Zombie Tramp #17

Writer: Dan Mendoza Artist: Victoria Harris Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: November 25, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Janey witnesses a teenage goth geek girl tortured and murdered by four trendy mall rats. Not her problem.  But when she realizes the murderous click are using blinged-out iTablets to cast Necro-spells, she can't let it slide. Follow this exciting story arc as Zombie Tramp returns to high school, Jumpstreet style, to solve the mystery of the iWitches!

Features a variant cover by series creator Dan Mendoza, a risqué variant cover, and an artist showcase variant and risque by Ryan Kinnaird (Empowered, Playstation Magazine).

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Nov 25, 2015

    This is a solid issue. It's a bit on the average side of the series which is where a lot of the latest issues are falling for me. I still enjoying reading the series, but as a reviewer I've basically run out of things to say about it. That is unless the scale tips more one way than the other. Really at this point you probably already know if this book is for you. Yes, it has a lot of fan service, but what's always set it aside is Janey's rich personality and her inability to take shit from others. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    First Comics News - Richard Vasseur Nov 29, 2015

    Seeing Zombie Tramp take a bite out of Bea's head was a bit gross. It did though fit her character. Zombie Tramp is one great horror female that is becoming iconic. Read Full Review

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