Captain America: Sam Wilson #1
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Captain America: Sam Wilson #1

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Daniel Acuna Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 30
8.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

When Steve Rogers was restored to his natural age, he chose one of his closest and most trusted allies to take up his shield. Now Sam Wilson, formerly the Avenger known as Falcon, carries on the fight for liberty and justice as the all-new, all-different Captain America!
Rated T

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 14, 2015

    Sam Wilson is Captain America. This is something I've struggled with a little inside by my stubbornness that he should be Falcon and Steve Rogers should be Cap. Nick Spencer takes Sam to a different place as Cap and it really feels true to the character. He's the kind of guy that will stand up for his beliefs and do what he can to help the everyman By alienated so many, he's now forced to try to take a new approach to being Cap and it reminds me of the old Captain America stories I loved as a kid. Daniel Acua's art captures the beat of every scene whether it's average people having a conversation or intense action. I wasn't sure what to expect with this title but after reading it, I am 100% on board. I can't remember the last time a comic has completely caught me off guard in such a way. Thank goodness I didn't wait until later to read this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Oct 15, 2015

    While Sam's first title was fun and fast-paced, Sam Wilson: Captain America #1 finally feels like the book that he deserves. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Inter-Comics Podcast - Chris William Oct 19, 2015

    Artistically this book is yet another reminder of just how talented Daniel Acuna is and how much he continues to progress as one of the industry's top visual story tellers. His panel work is both simple and complex with a flow that is rarely duplicated in comics today. His backgrounds are engaging and detailed, his big picture scenes are cinematic in scope and his facial expressions tell a much deeper, complex story. My favorite panels has to be the one where Sam in his full uniform at a gay pride parade reflecting on the troubling times that face him going forward. The art alone justifies the purchase along with a compelling, controversial storyline this is a must read for any fan of Super hero comic books and Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Keith Reid-Cleveland Oct 14, 2015

    This issuewas full of small moments that spoke to much larger issues and themes that give it a long-lasting replay value. I've already said thatAll-New Captain America would be a series I plan for my future kids to read because of how it touched on issues that I know they'll need to be aware of. But with Captain America: Sam Wilson continuing that theme, and adding historical/political context to the mix, I'm even more sure that they'll be reading this one day. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicsverse - Danny Rivera Oct 14, 2015

    Tom Brevoort, who edited this title along with Katie Kubert, said of the upcoming event, “Avengers: Standoff”, that he thought of it as a response to themassivescale of “Secret Wars”. “Standoff” will be something more grounded, more about people, and what it's like when heroes get back to the basics of saving lives. Clearly CAPTAIN AMERICA: SAM WILSON isn't waiting for that event, and is making that standnow. It's a brave start, and is definitely something to watch. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopOptiq - Terrence Sage Oct 15, 2015

    The issue nears completion with two pages that feel vaguely reminiscent of a sequence early in Captain America: Winter Soldier. They tug on the heart strings, but there's work to be done out and with Mighty Avengers style hotline call that takes Sam to the blazing heat because of a problem. There is also an enemy that bring up issues that wouldn't be out of place in the real world set up expertly on the final page. Whatever happens in the future for Sam Wilson, Captain America, he is in good hands with Nick Spencer and Daniel Acuna. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Oct 15, 2015

    Captain America: Sam Wilson #1 is a strong first issue with a great tone and new angle for the character. This isn't just a “smash HYDRA” book. Sure, some snakes will get punched along the way, but Spencer and Acuna's integration of Sam Wilson into modern day politics is well executed. For readers diving in, this is a nice first look at who this Captain America is with Sam wielding the shield and I will certainly be back for more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Jay Mattson Oct 20, 2015

    What could have simply been a continuation of Rick Remender's All-New Captain America " featuring Sam Wilson in the titular role for a whopping six issues " is in fact an important stepping stone for both the title of Captain America as well as Sam Wilson as a character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Oct 15, 2015

    The book also occasionally dips into stereotyping as a means of brevity in this packed issue. These problems are perhaps excusable at this point, especially when considering how good the issue as a whole is, but they are problems that have the potential to explode this promising book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Oct 16, 2015

    However, he leans too far towards telling the reader what to think, instead of gently leading the reader to form conclusions for themselves about hot-button issues and right vs. wrong. This isn't the place for a philosophical treatise or a political column. The story has to come first, and it's weakened by a lack of moral complexity on the "bad" side. Even with those flaws, though, "Captain America: Sam Wilson" #1 has excellent artwork and it manages to be funny and provocative. I'm looking forward to the match up in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Oct 14, 2015

    This is a bold, new era for Captain America, one that is already boiling over with tension. Sam Wilson is an unpopular man in the Marvel Universe, because he's trying to fix something that you can't necessarily fix with punching and catchphrases. Nick Spencer's star is definitely rising at Marvel lately, after a few missteps early in his tenure. He really hit his stride with a comedic turn in Superior Foes of Spider-Man, but he's shooting for something much larger here. And hopefully, as the story gets bigger, Acuna's artwork will settle in and help shed light on what looks to be an emotional arc. Welcome to the court of public opinion, Mr. Wilson. Hope you survive the experience. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Oct 16, 2015

    For me, the highlight of this issue was definitely the artwork, and Acuna's strong, kinetic panels are what will ensure I'll come back to this book and keep reading it. Whether it's a cinematic sky-bound dogfight, a quip-laden sparring match or a heartfelt conversation between family he seems to be able to find the right tone and level of busy-ness to keep it compelling. My only worry is that the revisiting of a storyline centred around the question of ‘who/what should Captain America represent?' isn't as All-New and All-Different as I was hoping to see in Sam's first full outing. I fear that this new Caps attempts to disentangle himself from the politics of super-heroing will bring him into more ambiguous bark-offs between himself and other nebulous good guys than it will offer us satisfying stories about him actually doing ‘good'. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    ComicBuzz - CoTee Oct 20, 2015

    Despite my issues, its a solid first issue from the creative team. It may not be the book for me, but Im sure its the book for someone out there. Read Full Review

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