Faith #3 (Mini-Series)

Writer: Jody Houser Artist: Francis Portela, Marguerite Sauvage Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: March 30, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 5
8.4Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

New job. New identity. New life... right? Will the sudden reappearance of a former Renegade bring Faith's newfound heights crashing back down to Earth?

She's an intrepid reporter by day and an alien conspiracy hunting super hero by night - so the last thing Faith Herbert needed was her ex-boyfriend and one-time teammate Torque back in the picture. But he is. Does life have a "dislike" button?

Rising star Jody Houser (Orphan Black) and sensational artists Francis Portela (Green Lantern) and Marguerite Sauvage (DC Comics Bombshells) continue Faith's landmark solo series debut!

  • 10
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Mar 30, 2016

    There are evident challenges in creating narratives that are confined to limited issues, but this entire team has done a great job rising to the occasion. The twists were genuinely surprising and realistic, and the art has taken on new and subtle distinctions that were important for this issue in particular. The execution of this chapter of Faiths story was absolutely on point leaving me both excited for the final installment and heartbroken that it will have to end. If youve been on board so far, you cannot miss Faith #3. If you havent, its never too late to pick up the previous two issues! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Mar 30, 2016

    You may have noticed that I've pointedly avoided mentioningFaith‘s plus-sized stature so far in this review. That's because while I am over joyed to have representation of honest to goodness female body sizes in comics, I didn't want to encourage you to read the comic because of that – indeed her body size doesn't really matter to me when it comes to my love of this series. You should read this comic because it's brilliant, and becauseit also features acharacter that we need to see more of. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Mar 30, 2016

    Faith #3 was an issue full of revelations. There's action, laughs and great human moments that will captivate readers. The art is truly exception, with great detail and vivid colors that it will grasp readers by the head and not let go. And while the big bad was typical … it did make sense and there was plenty of tension to the build up by Houser. It is a fun ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 30, 2016

    One thing that really got me with this issue, and perhaps it just felt a bit more noticeable this time around, is how strong the artwork from Francis Portela and Andrew Dalhouse is. It really reminds me of the early 90's Valiant house style in a big way and I have a real fondness for it because it's not like everything else on the racks when it comes to superhero stuff. But that's Faith in a nutshell in general; while the core pieces are there from the standards of the genre, it's self aware enough to avoid some aspects of it, play with others a bit more, and embrace it in the right way. Houser hits a lot of things in this issue – almost too much to be honest – but it makes for a good and dense read that makes the whole book compelling and engaging from start to finish. Definitely looking forward to seeing where it turns next and how it'll all resolve by the end. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Apr 4, 2016

    The issue also moves the mini forward in ways that feel a tad bit rushed, but that's the nature of a 4 issue miniseries that is trying to both build a character and tell a story. Hopefully, "Faith" gets another mini (or an ongoing!) soon, and we can see more from this corner of the Valiant Universe " one that any comics fan would be smart to investigate. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Amy Okamoto Mar 28, 2016

    Faith #3 delivers both humor and excitement. The action is hitting close to home now, and for Faith, its about to get even closer. The first two books in this mini introduced readers to Faith and built her world while establishing a murky conspiracy. Now that those points have been established, Houser and co. hit us with the truth, making us realize just how important this story is. Readers will be clamoring for the finale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Eric Ogar Baumgard Mar 29, 2016

    If you're sick of morally corrupt anti-heroes trudging through grim, bloody stories, or just want a break from them, then pick up Faith! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Mar 30, 2016

    While Faith grabbed all sorts of headlines at the start of her career for Valiant Entertainment, Faith #3 reads like Faith's place in her universe is secured. By connecting her solo outing to larger narrative threads at play in the company, Jody Houser takes this story of a new, fledgling superhero and makes it feel so much larger as it goes into its finale. Along with evocative pencils from a stocked art team, Faith #3 feels like much more than just a simple solo outing. It feels like the start of something much bigger - and deadlier - for Faith and for the Valiant Universe as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Jeff Lake Mar 31, 2016

    It's tough to carry a book on likability alone, but three issues in it's a trick that Faith continues to pull off. It's not that the story isn't good " it just seems like it's still trying to get going, despite the various stop-starts and last second reveals. And considering the book's mini-series nature, that puts a sizable amount of pressure on the finale to pull things together. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Mar 28, 2016

    Things are definitely heating up in this series. I’m so ready to see what happens next but, for now, my mind is blown. Be sure to read Faith #3 to catch up with this amazing series! Read Full Review

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