"DEMONS," Part Four
Hannah is reunited with her father for the first time in many years and in a way she never could have expected.
In all, this is exactly what I want a lead-in to the arc's finale issue to be. I am fully engaged with the humor and gravitas of the story and desperate to get my hands on the next one. Read Full Review
Highlights for me include: We got answers to a lot of long lingering questions. Betty interactions with Daniel the dragon was hilarious. I enjoy Dee and Senoa reminiscing about their mom and I the interaction between Hannah and her mom as well. I especially like the friendship between Hannah and Tizzie. Read Full Review
I highly recommend this series and this issue. From the beginning, Rat Queens has been a great ride and I like seeing issues like #14 which promise some major stories in the future. I look forward to seeing how things change between each of the Queens and what magical misadventures they find themselves in. For something new, refreshing, and irreverent, look no further than Rat Queens #14. Read Full Review
While still full of witty, irreverent fun, this issue sets up situations that could have dire and thrilling consequence for the Rat Queens. Read Full Review
If I'm keeping it a-hundred, the plots haven't been as tight since Roc Upchurch had his run in with the law and left (was booted from) the series. I've given it a fair chance and the comic hasn't been the same. The art and story don't inform each other in the same way. I'm trying to be patient for Weibe and Fowler to develop that same rapport but it doesn't seem to be happening, leaving the plot wandering from character to character. I know the resolution is coming, and I'm hopeful that it will be as big as the last climax. But I picked up this comic because of the combination of the female characters and their aggressive, Gods-be-Damned, fantasy RPG hero ways. One without the other is just leaving me as limp as, well as limp as any Gary. Read Full Review
This arc definitely isn't the series at its best, which is saying something since the last arc, which suffered from notably tumultuous production problems, was both better written and better illustrated. Wiebe's writing lacks the energy it had for the first 10 issues, while Fowler's art is rather stiff. That said, at least Fowler is steadily improving as the arc has gone along.
The writing for this arc has been weaker overall and this issue continues that trend. Also, the art continues to feel incredibly stiff.