shatterstar's Profile

Joined: Dec 29, 2016

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Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey And Emma Frost #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Russell Dauterman
Released: Feb 26, 2020

The first of five essential X-tales specially designed to showcase some of Marvel's best artists! First up, Russell Dauterman, superstar artist of THOR and WAR OF THE REALMS! When Storm is in danger, it's going to take two of the most powerful telepaths on Earth working together to make things right. Jean Grey and Emma Frost, together again for the...

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shatterstar rated Powers of X #1 Jul 31, 2019

Powers of X #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 31, 2019

FEAR THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (INFINTY, NEW AVENGERS, FF) continues his revolutionary new direction for the X-Men. Intertwining with HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X reveals the secret past, present  and  future of mutantkind, changing the way you look at every X-Men story before and after. You do not want to miss the next seminal m...

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Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1

By: Jason Aaron, Cafu
Released: Jul 24, 2019

JANE FOSTER STARS IN AN ALL-NEW NEW ONGOING SERIES! A new hero emerges straight from the pages of THE WAR OF THE REALMS! For years, you knew her as Dr. Jane Foster, one of Thor's most steadfast companions. Then you knew her as Thor, the Goddess of Thunder, who took up the mantle when no other hero - god or human - was worthy. Now Jane takes on a ne...

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shatterstar rated House of X #1 Jul 24, 2019

House of X #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jul 24, 2019

FACE THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (SECRET WARS, AVENGERS, FANTASTIC FOUR) takes the reins of the X-Men universe! Since the release of Uncanny X-Men #1, there have been four seminal moments in the history of the X-Men. Giant-Sized X-Men. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse. New X-Men. Four iconic series that introduced a new era for Marvel's m...

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shatterstar rated War of the Realms #4 May 15, 2019

War of the Realms #4

By: Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman
Released: May 15, 2019

Pray to All-Mother Freyja! For in her hands lies the key to ending Malekith's war. The Black Bifrost - the only method of travel for Malekith's vast armies - must fall. Even with the Punisher, Ghost Rider, Blade and Hulk (Jen Walters) at Freyja's side, how many Dark Elves can one goddess kill? While Freyja's team heads for the swamps of Svartalfhei...

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: May 8, 2019

• The neighborhood, and the planet, is doomed. Spider-Man is powerless to stop the end of the world. Only Earth's Newest and Mightiest Hero, Spider-Bite, can save the day.
•  Wait, WHAT?!
Rated T

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shatterstar rated Fantastic Four #3 Nov 16, 2018

Fantastic Four #3

By: Dan Slott, Sara Pichelli
Released: Nov 14, 2018

•  The Fantastic Four is more than a team. It's a family. And when the fate of the very Multiverse is at stake, that means it's time for the ENTIRE family to have a reunion.
•  Everything you've been waiting for? It's in THIS issue.
•  Guest-starring: Spider-Man, Wolverine, the Hu...

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shatterstar rated Avengers #10 Nov 15, 2018

Avengers #10

By: Jason Aaron, David Marquez
Released: Nov 14, 2018

After 700 issues of saving the world, you'd think the Avengers would be due some celebration. But instead the whole world seems to be gunning for them, especially Namor's fearsome new Defenders of the Deep and the reimagined Russian Super-Soldiers of the Winter Guard. And that's not to mention the shocking surpri...

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Death Of The Inhumans #5

By: Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti
Released: Nov 7, 2018

The Royal Family has been broken. Now, something new and terrible rises from its ashes. Who is Vox? Where are the Inhumans he's killed? And what lies ahead for a king without a kingdom?
Rated T+

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West Coast Avengers #3

By: Kelly Thompson, Stefano Caselli
Released: Oct 31, 2018

• If the team thought a 50-Foot Woman version of Tigra was trouble, just wait till they get a load of her "friends."
•  That's right, it's close encounters of the very large and destructive kind as the West Coast Avengers try to save the day from B-movie-monster-sized threats roaming Los Angeles!
•  ...

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shatterstar rated X-Men: Red #9 Oct 24, 2018

X-Men: Red #9

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonia
Released: Oct 24, 2018

• Following the shocking events of X-MEN RED #8, it's time for Jean to finally confront her demon head-on.
•  Jean Grey and Cassandra Nova... The showdown begins here!
Rated T+

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shatterstar rated Extermination #3 Sep 30, 2018

Extermination #3

By: Ed Brisson, Pepe Larraz
Released: Sep 26, 2018

• With Ahab hunting the time-traveling X-Men, it's all hands on deck, as every X-Men team is called to arms and protect the remaining young mutants.
•  But young Jean Grey and her bodyguards aren't going to lie still for Ahab to come to them...
Rated T+

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shatterstar rated Black Panther #4 Sep 30, 2018

Black Panther #4

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Daniel Acuna
Released: Sep 26, 2018

Rebellion among the rebels! When M'Baku rises to lead the Nameless, he'll advocate for a new strategy in their war against the Empire - one that goes against everything T'Challa believes. But M'Baku's plan could save lives. And without his mantle, what power does T'Challa have to fight for what h...

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shatterstar rated X-Men: Red #8 Sep 26, 2018

X-Men: Red #8

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Sep 26, 2018

In the wake of an unprecedented assault on Atlantis, the X-Men must react and recover...while at the mercy of a world that grows more hostile to mutants every day, and a foe who is determined to keep it that way!
Rated T+

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shatterstar rated Avengers #8 Sep 20, 2018

Avengers #8

By: Jason Aaron, David Marquez
Released: Sep 19, 2018

In the aftermath of their world-shaking battle against the Dark Celestials, the new Avengers team is officially formed, complete with a startling new headquarters at the top of the world. Behold the wonders of Avengers Mountain. But someone who doesn't seem impressed is Namor, the ferocious lord of Atlantis, whose rage may...

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shatterstar rated West Coast Avengers #2 Sep 20, 2018

West Coast Avengers #2

By: Kelly Thompson, Stefano Caselli
Released: Sep 19, 2018

• You thought giant land sharks were bad? How about former West Coast Avenger Tigra transformed into an extremely grouchy, extremely ENORMOUS Woman?!
•  But Tigra isn't the half of it. Who's the insanely handsome man behind the curtain pulling her strings?
•  Hawkeye, Hawkeye, America Chavez, Fuse, Gwenpool and Kid Omega are her...

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shatterstar rated Venom #6 Sep 19, 2018

Venom #6

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Sep 19, 2018

• After a brief connection to the GOD-HOST, EDDIE and the VENOM symbiote have emerged with brand new powers!
•  A good thing too, as they'll need every upgrade they can get as they head down a collision course with the primordial symbiote GRENDEL!
Rated T+

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shatterstar rated X-23 #4 Sep 13, 2018

X-23 #4

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Sep 12, 2018

• It's a sisters-vs.-sisters showdown as Laura must battle through the Cuckoos' powerful mind
projections to rescue Gabby - but why did the Cuckoos kidnap Gabby in the first place?
•  And will Gabby be able to resist their psychic shackles, or will she turn against Laura too?
Rated T+

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shatterstar rated Fantastic Four #2 Sep 13, 2018

Fantastic Four #2

By: Dan Slott, Sara Pichelli
Released: Sep 12, 2018

What have Reed, Sue and the kids been up to all this time? What adventures have they been on? What strange new friends have they found along the way? What deadly new enemies have they made? And what are Franklin and Valeria's new codenames? All these questions will be answered... just in time for ENTIRE UNIVERSES TO DIE!

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shatterstar rated Avengers #7 Sep 7, 2018

Avengers #7

By: Jason Aaron, Sara Pichelli
Released: Sep 5, 2018

If you thought you knew the beginnings of the Marvel Universe, you were wrong! Odin and his Prehistoric Avengers represent a period of Marvel history that's never been explored. That exploration begins this issue with the origin of the very first Ghost Rider, one who rides a flaming woolly mammoth and battles...

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Silver Surfer Annual #1

By: Ethan Sacks, Andre Araujo
Released: Sep 5, 2018

What mysteries await buried deep within the cosmic multitudes of the Marvel annals? Why - it's an UNTOLD STORY of the dark and tragic past of the SILVER SURFER, brought to you the mighty Marvel way by ETHAN SACKS (writer of OLD MAN HAWKEYE) and ANDRÉ LIMA ARAÚJO (of the THANOS ANNUAL)!
Anxious to find a world worthy enough to sate the mighty...

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Quicksilver: No Surrender #5

By: Saladin Ahmed, Eric Nguyen
Released: Sep 5, 2018

• Quicksilver has uncovered the dark secret behind the creatures that are hunting his loved ones, but knowing is only half
  the battle.
•  The other half is facing every horrible thing he's ever done. And it's a long list.
•  Can Quicksilver overcome his inner turmoil, or is he doomed ...

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Death Of The Inhumans #3

By: Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti
Released: Sep 5, 2018

Once, Black Bolt's voice could shatter planets. Now, it cannot even break down the walls that hold him. The Midnight King is naught but a wounded prisoner - and his family but lambs to the slaughter. They will plea for help from a distant ally. It will not save them.
Rated T+

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Cosmic Ghost Rider #3

By: Donny Cates, Dylan Burnett
Released: Sep 5, 2018

Rated Parental Advisory

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shatterstar rated Jessica Jones #2 Sep 1, 2018

Jessica Jones #2

By: Kelly Thompson, Mattia de Iulis
Released: Aug 29, 2018

BLINDSPOT Part 2! As Jessica re-opens a cold case in the hopes of bringing a former client’s murderer to justice, she finds herself caught in the web of a serial killer who seems to be targeting powerful women. When two of the Marvel Universe’s most powerful redheads are caught in his crosshairs, Jessica may be their only chance at survival. Gu...

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shatterstar rated Jessica Jones #1 Sep 1, 2018

Jessica Jones #1

By: Kelly Thompson, Mattia de Iulis
Released: Jul 18, 2018

BLIND SPOT Part 1! Jessica Jones was once the costumed super hero known as Jewel. She sucked at it. Now she's a private investigator at her own firm, Alias Investigations. She sucks less at that. With the Purple Man gone, her relationship with her husband, Luke Cage, and their daughter, Danielle, is better than ever. But her past always comes kno...

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shatterstar rated Runaways #12 Sep 1, 2018

Runaways #12

By: Rainbow Rowell, Kris Anka
Released: Aug 29, 2018

• Nico takes a big step forward.
•  Gert takes a bigger step backward.
•  Karolina has to face the paparazzi.
•  And Victor decides it's time to come clean...
Rated T+

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New Mutants: Dead Souls #6

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Gorham
Released: Aug 29, 2018

• The shocking conclusion is here!
•  Magik and the New Mutants have been wondering what their true mission is, and what they discover will shake them to their core!
•  Secrets will be revealed...questions will be answered...and it will be the worst thing that's ever happened to them.
Rated T+

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shatterstar rated Ms. Marvel #33 Aug 31, 2018

Ms. Marvel #33

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Aug 29, 2018

•  KAMALA and BRUNO's experiments have gone a bit awry!
•  But MS. MARVEL needs to pull it together if she's going to save the day!
•  And don't miss the SHOCKING battle between MS. MARVEL and a classic Marvel villain!
Rated T+

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shatterstar rated X-23 #3 Aug 29, 2018

X-23 #3

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Aug 29, 2018

Laura has faced plenty of threats in her day... And when those threats take aim at Gabby, all bets are off. But the stakes are even higher - and the consequences more dire - when Laura comes up against a psychic superthreat: the Cuckoos!
Rated T+

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