Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #4
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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #4

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Kelly Thompson Artist: Laura Braga Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 23, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 12
8.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

• Captain Marvel and her team are pinned down by the Thor Corps and the squad is in no shape for a firefight.
• If they can win the battle, the Carol Corps have one way out of this mess...UP!
• They'll shoot for the stars, but what they'll find will shake their world!

  • 9.5
    The Rainbow Hub - Eve Sep 27, 2015

    As I've said before and will say again: Carol makes us all want to be better. Better people, better friends, better leaders, better heroes. May we all be Captains in her wake. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Sep 25, 2015

    It's almost the perfect ending to everything that isCaptain Marvel and the Carol CorpsandCaptain Marvelas we get to see Carol in her element, flying and most unusually she seems to be happy, which any member of the Carol Corps will be emotional to see as it seems like even if it is briefly, Carol is getting somewhat of a happy ending. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Sep 24, 2015

    I know Carol will still be around, but Kelly Sue DeConnick did something so spectacular with her. Just like Brian Reed worked to rebuild Carol, Kelly Sue tapped into her inner power to bring Carol back on top, showing us the value of Carol and the Star and what it means to take hold of your own reservoir of power and reach the stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 28, 2015

    Readers looking for a satisfying end to this series may be frustrated and may need to find closure within the main Secret Wars title. This certainly isn't the only Secret War tie-in mini-series that lacks closure in its final issue. Despite the conclusion to this series on the final page, it still delivers an exciting action-packed story and I think it is one of the best series taking place within Battleworld. Now I'm interested to see what I missed with Captain Marvel before Secret Wars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Robert Reed Sep 28, 2015

    Fortunately, Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #4 ends on a high note, touching not only on some of the unanswered questions Carol had about Battleworld, but also giving new meaning to this series' motto. It's a powerful ending, made more affecting by the heartfelt letter from Kelly Sue DeConnick at the end of the issue. The issue, like the mini-series, has some bumps, but Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #4 makes for an emotionally satisfying end to a series that always looked up to the stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Sep 23, 2015

    At the end of the run, it's hard not to wish for more. More issues, more plot, more answers. It's disappointing to think we'll never find out what the stars that formed Kit's hammer look like, and the simmering dramatic tension between Carol and the Hala Field Baroness, Baroness Cochran, could easily have filled several more issues. But Thompson and DeConnick end the series on such a strong emotional note that the deficiencies in plot are easy to overlook. Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #4 is an exhilarating, emotional send-off to an intriguing tie-in, and a solid way to close the book on DeConnick's Captain Marvel run. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jeff Lake Sep 24, 2015

    It's the kind of read that gets you fired up, inspired, so intent are DeConnick, Thompson and Braga to leave everything on the final page. Read Full Review

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