Cyborg #3

Writer: David F. Walker Artist: Joe Prado, Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 7, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 10
6.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Cyborg is our only defense against a freakish new army of invading metal aliens known as the Technosapiens. Plus, the Tekbreakers are back! They killed him the last timeare they back to finish the job?!

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Oct 7, 2015

    Cyborg #3 gets intense and cements Victor as his own man in this solo adventure. One where again this invasion is one that only he can combat. He has allies, finds his betrayer, and deals feel feelings of pain for what he has gone through. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Oz Longworth Oct 10, 2015

    Bottom Line: Not quite as perfect as the book has previously been visually, but the turn-up action wise is fun enough that David Walker maintains a solid book overall. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Oct 7, 2015

    Cyborg #3 was action-packed, holding a lot of treasures, large and small. Im excited to see where the series goes and Im happy with what we got in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Terrence Sage Oct 8, 2015

    Issue #4 is gearing up to be the biggest issue yet in terms of payoff to the story David Walker is telling so far. However,Cyborg#3 is an excellent comic in its own right with friendly faces aplenty, science-fiction action and horror, and a phenomenal art team. It continues the hot streak that this book has been on since the beginning of the DC You initiative. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Levi Hunt Oct 8, 2015

    After putting in the work to humanize Vic Stone over the last two issues, David Walker opts for a more action heavy issue this time around - it's fun, but it's also a quicker read than previous issues with less to chew on. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 9, 2015

    Cyborg ups the ante in action with this issue, but besides for that and a pretty bad ass cliffhanger, there really isn't much to be excited for about this issue........ well, besides for the guest stars that is and with only three issues in, I shouldn't be so happy about guest stars, I should be drooling over the main character.  Sadly, Cyborg comes off little more than a 80's action star as he whoops alien ass and spews out one-liners.  This is probably the best issue in the series so far, but offers little in making Cyborg feel like a solo character. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 12, 2015

    Finally throws us into the action sequences, after two slower issues, but the pacing quickly gets a little too breakneck… Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 12, 2015

    "Cyborg" #3 is an unfortunate combination of poor scheduling and inconsistent artwork, which makes the issue seem rushed and lackluster. Walker, Reis and company put a lot of concepts and character work into this issue, but the incomplete settings and busyness of the issue fail to describe the gravity of the situation in a memorable manner. Hopefully, the creative team will use this issue to get back on track and the next chapter of the Technosapiens storyline will have a bit more polish. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Lido Giovacchini Oct 7, 2015

    It speaks volumes about where the Cyborg comic is at this point that what is essentially an alright, boiler-plate alien invasion issue counts as "good", but that's just where things are at this point. It's sort of bizarre that "character development" seems to be the comic's worst enemy while the shallow action scenes are the highlight but again, that's just how these things play out sometimes. The real problem though is that the book's fairly sizable ambition is directed at the completely wrong area. This isn't building a unique mythos for Cyborg to inhabit and for future writers to inherit, it's just saddling the character with the most clichd and basic superhero personality you can find. Ultimately we end up at the same closing mantra that's punctuated the past two Cyborg comics: maybe next time. Read Full Review

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