Zombie Tramp #15

Writer: Dan Mendoza, Jason Martin Artist: Xenia Xiu Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: October 7, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
9.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

While being hunted on the deep South golf course, Zombie Tramp turns the tables on the satanic Country Club cult members who aim to bag her, only to encounter their dark master, the powerful King in Yellow. It's Caddy Shack meets Deliverance by way of True Detective!

  • 10
    First Comics News - Giovanni Aria Oct 4, 2015

    This issue continues Janey Belle's vacation from last issue. In the deep south the klan has come for Zombie Tramp. The questions is who is hunting who? The Klu Klux Klan, like the Nazis, make the best villains because there is no counter argument. No one says “the Klan, they're just miss understood”. NO, they are a bunch of Fucking racist with no redeeming value. So in this issue Janey can go hog wild hunting, killing and maiming the Klansmen. In addition to the hunt, there are daemons, magic and guts. For anyone who ever says Zombie Tramp is all T&A they are wrong. Zombie Tramp is tits and ass AND kick-ass graphic violence to people who really deserve it. The whole thing is just a lot of fun. This comic isn't for everyone. But if you are the target demographic this comic is perfect. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    First Comics News - Richard Vasseur Oct 17, 2015

    Zombie tramp is a red bikini with a red handled chainsaw is a sight you want to see. She knows what to do and does it and has so much fun doing it. Read Full Review

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