That's usually a problem with most comic books and you are the very first person I know who has noticed it. Also, superheroes wear complete outfits in the hottest months of the summer.
She will return, like a Phoenix from the ashes.
Years ago, Jean Grey died and the X-Men mourned her. Since then, the world has changed, her teammates have lived without her and died without her. And now, when strange events start happening all over the world, those teammates can only come to one conclusion - the one true Jean Grey is back!
Rated T+
Not many mysteries can be both unsettling and so satisfying, but Matthew Rosenberg pulls it off and leaves you wanting more. Read Full Review
Rosenberg and Yu give us a near perfect start to the resurrection of one of Marvel's most popular characters. The art is beautiful, the story is mesmerizing, and all I can think is how glad I am I only have to wait one week for the next issue. Read Full Review
The subtle metaphor of the bird that was prevalent throughout the comic. A flaming bird (Phoenix), but at the same time an entity that disappears and returns in between seasons. The artwork followed the same crisp feeling that was evicted from the text itself. The movements were sharp yet flowing, very much like a fire. The comic altogether mingled in this anxious dance, and it left me saying, “we see the signs, where is she?!” Read Full Review
I truly enjoy that there are so many different places that this story is going and all of them leave me both surprised and nostalgic. Worth reading. Read Full Review
The series is well served by the terrific art by Lenil Francis Yu and Gerry Alanguilan. The jury's still out on the script by Matthew Rosenburg, because the issue is all about setting up mysteries - but none are resolved. Yet. Read Full Review
I'm tremendously impressed by the way that all the creative aspects of the book - the writing, the art, and the colours - become more intense and more passionate when portraying the super-weird opening and closing scenes. The globe-trotting middle is standard-issue event content, but the start and finish are special. They're creepy (good creepy) and memorable and fascinating. In a word, they feel uncanny - and what feeling could be more appropriate for the momentous revival of one of the original X-Men? Read Full Review
This one is off to an excellent start Read Full Review
Though this issue leaves me aching to see Jean turn into the Pyrokinetic Phoenix, we're gonna have to wait for the next issue. Also, seeing Logan as an old and ancient man and not the stoic youthful character I'm accustomed to reading surprise me. Read Full Review
To say this story is weird is an understatement, but then again it is also about a woman who has died and come back numerous times due to being imbued with the power of a cosmic firebird. Phoenix Resurrection gets things so right when it comes to the X-Men, and its nice to see them all like this, even if they may feel like theyd rather not fight ghosts around the world. Especially with the bombshell last panel, I think we are in for one hell of a ride. Read Full Review
A great start to this story worth reading for any X-Men fan. Read Full Review
The first issue is a good one. It sets up the mystery well, gives us some action, and has me wanting to see what's next. I was skeptical going into this but now I'm excited to see where it all goes. When it comes to first issues, you can't ask for much more. Read Full Review
I loved how the teams were sent onto different paths to investigate the situation, and the weirdness in this issue made it feel paranormal. We had plenty of actions and banter. I just really hope that the people brought back are resurrection and not actually manifestation but time will tell. The plot is clear Jean is alive but how, I look forward to finding out more secrets next week. Read Full Review
X-Men fans are not going to want to miss this promising debut. Read Full Review
The message here is clear, if you've been skeptical about buying back into X-Men comics, this will be the be-all end-all. Matthew Rosenberg and the rest of this creative team seem to know they have delicate material in their hands. This first issue certainly buys some major goodwill. Read Full Review
The X-books have taken their fair share of criticism of late, with fans lamenting how their books are notasgreat as they once were. Whilst I can certainly see their points, there comes a time when fans have to realise that may never be a story like The Dark Phoenix Saga again. Readership has changed over the years with their expectations also changing. But to quote the great Billy Joel, "the good ole days weren't always good. And tomorrow ain't asbad as it seems". For me the re-introduction of such a classic character as Jean Grey can only be a good thing. Read Full Review
There's still a lot still unknown and I can't say for sure if this will all end up being a signature Jean Grey story but this issue gave me hope and I loved the mysteries put forward. Read Full Review
This issue helps set up the rest of the series but also suffers from leaving a reader with lots of questions, I'm interested to see where this goes in the later issues but it does suffer from trying to do too much in too short a space, but bringing back a well-known character from the X-Men is always going to be popular and I enjoyed reading it, so issue 1 did exactly what it was suppose to do. Read Full Review
PHOENIX RESURRECTION #1 is not as exciting as it could be, but it is bizarre and intriguing enough to keep readers enthralled in the mystery of Jean Grey's return. Read Full Review
Phoenix Resurrection #1 is a better Jean Grey story than an X-Men story. Read Full Review
It's been over ten years since fan-favourite Jean Grey has graced a Marvel comic and I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed with how little she featured in the first issue, especially after the fantastic Generations title. This issue featured ALOT of X-Men, which is amazing to see and gives me all the nostalgia feels, but it's a big cast that takes up a lot of time in the first part of the series. I did however really enjoy the mystery from the first couple of panels, and can't wait to see just what's behind all these weird events! Read Full Review
Phoenix Resurrection #1 is an okay start. The art holds it back, while the plotting is a bit too utilitarian. Rosenberg includes a sweet letter about how much Jean Grey means to him in the back matter but we don’t really get to see any of that in the book itself. I feel like we’ll get there eventually, but we really aren’t there yet. Right now, we’ve got a large cast and a lot of questions. We’ve got no answers but the creative team has yet to make it feel like there’s anything more to this book than its title. And moving forward, that’s going to be the key. Read Full Review
While a book about Grey might find success in the future, it most likely be from the ashes of this one. Read Full Review
At the end of the day (or the issue, I guess), I feel very much adrift, as if I've read half of a story, with all the important bits that would make it all satisfying in the missing half. Granted, this is a weekly series, which will offset some of the vagueness/incomplete feeling with an almost immediate payoff, but it still doesn't work for me in single-issue format. Read Full Review