make Superman's return to the main JUSTICE LEAGUE compelling.

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1

Oct 29, 2015

I hope I'm wrong about the Darkseid War one-shots altogether. There are supposed to be five more that may cash-in on their potential, but based on this first one, it looks as if they exist just to cash in.

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Justice League: Gods and Monsters #1

Aug 18, 2015

All-in-all JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MONSTERS #1 (of 9!) does little more than give you more of what you've already seen. If you're a completist, pick it up. If not, ignore it.

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Star Wars (2014) #7

Jul 30, 2015

All that being said, STAR WARS #7 is definitely a highlight of the run so far. Things got a little messy last issue, and returning to a simple story was a nice breath of fresh air, one that I hope can inform issues going forward. As with most STAR WARS issues, this one is definitely better for fans (in fact, it's kind of a must-read for fans), but it's not without merit for someone just interested in checking it out.

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Star Wars: Chewbacca #1

Oct 16, 2015

The quality of Marvel's Star Wars comics has been a very mixed bag, and CHEWBACCA #1 makes it hard to justify the proliferation of these titles beyond marketing and cynical cash grabs. There are a lot of pretty pieces here–they just don't come together to tell a good story.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #9

Sep 10, 2015

Again, as has been the case with most other “Star Wars” issues–if you're not a fan, this isn't essential reading. DARTH VADER #9, however, makes the strongest case against that yet with sharp characters and engaging dynamics.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #10

Oct 9, 2015

Still though, for a story that works with a handicap, DARTH VADER #10 is strong all the way around and well-worth a read.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #11

Oct 22, 2015

It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Given the upcoming “Vader Down” crossover event, you can assume it doesn't go well, but the pieces are there for it to be executed well, for Vader's… Downness… to be arrived at organically and compellingly. Thanoth doesn't yet know he's chasing Vader (presumably), but he's putting the screws to him just the same. That, in turn, puts a strain on Vader's relationship with Doctor Aphra–revealing that their bond is a lot more developed and affecting than initially I realized. Darth Vader's sweating (not literally–can he even do that?), and his back is against the wall. You might balk at the idea of making Darth Vader vulnerable, but it pays off here, and it's worth seeing where it goes. Onward to #12!

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Star Wars: Kanan #6

Sep 23, 2015

All-in-all, KANAN #6 is a solid issue, a quality issue, and I think it deserves more attention. Between the excitement over STAR WARS, and DARTH VADER, and even SHATTERED EMPIRE, people may not pay attention to a comic based on a “kid's” show. It's actually one of the better told stories in the STAR WARS universe, and that shows no signs of changing.

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Star Wars: Kanan #7

Oct 30, 2015

Slice this emotional journey together with action sequences (both Temple-sanctioned and not), and you have an issue bursting with excitement and character and world-building that makes it the series' best yet. It's not necessary for you to watch STAR WARS REBELS to understand what happens here, but you'll certainly benefit, and this comic makes the show so much better. The Star Wars comics published by Marvel have been a mixed bag in terms of how they contribute to the franchise, and KANAN: THE LAST PADAWN distinguishes itself as one of the good ones. For Star Wars fans, it's a must-read.

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Star Wars: Lando #1

Jul 8, 2015

I'm obsessively collecting all new-canon “Star Wars“ material, so I purchased LANDO #1, but anyone less obsessive might be able to pass. The art is certainly worth a look, there's great banter between Lando and Lobot (and everyone else), andit's fun overall–but that may just be it. It's only the first issue, so check back next month to see ifanything changes, but if you're still debating, you can go ahead and put LANDO #1 back on the shelf.

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Star Wars: Lando #2

Aug 17, 2015

LANDO #2 is so much more fun than the first issue, but I think that's because I'm open to it. I'm the ideal audience for LANDO (and all the STAR WARS comics): I'm an obsessive fan of the franchise, but my obsession ends at the old Expanded Universe. I didn't read any of those books or comics (now considered STAR WARS: Legends), so I can tackle these things fresh. For people like me, that opens up a lot of fun possibilities. For others (even non-STAR WARS fans), there's not a lot to love here.

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Star Wars: Lando #3

Aug 27, 2015

Overall, LANDO #3 does what you would want a third issue to do: it moves your story forward while giving us more of the characters we have, introducing new ones, and deepening and fleshing out the world in which the story takes place. It's a good read"I just wish it felt more consequential.

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Star Wars: Lando #4

Sep 17, 2015

It is a credit to LANDO #4 that this review can say so little about the plot. I am of the belief that the best stories are immune to spoilers but, sometimes there are exceptions. Given the recap at the beginning of the issue, even newcomers can pick up LANDO #4 and appreciate it–newcomers, that is, that are still “Star Wars” fans. Make no mistake: the story is steeped in “Star Wars” mythology and may go over the heads of outsiders. Still, LANDO #4 is not just a highlight of the series, but of all the “Star Wars” comics.

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Star Wars: Lando #5

Oct 8, 2015

LANDO #5 doesn't possess the excitement or scope of the last issue, but it uses the good will generated by that issue to deliver a satisfying end. You hope, of course, that in a short series like this, it would come out of the gate with issue #1 as strong as it does in its fifth and final issue, but, really, I'm just glad it got there at all. LANDO may ultimately not be essential reading for fans of Star Wars, but none of us are worse for its existence. In fact, we may all just be a little bit better.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #5

Jul 6, 2015

If you haven't yet read any of PRINCESS LEIA, now is the time"I trust Lucasfilm and Marvel to release a trade paperback, so be sure to grab it. PRINCESS LEIA stands on its own really well, while also being necessary reading for any Star Wars fan.

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Superman (2011) #43

Aug 27, 2015

That all said, SUPERMAN #43 sounds like a mess, but it isn't"it's a victim of circumstance. It's three separate teams of creators trying and"through no fault of their own"failing to come together. They're working on a story arc that was handicapped out of the gate, and have been playing catch-up ever since. Their efforts to make the arc stand on its own is so strong, however, that the issue works, and works well. Even given my disappointment with the last issue, I now eagerly await SUPERMAN #44.

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Superman (2011) #44

Sep 30, 2015

I've had a hard time recommending SUPERMAN as anything but supplemental reading–despite the what-now-seems-to-be-a-fluke bright spot that was SUPERMAN #43, and SUPERMAN #44 is worse than that. If it's really important to you to know what happens, by all means, knock yourself out–but maybe just stand in the comic book store and read it? Don't buy it?

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The Twilight Children #1

Oct 14, 2015

This may be the first issue of this story, but this is so clearly and masterfullynot its team's first issue. I could go on and on and on about this book, and maybe I will at some point, but for now, you need to stop reading and get your hands on THE TWILIGHT CHILDREN #1.

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Tokyo Ghost #1

Sep 18, 2015

TOKYO GHOST #1 wastes the talent of its team, creating a vulgar and unsympathetic world populated with further unsympathetic characters motivated by a plot that has no real import. Iwill read TOKYO GHOST #2 because this team has at least earned enough good will for me to give them another shot, but they are on very,very thin ice.

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We Stand On Guard #1

Jul 6, 2015

Again, this is just the first issue. Even if it wasn't as excellent as it is, Vaughn's generated enough good will to be given a bit more time to round things out. Regardless, WE STAND ON GUARD is off to an explosive start in both literal and figurative fashion. At this point I don't think there's any doubt about Vaughn's talent, but WE STAND is yet another showcase for his collaborative ability: he's only as good as his team, and his team isgood.

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We Stand On Guard #2

Aug 7, 2015

WE STAND ON GUARD #2 is almost boring in its excellence. The story moves forward through expert and seamless weaving of text and art, and you're left turning the last page in frustration, damning this industry for only releasing stories in installments a month at a time. If you're not already reading WE STAND ON GUARD, fix that.

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We Stand On Guard #3

Sep 8, 2015

That's the struggle of creating something that so nearly approaches perfection: any misstep is noticeable. The standards at which you're judged are now that much higher. For the most part, WE STAND ON GUARD #3 is the latest step into the future of the medium, but it's slowed by some irksome adherence to the past.

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We Stand On Guard #4

Oct 10, 2015

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But maybe that's not my fault. Maybe the consistently perfect art has receded into the background to let my mind wander. Pair that with an issue that just kind of goes with the motions, my mind is allowed to wander evenfurther. This, of course, is not theend of WE STAND ON GUARD's quality–not even close, but it needs to shake things up. I'm not even sure I care about Amber (our supposed protganist) yet, and everyone else is dying so quickly that we're not really given a chance to like them. I've never thought about it before, but WE STAND ON GUARD #4 makes me wonder if this title doesn't really have much to say or do, and is potentially just a showcase of what itsteam can do. They're all some of the best in the business, and I really hope they aren't let down.

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Zodiac Starforce #2

Sep 30, 2015

We need more books like ZODIAC STARFORCE #2, and ZODIAC STARFORCE in general. Not just because of its strong and diverse female ensemble (though the importance of that cannot be understated), but because there isn't enoughjoy in this world. Sure, the girls may fight and cry and worry in the face of practically-apocalyptic danger, but what they come back to is their love for one another and the strength of their hearts. In a cynical world where boys solve problems by punching them hard, ZODIAC STARFORCE is a big, bright, colorful light in the darkness.

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