ICEMAN, one of the most powerful mutants within the Marvel Universe, discovers his powers and his outlook on life evolving. He needs to lead the charge with a team who stand proudly by his side in the war to "protect those who can't protect themselves." Hercules, Ghost Rider, Black Widow, Darkstar, and Angel re-unite with Marvel's fearless frozen fighter setting ICEMAN on an all-new path. As more unexpected enemies emerge, can Bobby mature into the warrior he's destined to become? Hope he survives the experience! PLUS: Includes 3 bonus MARVEL PRIMER PAGES! Story by Robbie Thompson and a TBA artist!
Rated T more
Iceman #6, CHAMPIONS REUNITED: PART 1 is a humorous and touching read that leaves you wanting more in the best way. Read Full Review
Iceman #6 continues to find and use its voice. Having a firm focus guides the story and helps the story feel cohesive on one level, and it addresses the elephant in the room by putting a spotlight on Bobby being gay and how that fits into his life. The team works together to tell a good story at every level, though there are a couple of areas that detract from the strength of the narrative. Bobby and the team working around him are heading in a good direction that I hope is full of way more gay boy kisses. Read Full Review
This new story arc turned out much better than I had anticipated. There were fears for if this is when the book might start to lose us, but a different direction didn't mean losing what this has been at the core. That big tag which says Legacy I'm sure inspired this choice in story to tell. Iceman #6 gave us an Iceman who has some interesting friends, ways to go building himself up outside of being an X-Man, and up to the challenge when it comes to taking that first step following acceptance of being gay. Read Full Review
Iceman #6 is both funny and poignant--so, you know, business as usual for the series. Read Full Review
Finally, the Iceman smooching in this issue is a great belated National Boyfriend Day present. Read Full Review
Iceman reuniting with the original Champions is about as fun as I could have hoped! Unfortunately " or fortunately, depending on what you want from his comic " the issue undercuts its major selling point with some distracting subplots! Read Full Review
Bobby coming out and learning how to act on his true feelings should be the emotional core of this book. Instead, it's a chore to get through. Instead of Bobby discovering the real him, the series can be summed up so far as "Iceman is gay, and that's weird, right?" Read Full Review
I enjoyed the emotional aspect of the story. The action story of the girl setting off sentinels felt a bit false for me, though.
Losing Natasha in Secret Empire makes this OG Champions reunion a rather sad affair. And Sina Grace bends his script heavily toward Bobby's first gay date, so his old teammates serve primarily on wingman duty. Some of the romance gets glitchy when Mr. Grace pushes too hard toward sass, but the hero relationships are rock-solid. Robert Gill's art is just barely satisfactory. It gets the story told but it doesn't attract any positive attention; scripts that park Warren Worthington, Johnny Blaze, and Bobby Drake together all in civilian clothes are probably haunting Mr. Gill's nightmares now. Thank goodness for leather biker jackets!
I paid for a superhero comic, not for a comic about two homosexuals and their pink story
pass this comic