Nathan Pride tells the tale of “The Worm of Lambton.” A young heir to a kingdom catches a horrid Worm while fishing on the banks of the River Wear and throws it into a well in disgust. When the Worm outgrows the well and begins to torment the nearby villagers, the heir will have to return to stop it.
Overall, this is a really good issue. It’s a solid story with good characterization and a very interesting plot. This series is coming along quite nicely, with the frame narrative holding the stories afloat. I’m pretty excited to see what new stories our k-9 friend will have a chance to hear. The elderly man seems like a very suspicious and curious man, and I definitely hope we see more of him. If you’re into fantasy stories like these, this series is one to check out as soon as possible. Read Full Review
Pride creates a story that follows what we saw with previous Storyteller tales- it not only entertains, it has a meaning, a moral to it all. Prides story and artwork are well deserved and fitting for this series, bringing a new type of dragon to the mix, one different than what we saw in last issues story. I love the whole idea of The Storyteller; the previous series, Witches, is one of my favorite series of 2015, and with the way Dragons is going, I have no doubt this series will rank right up there, if not higher. If you arent reading this series, you are seriously missing out on an extremely fun series. Read Full Review
The storyteller an old man adds some fun to the beginning and ending of this comic. His dog seems to always have something to add as well. Read Full Review
A fantastical dragon that's unique and creepy will satiate fantasy fans. The story doesn't quite work when it adds a witch, which slows things down too much. Read Full Review