Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #3

Writer: Tyler James, John Lees Artist: Alex Cormack Publisher: Comix Tribe Release Date: November 11, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
9.4Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

Clark and Deanie pick up the pieces after the Oxymoron's latest machinations leave the Swanstown Police Department in shambles. But when the contradiction-obsessed killer forces Mary to relive her worst nightmare, will it push her past the breaking point?

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Nov 16, 2015

    Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare is most definitely a book for mature audiences.  The lengths that this character goes are extreme.  The end of this issue will shock you to your very core.  You'll wonder what just happened.  You won't believe it at first.  They didn't really do that, did they?  There's only one issue left and I have no idea how the creators are going to top themselves, but I cannot wait to find out.  Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Nov 11, 2015

    I read this issue twice. There's so much that happens that you might find yourself doing the same. I'm really impressed by just how much they've been able to cram into each issue without it being noticeable. I don't know what the finale can possible hold for us. I haven't been able to guess this series for shit and that's been a part of the fun. Whatever the creative team has in store for us, I have a feeling it's going to be great. Read Full Review

  • 10
    First Comics News - Richard Vasseur Feb 5, 2016

    This issue really leaves no doubt that Oxymoron is one sick SOB. You will be wishing you could kill him yourself by the end of this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Nov 10, 2015

    I really loved the fact that ComixTribe has a recap page at the beginning of issues #2 and 3 to bring readers back up to speed on ‘what has gone before'. As I was reading this issue it was moving along just fine but it really felt like a dip in the action compared to the 1st two issues of the series, which is not unheard of for the penultimate issue of a four issue series. Then, about 2/3rds of the way into the issue it starts to build and the action continued to escalate throughout the remainder of the issue with some really startling twists ending with one of the most chilling scenes I've ever read in a comic. These guys really hit me in the gut here and I'm hooked. I'm buying physical copies of the series and am looking forward to seeing how they're going to wrap this one up! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Nov 10, 2015

    James and Lees dive into Mary Clark's past in this issue as they reveal to us what caused the SPD to frown upon her in the first place. She's made mistakes in her past, ones the Oxymoron has been using to his advantage, but it's made clear this issue that she has no intentions of giving up. When it comes to the art this issue there's no holding back from artist Alex Cormack either. The interview scene described above is detailed and gruesome. This issue gets your heart pounding! Read Full Review

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