Richard Vasseur's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: First Comics News, Comics Bulletin Reviews: 225
6.7Avg. Review Rating

Actionverse #0

Dec 1, 2015

These heroes all work well together as long as Molly keeps them all in line. She is a cute little girl who is not a little girl.

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Adam Strange (2004) #3

Dec 17, 2004

Sh'ri Valkyr the Thanagarian Commander who captured Adam seems to have some respect for him. Adam certainly has earned it. He is a husband and father willing to do whatever it takes to find his family and get them back.

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All-New Wolverine #2

Dec 13, 2015

Laura is inspiring as you follow her adventure. She can be a killer but chooses not to be. Laura is the best at what she does. But she doesn't have to do it.

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Alpha Flight (2004) #3

May 20, 2004

The new Alpha Flight team members take a bit of getting used to they are not your traditional type heroes. Which does make for a nice change. An old man, a bar tender, a psychotic killer, a sap, and a guy with a really long name all led by a big hairy orange guy. It will make for interesting team dynamics as we see how they work together.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #501

Dec 21, 2003

We do get a good Spider-Man fight. But Aunt May steals this issue. Spider-Man better hope she never turns evil he wouldn't stand a chance. We all know with her loving heart and soul that could never happen though. The art is beautiful. May is still a hot babe. MJ is hot too but May is just as hot if you don't believe me just ask Peter.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #503

Feb 11, 2004

The art by John Romita Jr. is showing Spider-Man in all his agility. Loki is shown as more grandiose as befits a deity. Morwen is shown the same way to let you know she is a being with power. You know her plans to destroy the world are real. Poor Spidey he was the one that let her into our Universe. Now he just has to kick her back out. It won't be that easy.

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Archie (2015) #3

Sep 29, 2015

This new updated look is different in some ways and the same in others. It does work though.

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Archie (2015) #4

Nov 29, 2015

The backup story “The Great Lover” is from Archie Comics # 36, 1949. Very cute art in this story. Betty is drawn so lovely in her formal dress. Betty is wearing her war paint and on the hunt but her prey is oblivious to her intentions. Poor Betty and poor Archie.

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Archie (2015) #5

Jan 8, 2016

The backup story “All Balled Up” is from Archie # 32, 1948. Archie has a way of things happening around him that would never happen with anyone else. It does make for fun and trouble. Nice retro style art from the time period.

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Archie (2015) #6

Feb 14, 2016

This series is presented more realistically than the older Archie Comic titles.

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Archie's Double Digest #264

Dec 5, 2015

This issue is filled with such wonderful stories and all are accompanied with great art in the Archie Comics tradition.

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Archie's Double Digest #265

Jan 2, 2016

These stories and many more await you here. You will be thrilled and made to laugh as you read these wonderful stories filled with gorgeous art.

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Archon #2

Sep 18, 2015

As you read this story you realize that Gareth as Chief of Security should be more aware of his surroundings. It is entertaining to see how much in the dark he is His job does require his to be observant so with him missing so much its fun. Plus it gets you wondering how long it will take for him to catch on

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Archon #3

Oct 16, 2015

The Archon is a place that attracts creatures. Gareth at first fits right in and then he starts for no

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Assassin's Creed #1

Nov 25, 2015

Charlotte and her willingness to jump into adventure give her a attitude that will make you like her and route for her.

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Awake #2

Dec 2, 2015

Two people have a hoverbike race. Why should we care about these people or anyone in this comic? We needed to know more about the characters so we would care about what they are doing. What are they doing should be explained some.

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Batgirl (2000) #46

Dec 3, 2003

Batgirl and Nightwing are well drawn. It is always nice to see Batgirl drawn as not just another super hero in tights. Her costume is made for utility, to take a beating.

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Batgirl (2000) #48

Feb 11, 2004

Something you almost never see happens this issue. Batman says he was wrong! Can you believe it. He admits Oracle was right and he was wrong. Wow it might be years before you see that again if ever.

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Batgirl (2000) #58

Dec 16, 2004

So the two find Blockbusters body which was stolen. Is he alive or dead?

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Dec 19, 2015

The Turtles are written and draw to perfection as they fit right in in Gotham. They are dark, mysterious and tough. They do also have a child like quality. Batman with his dark and foreboding attitude does steal the show.

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2

Jan 31, 2016

The story never seems to become focused enough. It jumps around from one place to another.

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Batman: Death and the Maidens #5

Feb 9, 2004

You don't have any super-heroes with super powers in these pages and you don't need them. All the characters are after something and everybody has something someone else wants. Its not always about powers or the big fight sometimes its about maneuvering. And these players are masters at it.

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Betty & Veronica #278

Oct 25, 2015

This is such an emotional issue and as you read and see the relationship between Veronica and Betty you know nothing will ever come between it. These two exemplify what true friendship is all about.

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Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman #1

Dec 2, 2015

The concept is different and interesting it just needed to delivery more. Focusing on Bigfoot would have been better than on all the characters. Bigfoot is big and hairy, just not to scary.

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Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman #2

Jan 17, 2016

The moth-vampires do make for a posing threat that are terrifying.

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Bigfoot: Sword of the Earthman #3

Feb 13, 2016

Bigfoot we learn nothing about. What does he think about his situation or does he even think? The comic needs more to it.

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Book Of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1

Oct 5, 2015

Peter and Harada do have a huge battle but it is not what you were expecting. It is much more. The results of it though do have a lasting effect on Earth.

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Captain America And The Falcon #3

May 20, 2004

The cover is eye catching with Cap and Falcon posing. Cap's big red, white and blue shield will certainly catch and hold your attention.

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Captain Canuck #4

Oct 2, 2015

This story does have some hard action. It also has one amusing ending that will make you laugh. Classic Canuck does give us a look back at a true hero. The red and white have never looked so good.

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Captain Canuck #5

Nov 28, 2015

The back-up story “Double Star Crossed” Written and lettered by Ed Brisson, illustrated and colored by Simon Roy. Captain Canuck has been captured by aliens. Nyro-Ka wants the Captain but what will he do with him now that he has him?

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Captain Canuck #6

Jan 23, 2016

Captain Canuck provides us with a hero Canada can be proud to call her own.

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Cognetic #1

Oct 24, 2015

The meaning though of what is going on will have you imagining all sorts of things. This story will make you think.

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Cognetic #3

Dec 19, 2015

The twists in this story keep you interested and just waiting to see what will happen next. The ending is unexpected and will totally blow you away.

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Cyrus Perkins and the Haunted Taxi Cab #1

Nov 7, 2015

There are some suspense building moments throughout this comic. Cyrus and his girl Iris are good characters.

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Day Men #8

Oct 17, 2015

David is a man of loyalty he stands out among the vampires. They act like his superior and in many ways they are. He though services them and still has a life. He is happy in his work. Plus he is now a legend as a Day Man.

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Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Storm Surge #1

Oct 12, 2015

Aspects of Frankenstein the book are here but there are enough differences to hold you focused. Erika may be a monster but she has a heart of gold. You will love her and respect her. She is a beautiful creature.

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Death-Rattler #1

Nov 17, 2015

This is one exciting fun filled comic with lots of gorgeous women. You will have a wild time here.

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Exiles (2001) #28

Jun 17, 2003

There is some nice clean looking art in it. Wolverine on the cover looks mean, wild and ready to throw down. But this series was built around Blink and she left more than several issues ago. The team needs her as its strong leader. The series is suffering without her.

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Exiles (2001) #29

Jul 7, 2003

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Faith (Mini-Series) #1

Jan 18, 2016

Faith may not be your skinny super model type super-hero but who cares. Here is a super-hero to have faith in.

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Fistful Of Blood #1

Dec 9, 2015

Who is this mysterious woman and what is she up to? You will definitely want to be here for issue two of this hard hitting western drama full of action and excitement. You will also love the hot sexy mystery woman.

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Garfield's Cheesy Holiday Special #1

Dec 6, 2015

Garfield is one cool cat who has a heart of gold and a huge bottomless pit of a stomach.

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Gift #9

Dec 16, 2004

This recipient of the Gift gets to see her mysterious benefactor one more time. When he tells her he could have stopped the killings. Believe it or not she lets fly with a right to the jaw. You can not just see how mad she is you can feel it.

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Godzilla in Hell #2

Oct 2, 2015

Godzilla is on a journey through Hell the questions are why and how?

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Godzilla in Hell #3

Oct 1, 2015

Some really great art makes this comic worthwhile to pick up especially if your a fan of Godzilla and the monsters he battles.

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Godzilla in Hell #4

Nov 14, 2015

Godzilla is the King of Monsters. He is also not just a dumb beast. He thinks and acts.

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Godzilla in Hell #5

Nov 24, 2015

Godzilla is a force of nature. Not even Hell and all its demons can contain him. Godzilla has an indomitable will to survive.

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Green Lantern: Rebirth #2

Dec 16, 2004

The art is fantastic, Guy, Kilowog, Kyle, Hal and all the heroes are drawn larger than life. The cover has Hal back in his GL costume. He belongs in it. Hes not back yet but hes on his way. It will be great having the greatest Green Lantern back. Its about time.

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Grumpy Cat #1

Oct 3, 2015

Grumpy has an awful time at the Con. Pokey has a fantastic time. These two are opposites. Which makes them fun to observe. Great expressions on the cats faces.

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Harrow County #5

Sep 24, 2015

“Tales of Harrow County: The Bat House” One creepy looking house greets the reader here. This is only a one page story which does get right to the point, bats can be dangerous creatures. So stay away from them.

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Harrow County #6

Oct 28, 2015

“Tales of Harrow County: The Hunter” Being a hunter in Harrow County is not like anywhere else. In this short wordless story you see having a gun is not enough. Terror lurks any and everywhere here.

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Harrow County #7

Nov 9, 2015

“Tales of Harrow County: Daughters” This short tale really has no plot other than even if you have some horrible accidents happen to you you can still be happy.

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Harrow County #8

Dec 8, 2015

“Tales of Harrow County: Mold” This short tale does not have much to it. It really does not make much sense. The only meaning I guess would be that even mold in Harrow County is weird.

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Harrow County #9

Feb 15, 2016

The atmosphere set by the artwork is creepy/soreful/weird all of these and more. You will feel unsettles reading this comic. "Tales of Harrow County: Friends" This is one weird tale that shows such an imaginary in creating it. You will not see this one coming.

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Harry Johnson #1

Oct 3, 2004

Amber Gail the informant is a very healthily drawn girl in her patriotic bikini. She'll make you stand at attention. The bodyguard is all in black leather and looks as hot as any gorgeous woman in a kinky black leather outfit would. Fanny's tight red dress will get your heart beating faster. Charles Fulp has delivered a fun and entertaining comic with gorgeous art from Craig and Norman. They make a great team.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #8

Nov 14, 2015

The Crow King meanwhile has Stellar City just where he wants. What will he do with it now? Plus are the Hero Cats ready to face him/ Belle thinks she is. Her confidence is high.

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Hero Cats of Stellar City #9

Jan 5, 2016

The Hero Cats are a fun exciting team of cats who are more than just cats. The cats are drawn cute and cuddly so you will want to hug them and also you will want to follow their adventures.

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Hero Cats: Midnight Over Stellar City #1

Oct 16, 2015

Midnight does have a tough silent attitude that gives some mystery and a threatening atmosphere to him.

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Holy F*cked #1

Sep 18, 2015

This comic book is offencive. Swearing, nudity, gays and a surprise so big. No not Jesus's thing. This will blow your mind.

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Holy F*cked #2

Oct 14, 2015

A big huge fight is on the way. This issue just wets your appetite for it.

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Holy F*cked #3

Nov 30, 2015

This issue sets up for the final issue and the birth of the Devil and Jesus's daughter. It should be something to see.

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Huck #1

Nov 28, 2015

Huck's personality as a country boy is great to see. He is unassuming. He is a good boy.

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Huck #2

Dec 29, 2015

The story has some mystery and it definitely has a way of drawing you in and making you like Huck. He is an all American boy that any parent would be proud of.

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Huck #3

Jan 23, 2016

Your heart will melt at how much caring and love Huck has in his heart. None of his abilities go to his head. He stays simple and true to his helping nature, a true hero.

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I, Mage #0

Jan 17, 2016

This hi-tech and magical adventure is off to a resounding start.

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I, Mage #1

Feb 13, 2016

So we have a boy from a world of science on a world of magic. His robot protector is awesome. Have you ever wanted to see a Robot fight a dragon? Well than you are in the right place.

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Incredible Hulk (1999) #66

Feb 11, 2004

Where is the Hulk? We don't see him at all this issue. Last issue he was only on one page. Isn't this comic book supposed to be about a certain big green goliath? So where is he? It seems this comic is more about Bruce's love interests and him getting into bed. Is this a soap opera or a super-hero comic book? Where are the big heroic battles? I'd settle even for a small itsy bitsy one. The Hulk needs to dust off his knuckles and use them.

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Inhumans (2003) #1

Jun 17, 2003

The art is nicely subdued and fits the atmosphere of the story. If you have ever wanted to look deeper into these mysterious people and not just their Royal Family you will enjoy this series.

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Itty Bitty Bunnies In Rainbow Candyland: Bong Genie #1

Sep 17, 2015

After all the fun of these stories you also get a bonus one. "Phil & Tyrone meet Zombie Tramp" Zombie Tramp looks a bit weird er than usual with this art style. Zombie Tramp does have on some sexy pink lingerie. She does not find that much in the way of brains to sack on. The bunnies have a great time.

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Itty Bitty Bunnies: Pop Tarts #1

Jan 30, 2016

These bunnies are so strange and they are weird beyond measure. You will be offended and amused.

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James Bond #1

Oct 31, 2015

This comic is written as if the writer has no idea who James Bond is.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Dragons #1

Dec 6, 2015

The Storyteller is such a great character as he presents the story. He draws you in and keeps you there.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Dragons #2

Jan 16, 2016

The storyteller an old man adds some fun to the beginning and ending of this comic. His dog seems to always have something to add as well.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Dragons #3

Feb 14, 2016

The art is pasty. It lacks definition. It also has an almost cartoon appearance to it. The art does grow on you as you read more of the comic.

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JLA #92

Feb 11, 2004

Ok the shape shifting alien has decided with all the violence it sees on Earth we want to kill our selves and it is going to help. Its to bad it didn't decide to help by trying to help people get along better. Can you imagine a world where everyone tries to get along and help each other? That would sure make for a boring comic. So now the JLA has to go after the alien who isn't really evil hes just trying to help. It has just not learned that we want to survive at all costs. Even with all the violence we know life is precious. Now the JLA has to stop the alien or convince it to stop.

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JLA #108

Dec 17, 2004

The art shows off their evil malicious nature to perfection. Owlman we see torturing Johnny Quick just because he interfered with Owlman killing others.

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JLA/Avengers #4

Apr 17, 2004

George Perez was the perfect choice as artist. His drawing of all the heroes and villians as they fought is a battle to end all battles. It is magnificantly drawn.

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JLA: Liberty & Justice #1

Dec 25, 2003

We end this tale with Superman and the Manhunter gazing down on the Earth. They may be aliens here but it is their home now.

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JSA: Strange Adventures #4

Dec 17, 2004

Poor Johnny Thunderbolt has his Thunderbolt stolen. Johnny's anguish is heartbreaking. It is well drawn and written. He feels without it he can no longer be in the JSA. Of course hes wrong. He is and always will be a valuable member.

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Judge Dredd (2015) #1

Feb 15, 2016

It is always nice to see Dredd in action with his gun blasting. His attitude is right on.

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Jughead (2015) #1

Oct 4, 2015

The backup story is from Jughead # 1 (1949) with art by Samm Schwartz. “Experiment Perilous!” Jughead gets involved in a rare experiment. It does not have good results.

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Jughead (2015) #2

Nov 15, 2015

"Mistaken Identity" Starring Archie's Pal Jughead in a classic tale. Jughead has a Uncle Herman. His uncle is as strange and weird as he is.

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Jughead (2015) #3

Dec 25, 2015

“The Missing Links” Another classic tale from 1950. Jughead's ancestors were all like him. It is always entertaining to learn about Jughead's ancestors.

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Jughead (2015) #4

Feb 15, 2016

Jughead gets into a fix and than has the Jughead luck to get out of it. The art style is classic as well and it is different having only Jughead from the gang in a story. It is funny though how the story ends.

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Just Another Sheep #1

Nov 14, 2015

The main character is Banning. Now why should we care about him? He does have potential though to become a interesting character and a powerful superhuman.

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Just Another Sheep #2

Dec 10, 2015

The story there is no real explanation to it. Why does this Banner have these abilities? What does he plan to do with them? Who is that mysterious guy following him? Who are the people Banner is with? So many questions and so little answers

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Just Another Sheep #3

Jan 30, 2016

The issue starts off with lots of damage and people dead but does not explain how it happened. There is some mysterious organization behind it that we learn nothing about. It would be nice to know something about them.

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Just Another Sheep #4

Feb 23, 2016

The whole comic needs more happening and more information.

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Klaus #1

Nov 8, 2015

Klaus is a man who cares about children. He wants them to have fun and play with toys. Things do seem to start working out for him and the Yuletime magic of the season helps.

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Klaus #2

Dec 19, 2015

This is not how you picture Santa Claus and Klaus is not him. Klaus is though a representation of how the stories of Santa may have started. Or maybe he is just something completely separate. Either way Klaus is a entertaining read with some good art.

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Klaus #3

Feb 1, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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Kodoja #1

Jan 24, 2016

Not everything is fully and clearly explained. The basic story though is easy to follow. Monster robot escaped and is destroying and killing but no one knows how to stop it.

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Kodoja #2

Jan 26, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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Kolchak Tales Of Night Stalker #1

Dec 21, 2003

When the police broke the door in they also let sunlight in destrying the Shadow Creature. Kolchak is escorted to the airport after "agreeing" to turn over all pictures and notes on the CCD. In return they don't press charges of kidnapping. The artwork fits the story and characters. Its kind of frumpy. If anyone actually doesn't remember Kolchak, it was a cult TV show called Nightstalker featuring a reporter who investigated bizarre and weird stories, like this plant and shadow creature one.

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Lantern City #6

Nov 14, 2015

Sander and Killian are both finding they have similarities. They just might not be that far apart in their beliefs. Which makes for interesting situations.

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Lantern City #8

Dec 7, 2015

The artwork is great showing off the city designs and the ships in it. The people are portrayed in a style that is eye catching.

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Lantern City #9

Jan 16, 2016

The pieces are all moving across the board. Killian has his pan and so does Sander. Armies are ready to move and people are dying. A revolution has started and the city will suffer for it. No one wins but who will end up ruling is the question.

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Lantern City #10

Feb 11, 2016

The characters are great here and well illustrated. The scenery is majestic. The characters are all so well defined. You feel you know them.

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Lobo: Unbound (2003) #1

Jul 7, 2003

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Lumberjanes #18

Sep 20, 2015

The Lumberjanes are always doing what is right. So they are going to mend a broken friendship. Of course it does have to have a weird side to it so mermaids and sea serpents appear.

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Lumberjanes #19

Oct 24, 2015

You will also wonder at Moly and Mal's relationship. Does Molly want them to be more than just friends?

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Lumberjanes #21

Dec 19, 2015

The Lumberjanes all five of them are focused on helping Seafarin' Karen. Things may at first seem cut and dried but perhaps they are not. The story has you wondering are there any villains in this story?

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Lumberjanes #22

Jan 16, 2016

The story could have used more excitement. More happening would have made sense. A lot of the time is spent talking and standing around.

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Lumberjanes #23

Feb 14, 2016

It is always a pleasure to watch the Lumberjanes in action.

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Lumberjanes: Beyond Bay Leaf #1

Oct 17, 2015

Ripley, Mal, Molly, April and Jo are the best of friends and they have some pretty amazing and strange adventures. This is no ordinary girls night out. These girls rock!

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Marvel Holiday Special: 2004

Dec 17, 2004

The stories do capture the spirit of Christmas. The art is good throughout. The cover is fantastic. Spidey swinging with a Christmas background in behind.

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Medic #3

Feb 27, 2016

University Hospital Evans County, Pennsylvania a nurse is telling a story from her childhood. She and others are also dealing with the dead rising at this hospital. The woman's story is more interesting than what is going on around her in the hospital.

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Mega Man #53

Sep 20, 2015

Mega Man you do get the feeling that he is so much more than just a robot. He does come across as almost human. A little boy just doing the right thing.

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Mega Man #54

Oct 25, 2015

There was no Mega man in this issue nor was he needed. Proto Man did provide lots of dramatic moments.

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Mega Man #55

Dec 27, 2015

The issue does not have much of a story other than to say goodbye to the fans as the comic ends.

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Michael Turner Presents: Aspen #3

Dec 25, 2003

The world below is full of wonders that we will get to explore in all the comics coming out from Aspen MLT.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #0

Jan 16, 2016

The Power Rangers are drawn in full out action poses as the Putties attack. The Megazord and Dragonzord battle Goldar it looks as if evil is out numbered today. Nice setup for the battle to come.

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Mini: Assassin School #2

Nov 11, 2003

The story is too simple. It needed some more characterization. It needed more substance in the plot. The artist did not show off the assets of Emma very well. A few breast shots, no really good poses.

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Misplaced #1

Jun 13, 2003

Looking through the original graphics I can see Misplaced has gone through some changes. I think this cute little girl is going to steal the readers hearts and anyone that gets in her way better watch out.

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Morning Glories #48

Oct 7, 2015

There is a big mystery here that we want to know. What is the purpose of this school?

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Morning Glories #49

Jan 10, 2016

There are more mysteries here as well. What was with all the time jumping scenes? Why the rumbling on the school grounds? More mysteries to add to all the ones still in existence, it would be nice to get some answers.

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Mystic #42

Dec 3, 2003

The art is great. The Yeti looks cool in a bathrobe. Giselle is cute in fur. The wintery mountain scenery is very well drawn.

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New X-Men (2001) #140

Jul 7, 2003

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Outsiders (2003) #8

Feb 9, 2004

The art is using too much black in it. These are super-heroes they should be in the light and drawn that way. Jade is a shining Green Lantern but she is kept in the darkness, why?

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #1

Feb 3, 2016

If you think you have had nightmares before wait till you see Oxymoron.

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #2

Feb 4, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #3

Feb 5, 2016

This issue really leaves no doubt that Oxymoron is one sick SOB. You will be wishing you could kill him yourself by the end of this issue.

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #4

Feb 5, 2016

The killing never stops here and the nightmare continues on. Oxymoron will give you nightmares as well. This guy is plain crazy.

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Peanuts #29

Dec 24, 2015

Snoopy becomes a pelican. Well to find out how you will have to read the story.

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Peanuts #30

Jan 25, 2016

It is great to see Schroeder and Marcie featured in these two stories rather than Charlie Brown or Snoopy. It is a nice change.

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Peanuts #31

Feb 20, 2016

Peanuts always has such great characters.

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Pitiful Human-Lizard #1

Sep 21, 2015

This is a new super-hero one who is a common man and who stands for whats right. Lucas is easy to identify with.

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Pitiful Human-Lizard #2

Dec 21, 2015

The best part about this comic is Lucas he is so likable.; He is a ordinary guy doing the extraordinary.

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Pitiful Human-Lizard #3

Dec 22, 2015

This comic is amazing in how it portrays Lucas and other super-heroes. You are brought into their lives and get to see them as people not just super-heroes but as real people.

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Pitiful Human-Lizard #4

Jan 23, 2016

This was a pretty good team-up. Toronto, Ontario, Canada certainly does have some weird super-heroes.

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Postal #7

Oct 20, 2015

Mark though always steals the show even though at times he seems like a background character due to his quiet attitude. It is impossible not to like Mark and not to root for him.

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Postal #8

Dec 5, 2015

Now we see a new character introduced she is a beauty. She is also a bloody mess. She looks calm and acts it but you just know this is the calm before the storm.

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Postal #9

Feb 15, 2016

The story keeps adding more to it. So it keeps you interested and keeps drawing you in.

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Princeless: Be Yourself #4

Sep 23, 2015

So the two Princesses are off on another adventure. Adrienne still has more sisters to save.

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Princeless: Make Yourself #0

Dec 27, 2015

This comic is perfect to help any young girl feel good about themselves, but anyone can and will enjoy it. A true Princesses power is within her.

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Princeless: Raven: The Pirate Princess #3

Sep 18, 2015

Captain Raven is almost ready to hit the high seas and start on one adventure that is sure to thrill and chill.

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Princeless: Raven: The Pirate Princess #4

Oct 23, 2015

This issue has something you do not usually see a Pirate ship with an all female crew. Raven, Ximena, Jayla, Sunshine and Muscles are all about to start out on the greatest adventure of their lives. The next series of Raven and her pir

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Princeless: Raven: The Pirate Princess #5

Feb 13, 2016

Raven is a different sort of Pirate Captain and that just may not be a bad thing at all.

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Puppet Master #5

Oct 1, 2015

The puppets/humans now go about fitting in with who they now are. Things do seem to be going smoothly for them. Well maybe not completely as something is up. A couple of the puppet bodies are still active even without their souls. Someone is controlling them and killing with them.

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Puppet Master #6

Sep 29, 2015

The illustrations of the dols all look great but Blade does stand out. The doll of him is frightening. It makes you think could this really happen? The next time you see a puppet you might just look at it differently.

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Puppet Master #7

Nov 1, 2015

The art is great as it shows these puppets who are portrayed almost as the good guys here. Yet they do still maintain their evil appeal.

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Puppet Master #8

Dec 3, 2015

The life size doll Camille which may or may not be a doll is so cute in a evil crazy way. She is a great new addition to the world of living puppets.

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Puppet Master #9

Jan 4, 2016

The life size doll Camille which may or may not be a doll is so cute in a evil crazy way. She is a great new addition to the world of living puppets.

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Puppet Master #10

Jan 1, 2016

Camille and Dr. Jenn how are these two connected? Both are beautiful and insane.

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Puppet Master #12

Feb 22, 2016

Little puppets come to life killing people is a terrifying concept sure to make you fearful.

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Red Agent #1

Jan 23, 2016

The art needs lots of work here.

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Rocket Girl #7

Feb 18, 2016

Rocket Girl is filled with excitement. This girl is a jetpack of super fuel action ready to explode off the page at you.

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She-Hulk (2005) #3

May 20, 2004

The comedy interplay between Jen and her boss is amusing. Her boss ordering her around when she could crush her like a bug.

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Shinobi: Ninja Princess #6

Nov 14, 2015

Shianndrea has her power awakened. She cuts loose and ninjas drop like flies. We also get to see the little girl she still is as her emotions come to light. Shianndrea is powerful but still a girl.

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Sojourn #28

Nov 11, 2003

The art is some of the best you can find anywhere. Arwyn is about the most perfectly drawn female in comics.

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Sojourn #31

Feb 8, 2004

You get a preview of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang in this issue. The new spy thriller comic looks like it will be filled with action and pretty girls. Plus one stuck up self centered sexist super spy. You are going to love to hate this guy.

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Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) #277

Oct 25, 2015

The best part was in the first story with Sally and Bunnie being drawn so beautifully. Bunnie looks amazing here.

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Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) #278

Nov 22, 2015

The best part of this issue is Were-Sonic yes he does look awesome and is drawn that way.

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Sonic Universe #80

Sep 28, 2015

The whole overall issue though is mostly talk and quite boring. No real character development, not much action so it needed more happening in it.

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Sonic Universe #81

Oct 31, 2015

The Second Devourer was shown but to briefly. This thing is a huge frightening nightmare unleashed on Silver's world. Silver is shown as a hero in that he does not back down, he is not afraid and will fight this thing.

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Sonic Universe #82

Jan 17, 2016

The battle scenes are action packed. Silver comes across as a character who can stand on his own.

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Space Ghost #1

Dec 16, 2004

The colors are splendid. The drawings show us that Thaddeus is well muscled. The aliens look various. They took some thought to come up with.

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Spirit Leaves #1

Jan 23, 2016

The art is beautifully rendered and filled in with soft lush colors.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #2

Sep 26, 2015

Overall though the Star Trek and Green Lantern universes do not seem to mesh well

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #3

Sep 26, 2015

With Nekron as in this different universe the Lanterns and Captain Kirk and his crew are i for a challenge. Just wait til you see who Nekron recruits into his army first. You will be blow away.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #4

Nov 7, 2015

The art showing the Lanterns is well done. They are magnificent looking. The Enterprise is a beauty and drawn to show it off.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #5

Dec 8, 2015

It is becoming comfortable to see the Enterprise crew and Green Lanterns working together as one unit.

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Straitjacket #1

Oct 13, 2015

If you love a good psychological thriller that will get you wondering is this all real or imagined and

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Superman / Batman (2003) #14

Dec 17, 2004

The comic is like an elseworld tale in many aspects except it isn't one. It takes place in the regular DC Universe.

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Superman / Batman (2003) #15

Dec 17, 2004

The characters and the way they are used makes this story line a thing of beauty.

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Surface Tension #4

Oct 31, 2015

This comic will give you hope for the human race. Yes it can win over any odds or at the very least go down fighting.

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Surface Tension #5

Nov 1, 2015

This is a perfect ending to this comic series. Gorgeous art and one well told story make this a must read series.

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Switch #1

Oct 20, 2015

Mary is a great Bearer as she is drawn beautifully and her attitude is perfect. She is a Bearer you will love.

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Swords of Sorrow #4

Oct 12, 2015

The Trinity are gathered Red Sonja, Vampirella and Dejah Thoris along with a small army of women. Things are moving towards the final confrontation.

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Swords of Sorrow #5

Oct 12, 2015

The fighting has increased and things are nearing their end. The women are such fierce fighters. Prince Charming has three beautiful women coming for him and they will not be charmed.

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Swords of Sorrow #6

Oct 9, 2015

The story as it ends is a let down. It ends with almost no action, no big fight scene. The ending to put it mildly is boring.

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Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose #23

Dec 21, 2003

The art looks great all the girls are beautiful if a little - make that a lot - overly endowed.

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The Black Hood #6

Oct 24, 2015

Greg finds out that things are not always as they seem. His being a trusting soul leads him into trouble. He is at heart a hero and you know he will do the right thing. Greg is a great character that you will find yourself routing for.

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The Black Hood #7

Nov 22, 2015

The Black Hood wants to right wrongs. He is a dark force for good. Fighting crime is never easy. Greg is on a hard road and the Black Hood may or may not help.

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The Black Hood #8

Feb 19, 2016

The character of the Black Hood fighting crime is still a great idea it just needs to be handled better.

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The Black Hood #9

Feb 20, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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The Cask of Amontillado #1

Jan 30, 2016

The art is exceptionally dark making it hard to make out details. It is so dark it makes it hard to follow what is going on.

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The Darkness (2002) #18

Dec 16, 2004

The preview of "Hunter Killer" is awesome as one assassin takes on another assassin. The fight is fast and furious but ultimately no contest. The art shows off both assassins and their different styles wonderfully.

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The F1rst Hero: Fight For Your Life #2

Sep 18, 2015

The whole comic comes across as just being there. It needed more to it.

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The F1rst Hero: Fight For Your Life #3

Nov 4, 2015

The comic is done before it seems to have started and not all that much occurs. The characters are there but why should we the reader care.

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The Gingerdead Man #1

Feb 25, 2016

This is one weird and frightening comic that will have you looking closely at the next cookie you go to eat and wondering will it eat you.

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The Hangman #1

Oct 25, 2015

The Hangman is a powerful frightening figure. His noose will instill fear. When you are hanging at the end of a noose you will always be afraid. Death is coming for those in the noose.

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The Hangman #2

Jan 23, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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The House of Montresor #1

Dec 15, 2015

Lots of drama in this story and also some mystery. The story does get confusing as it goes on. Edana though to get the estate has to stay there and that may prove deadly for her being a Fortunato.

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The Last Contract #1

Dec 12, 2015

The story flows along smoothly and slowly draws you in. The old man is a character you easily come to like with his gruff attitude that is charming. It gets you interested in what is going on and wanting to know more. You will be looking forward to seeing what is coming next.

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The Last Contract #2

Feb 9, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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The Red Ten #8

Feb 4, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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The Rocketeer At War #1

Dec 31, 2015

The backup story is “The Rivet Gang, Part 1” The story starts out with Cliff and Betty having fun at a party. Something is stolen and the Rocketeer goes into action. The story is told all through writing no art. It is a thrilling start here and will be continued next issue.

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The Shield (2015) #1

Oct 8, 2015

The more you read and see of Victoria the more you start to feel awe at her. She is one unique individual that is sure to make an impact.

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The Spire #3

Sep 26, 2015

This story is so hard to follow. The main character is talking to others but what exactly is it about?

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The Woods #17

Nov 8, 2015

Isaac and what he may become will have you waiting to find out.

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The Woods #18

Dec 6, 2015

Change is coming and things do not look good at all. Who will survive this culling?

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The Woods #20

Jan 31, 2016

This issue needs a more solid storyline running throughout it.

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Toil and Trouble #2

Oct 8, 2015

This is a perfect retelling and re-imagining of the Shakespearian play. The personalities of the witches are wonderful contrasts that you will follow along enjoying each word they speak to each other. The art is a delight it is different than the usual making it stand out. Plus you also get a feel for the rich ancestry of Scotland.

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Toil and Trouble #5

Jan 7, 2016

These witches may help decide the fate of their country but fate decides her own fate.

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Toil and Trouble #6

Jan 31, 2016

The three witches are no more. Smertae wants nothing to do with the other two. The art on her is so beautifully done on her with the use of whites and light blues.

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Tomboy #1

Nov 30, 2015

Addison the cute little girl is gone and in her place is something else.

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Tomboy #3

Feb 13, 2016

Things really need to be explained a whole lot better. Other than the 'ghosts' there does not seem to be any magic in this comic.

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Trancers #1

Oct 24, 2015

The story is hard to follow, nothing is fully explained. The story should be focused. Jack Deth has a great character the little we see of it.

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Trees #12

Nov 1, 2015

Creasy is a great character but she needs to be used right. She comes across as intelligent. The art shows she is beautiful. Some mystery is ok but we really do need to know more about her and what her purpose is.

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Trees #13

Dec 28, 2015

The Trees are a threat and we need to see them being investigated more.

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Twisted Dark #4

Jan 7, 2016

These is a great collecting of tales that will have you thinking.

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Twisted Dark #5

Jan 3, 2016

This is a great collection of stories that draws you into them. They make you think.

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Vampblade #1

Feb 13, 2016

This issue is a good introduction to the character and leaves some mystery for future issues.

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Vampirella (2014) Annual #1

Nov 28, 2015

Combining a poisonous girl, a sorcerous, a werewolf, Frankenstein's monster and a vampire into one group is a great idea.

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Venture #3

Nov 3, 2015

Joe being the new super-hero in town needs one thing. An arch nemesis and a mysterious armored figure certainly looks the part. How will Joe handle facing his first super villain? Tune in to find out.

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Venture #4

Jan 1, 2016

Richard the villain though steals this issue. He is not really evil. He also has a certain charm to him that you will find endearing.

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Venus #1

Dec 24, 2015

This first issue is a great start to the series. The Captain makes for such a outstanding character.

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Voracious #1

Feb 13, 2016

Nate is learning as he goes. What we get to see and feel through these pages is him enjoying part of living again. It feels wonderful. This comic even includes a recipe that looks simply delicious. Take a big bite of this comic and enjoy.

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Witchblade (1995) #184

Oct 4, 2015

The story though is something else. It is moving with lots of emotion. This is not about fighting it is about feelings. Sara deserved a encounter like this one.

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Witchblade (1995) #185

Dec 5, 2015

What will become of the Witchblade and its next Bearer if there is one? We will just have to wait and see.

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Wolverine (2003) #2

Jun 30, 2003

Logan is drawn so short. He is almost a midget. He is a runt but not this much. If he keeps shrinking pretty soon you will not be able to see him. The artwork does show him as being rough, hairy and wild which fits him to a T. And what happened to his trade mark hair cut?

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Wolverine (2003) #9

Dec 25, 2003

Logan goes through these bad guys as if they don't exist he needs a challenge. He needs to face someone that can go toe to toe with him.

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Wolverine (2003) #10

Feb 11, 2004

The art style portrays Logan as a tough and gritty little runt. Which is perfect for him. Now we just need a super villain to show up - say like Sabretooth!

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Wonder Woman (1987) #200

Feb 9, 2004

The fourth story has Wonder Girl telling a bed time story. Cassie is cute. You get some good pin-ups. Then last but not least is Steve Rude's pin-up. This is a work of art. Wonder Woman is just enjoying an outdoor garden market in the country. She is kneeling playing with kittens with kids around her. This expresses the amazons' true nature. One of caring and love.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #1

Dec 7, 2015

Gilad the Eternal Warrior is shown here more as a family man. The warrior we see only briefly. We need to see the warrior step up and fight. Gilad does have a well illustrated and used battle axe. He can swing and cleave with it so you see how skilled he is in battle.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #14

Oct 17, 2015

Than the you know what hits the fan. It looks like the KKK are in town. Zombie Tramp is pissed off and they are close by. Wonder who is going to pay for disturbing her spa time. Next issue its the KKK vs Zombie Tramp.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #15

Oct 17, 2015

Zombie tramp is a red bikini with a red handled chainsaw is a sight you want to see. She knows what to do and does it and has so much fun doing it.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #16

Nov 14, 2015

Samuel kills Zombie Tramp not once but twice. Now Janey is not ready to stay dead. She is ready to fight though so Samuel may be a psychotic killer but this time he faces a zombie who is more than a zombie. Things are going to get gorier next issue as this continues.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #17

Nov 29, 2015

Seeing Zombie Tramp take a bite out of Bea's head was a bit gross. It did though fit her character. Zombie Tramp is one great horror female that is becoming iconic.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #18

Jan 1, 2016

There is some nice scenes of gore as Zombie Tramp starts getting even for Bea.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #19

Feb 21, 2016

This is a watered down version of previous issues. It needed more action, more gore, more sex, more everything.

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Zombie Tramp Halloween Special #2015

Oct 17, 2015

We see here Zombie Tramp is still a caring individual. She may be a monster but she can still be a nice one. This story is a little different than her regular comic series and it turned out quit good.

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Zombie Tramp Saves XXX-Mas #1

Dec 31, 2015

Zombie Tramp does hate Christmas and bad Santas as well. Well actually she does like Santas they taste delicious. Yummy.

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Zombie Tramp: VD Special #1

Feb 12, 2016

Richard VasseurRichard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic's Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.

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