Ultimates #3

Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 25
8.7Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

• Sometimes you can't fix something without taking a look at the whole thing at once.
•  Spacetime is broken. If The Ultimates want to fix it, they need to go... OUTSIDE.
•  But who -- or WHAT -- is out there waiting for them?
Parental Advisory

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jan 6, 2016

    THE ULTIMATES continues to be one of the best books in the post-SECRET WARS world, right next to VISION. Conceptually, this is a brilliant book and makes the team name "The Ultimates" mean something again. I cannot recommend this book enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Outright Geekery - Amani Cooper Jan 6, 2016

    Kenneth Rocafort and Dan Brown really came through in this book. The amount of detail in this book is incredible. From the alien plant life to the spaceships to each character's look. However, there are a lot of lines on the characters' faces, especially with Blue Marvel. I'm not sure if its to show age or depth, but, there are a lot of them varying from character to character. The very dark spots under the eyes of the character are a bit much. Also, the jagged shapes and lines can still be seen in most panels. Not a fan of them, but in some places, they serve their purpose. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Jan 6, 2016

    I cannot recommend this book enough. I find myself more excited with each issue I read. The Ultimates #3 hints at some big development for our cast of characters and hopefully the entire Marvel Universe. To have this diverse cast of powerhouses is enough itself, but each installment of this book never fails to excite or amaze. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dusty Good Jan 11, 2016

    The cliffhanger is best left unspoiled, but doesn't it ruin your day whenyour spouse's murderer is in the last place you expect to run into them?Like in the Neutral Zone…when you think that you have killed them? Man!I hate when that happens.This is a title that should be on the pull list of anyone that remember'swhat great team books are supposed to read like, old FF fans, and foranyone that likes amazing art and a solid story. High praise for a newtitle that I'll have to start picking up on the regular. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopOptiq - Terrence Sage Jan 7, 2016

    The creative team for Ultimates definitely works in unison. While Ewing gives us the character beats and the story that will keep us coming back, Rocafort and Brown continue to assault our eyeballs with all manner of splash pages, colors, and inter-dimensional transport stars that are greeted by many styles of alien remains and a purple dragon to greet them. The Ultimates #3 proves that a team of past B and C list Heroes can be the next great thing in the right hands. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Jan 7, 2016

    Ive read a good deal of the All-New, All Different Marvel titles in the wake of Secret Wars. Of such, The Ultimates is far and away the true flagship series and the best candidate for becoming a classic run that will be remembered and reread for decades to come. Ewing and Rocafort have created something special here, taking the epic, operatic, and fantastical elements which comics excel at and infusing such with novel storytelling, modernmores, and phenomenal artwork. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jan 7, 2016

    Ewing's boldness, perfectly paired with Kenneth Rocafort's knack for gorgeous cosmic scenery, makes this one of Marvel's quickest evolving and most exciting new books. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 8, 2016

    The Ultimates continues to kick ass. Plain and simple. They're tackling big problems and getting creative about it while also looking like they're just going to run with the fallout and deal with it in an almost dicatorial way – while also being fully transparent, at least to those on Earth. I'm really curious to see where they'll go since there are a lot of things they can tackle and hopefully some of it will stick for at least a while. I'm really hoping for another look at Galactus to see what else he's up to out there, but the quick shift to the timeline problem is also pretty well. Ewing and Rocafort are just delivering in spades book after book and this is pretty much my must-read Marvel book right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Jan 8, 2016

    It's amazing how unpredictable this comic is. When you have a team whose whole purpose is trying to figure out ways to make the whole universe better, you'd think at some point it would just get either too confusing or too weird. However,Ultimates #3manages to pass this, the ideas are very big but despite this fact you still find yourself enjoying the ride. Whileit can be confusing at times, the characters are trying to change the broken time stream and they're leaving space to do so. It all seems like a lot for something that probably won't even pan out. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jan 7, 2016

    Ultimates #3 dives more into what this series has to offer and proves the sky seems to be the limit. This creative team knows what they want from this team and they waste no time putting them in a position to do what they do best. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Jan 8, 2016

    I'm enjoying this book more and more with each read. I love how the team works with one another and reacts to one another. There hasn't been any infighting and a big difference as pointed out by Adam Brashear is that although they've got all these heavy guns on the team, they aren't too big to ask for help on areas outside of their expertise. I. LOVED. THAT. POINT. I don't know why but it just came across as showcasing how different and mature this team is as a unit as opposed to the archaic formula we've seen in other team books when it comes to getting issues solved. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 11, 2016

    Another engaging issue, full of adventure and crazy cosmic science. Feels like classic Fantastic Four for a new audience… Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Robert Reed Jan 11, 2016

    The Ultimates has quickly become one of the best books in Marvel's output. Unafraid of both the immensity of Marvel's continuity or the powers this team wields, the book at times feels like Marvel's take on Star Trek, boldly going where no book has gone before. Al Ewing and Kenneth Rocafort bring out the best in one another, making The Ultimates #3 a sleek yet complex book in both design and storytelling. And a final page reveal of a character from Blue Marvel's past shows they haven't yet let readers in on all they plan to offer. Read Full Review

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