Ultimates #5

Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 23, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 20
9.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Beyond every universe...beyond the omniverse itself...beyond any limit mankind has ever known...there is only The Outside. From here, The Ultimates can see into the true nature of all time and space - and learn the secrets of the All-New Marvel Universe! The question is...what’s out here seeing into them?

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Mar 23, 2016

    Once again, ULTIMATES continues to be one of the best series Marvel is currently putting out. The series sits in its own little pocket and Ewing, Rocafort, and Brown seem to have free reign with what they're doing. This is a must read series, even if you're unfamiliar with the characters involved. ULTIMATES is treading new ground, and it's incredibly engaging. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Wednesday Comics - Marvin Salguero Mar 29, 2016

    The Ultimates should be the Marvel team book you should be reading. Any fan (new or old) of cosmic Marvel will find an entertaining story unraveling in these pages. This issue might be the greatest issue of this series so far. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Brunell Mar 24, 2016

    If you're a Marvel Comics fan and you haven't picked up this series, I would highly recommend at least taking a couple issues to see if you are into it. With Civil War II coming soon, this series supplies some of the back story behind why the second Marvel Civil War is coming to be. It's always good to get caught up, and since it's only 5 issues in, there is still time to jump on board from the beginning. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Outright Geekery - Amani Cooper Mar 27, 2016

    Al Ewing is great for bringing these heroes together. They just work. Ewing's writing is pretty smooth, too. It's like watching a movie or a big budget TV show. Now can you imagine an Ultimates how or movie? I can. The way Ewing keeps going, its gonna be an uphill battle for the Ultimates. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Mar 28, 2016

    Kenneth Rocafort does another great job of making space his own with his style. Where his detail on certain character features can come off as a bit jagged or rough, it's just fitting for this book. That detail becomes trivial when you see the large-scale drawings he does of Galactus, the time stream, and space. Rocafort has nailed the sci-fi look and feel, and now I'm really eager to see what he'll do when our heroes are back on Earth. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Mar 28, 2016

    I like hanging out with the characters in this series. They're all incredibly smart and make me feel smarter for having read them as they look beyond the violence and work towards a greater goal. There will be fights in this series and large scale threats that will force more than words, but ultimately it's a series about solving problems. It's about looking up instead of down and thinking about the bigger picture. You won't find Daredevil and Luke Cage punching out crooked landlords here, but you will find a diverse cast of highly intelligent heroes looking to make the universe a better place. Al Ewing and Kenneth Rocafort are building some grand mysteries with "The Ultimates," a series well worth your time if you are a fan of intellectual science fiction. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Mar 24, 2016

    The word "Avengers" may not be in the title, but The Ultimates is every bit worthy of being Marvel's flagship title. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Mar 23, 2016

    If youre a fan of the timey-wimey omniversal stuff, then youre going to love this issue. Ultimates #5 has some excellent talk about Marvels omniverse and timelines that will be sure to have some bearing on other series. The end of the issue promises something big for the future of Marvel and the Ultimates as they move into their second volume. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Mar 24, 2016

    With the conclusion of Ultimates #5 it is easy to say that Ultimates is just a well written and drawn series that is constantly evolving. There is nowhere but up for Ultimates and the aim is far from overreaching. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Robert Reed Mar 28, 2016

    The Ultimates #5 is an interesting read, but not necessarily an entertaining one. Al Ewing shows a clear grasp of his characters and the artwork by Rocafort and Brown make the issue as visually grand as the cosmic Marvel universe demands. But the story suffers a bit as the heroes are subject to an exposition dump. The scale to the challenge is huge, but the heroes have yet to take action. The promise of Thanos' involvement should change that in future issues, and hopefully the groundwork Ewing and Rocafort have laid here pays off. Read Full Review

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