The Teen Titans are farther apart than ever before...until Damian Wayne recruits Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and the new Kid Flash to join him in a fight against his own grandfather, Ra's al Ghul! But true leadership is more than just calling the shots-is Robin really up to the task? Or will the Teen Titans dismiss this diminutive dictator?
With time spent focusing on every one of our heroes, this first installment serves as a youthful and energetic introduction to a brand new team. Keeping new leader, Damian Wayne, in the background allowed each member a chance to show who they are in just a few pages. A patient and intelligent way to start something fresh. With lively art by Jonboy Meyers accompanying Ben Percy's energetic script, DC have clearly found the best talents to take the Teen Titans into the next generation. Read Full Review
The art is excellent, the writing is fun and engaging, and the ending was the cherry on top. A really enjoyable Rebirth, giving me high expectations for the new series. Read Full Review
A great first issue for new and old readers alike. The story drives you to question what is going on and answers you smashingly on the very last page. Read Full Review
The first issue sets up a new Teen Titans series well. It establishes characters and gives foundations and insight into stories to come. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this issue and can't wait to see where this creative team takes the story next. My first exposure to Ben Percy and Jonboy Meyers certainly did not disappoint. Read Full Review
Teen Titans gets off to a strong start. Percy and Meyers already look like a strong pairing to usher in the next great Titans era. Read Full Review
I am 100% on board with this new incarnation of the Teen Titans, and can say that I love the makeup of this team. Nothing against its previous incarnations or books, but there always seemed to be something lacking amongst the cohesiveness of the team"hopefully this new Robin will bring something new/annoying to the table, because you just know everyone is going to hate him. Read Full Review
Out of all of the “Rebirth” issues so far, this one has me the most excited for the series the follow. There's something about the tone, the art, the package that has me smiling and wanting more. I've never cared for the Teen Titans, but now I can't wait to read more. Read Full Review
Im more pumped about this series than I thought Id be. This one-shot is setting the stage for a Teen Titans that could lose the more serious tone the series has had for the past five years. I do have my reservations, largely regarding characterization and overall feel for the series, but I also have faith that this team is going to do something right. I look forward to seeing how things play out, because this Rebirth issue has a lot of potential. Lets hope it lives up to it and brings back a Teen Titans series that has life, joy, and family. Read Full Review
Teen Titans Rebirth #1 is an overall solid book. It does exactly what a set-up issue should by establishing the status quo of the team as they join the rest of the post-Rebirth DC Universe. Percy and Meyers also provide killer visuals, complemented by Charalampidis' colors. I don't know where things will go once the series officially kicks off, but I highly recommend picking up Teen Titans Rebirth #1. Read Full Review
A strong, smooth opening act, which only teases the reunion of the much beloved team. Percy and Meyers know how to leave their readers wanting more. Read Full Review
As a result, we get a solid prelude with great writing and fantastic art! It feels fresh and new while also feeling very familiar. Basically, I really liked it, and if youre a fan of the Teen Titans, then I say you should definitely read this comicwhen issue #1hits shelves this October.TITANS, TOGETHER!! Read Full Review
I had fairly low expectations here because of how bad Teen Titans has been in New-52, so I definitely was satisfied by this comic. Read Full Review
Overall, I must say that I was a big fan of Teen Titans: Rebirth #1. Despite its mechanical faults, Percy demonstrates that his take on the Teen Titans will have a strong emphasis on characters who have very distinctive wants and needs. The premise he's put together should make for some excellent storytelling which will only be furthered by the stellar Jonboy Meyers art on display here. Read Full Review
If Teen Titans: Rebirth was intended to build excitement for the upcoming series, it is an enormous success. Percy and Meyer have a firm and loving handle on these characters and their trajectories. Solid dialogue wrestles with an intentionally shallow plot to provide an appealing entry point into this series and an argument as to why this creative team can be entrusted with the future of DC. Adding in Meyers and Charalampidis' powerhouse artistic team only shores up the telling and the draw of this latest incarnation of the Titans. There may not be a huge amount behind these introductions as standalone stories, but this issue makes it abundantly clear that they were never, and could never, be intended as such. Teen Titans: Rebirth understands the word at the core of the franchise: together. Read Full Review
The artwork for Teen Titans: Rebirth #1 is awesome. The character depictions and the detail that's gone into them are brilliant and the story line has definitely got something great going for it. Read Full Review
A pretty thorough introduction to the members of the Teen Titans going forward, and you can't ask for a whole lot more from a Rebirth title. The artwork is very unique but really worked for these characters, and it's so colorful and angular it's almost kaleidoscopic. It's tough to say what this title will be in the future, or whether it will feature a team of friends instead of a gaggle of jerkfaces, but what we see here is an indicator that all signs point to "maybe!" Read Full Review
A new roster of the Teen Titans is formed, but readers learn nothing about why they are brought together or how they will work together. As a #1 issue, it raises enough questions that most readers will want to come back to find out more. And they should, the solicits for the rest of 2016 have the Teen Titans battling Ra' al Ghul. This story-line of Damian forming a team to take on his grandfather is a great setup, we can only hope it delivers. Read Full Review
Teen Titans: Rebirth #1 did exactly what it needed to do to breathe new life into the franchise. Benjamin Percy does a good job giving us an idea of where Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire, Kid Flash and Raven are in their lives and what their current mentality is. This introduction helps set up whatever Percy had Robin assemble the Teen Titans for as now we know who they all are. Jonboy Meyers art style was a welcome addition as his art brought a lot of energy to every panel. With both the story and artwork working together Teen Titans looks to be in great shape moving forward. Read Full Review
Teen Titans: Rebirth #1 is a quick, enjoyable read. It sets the stage for the series proper with solid character introductions and distinct artwork. If Percy can make good use of what he's established here, and Meyers can keep up, Teen Titans may at last be emerging from its long winter. Read Full Review
Teen Titans Rebirth #1 serves as a good introduction to the new titans team, but like many rebirth issues is a little lacking on the substance side. Read Full Review
The series isn't bad, and it's way too early to make a judgement - but here's hoping for clearer storytelling in the future, and maybe a joke or two. Read Full Review
I seriously enjoyed this issue and found a lot of heart in it.Readers should look forward to what's to come. Read Full Review
That being said, from a plot perspective, Teen Titans Rebirth #1 is far from required reading. I'm sure someone could pick up the actual first issue and have no problem following along, which is a key quality with a first issue. But Percy's exploration of the protagonists' inner conflicts made for a solid, engaging and worthwhile read. Read Full Review
While the idea of Damian assembling his own version of the Titans is a great hook, Teen Titans: Rebirth #1 unfortunately doesn't give us much sense of what that will look like aside from the unexpected call to arms. Read Full Review
The writing for this Rebirth one shot is fast paces does feela little rushed, as the whole thing feels like an over extended prologue in the end. But still, it's a fun prologue, with some beautiful pages to look at, and makes you genuinely excited about what's coming down the line. Between this and Titans, featuring the now-adult former members of the team, it seems DC finally is giving fans what they've been asking from one of their flagship series. Read Full Review
The book and this team, in particular, have the potential to be something fun and entertaining, but so far it feels like it's still trying to figure out what it wants to be. The good news is it has plenty of time to do so. Read Full Review
But for now, this is all we got, and as such, Im pretty much obliged to slap this with the fans only rating. But do not let that put you off giving Teen Titans #1 a shot when it comes out next month. Read Full Review
The purpose of this issue as serve as a quick introduction to the members that will form the new Teen Titans group; to tell us very briefly who they are and what were they doing before Damian kidnapped them (in this regard I strongly recommend you to read Detective Comics 940 before this to read a great story or you could be spoiled the big news here if you dont already know)
The characterization and the look of the heroes really makes them feel like the teens they are (except Starfire of course who looks and acts a little more mature) as we see them mostly having fun and having an optimistic attitude (even Raven). It is also good that even if the time was short, that their personalities are already starting to surface and show h more
After 5 long years of poor quality, the Teen Titans are finally in good hands. We get the presentation of the members one by one and the characterizations are successful. The art of Jonboy Meyers is fine and fits very well with the story. The only problem is that the end of the issue is not surprising and was somewhat spoiled by DC, but the cliff-hanger is still good. And I loved the reference to Pixar's "The Incredibles" !
A fun and vivid issue that successfully captures the heart of each of its characters. A real glimmer of hope for the Teen Titans franchise, and a major step-up from Percy's usual work.
Each character in the Teen Titans get a few pages that introduce them to the new readers. With the exception of Damian Wayne who is mostly absent. There are some interesting moments and the ending really doesn't show us anything about what is to come. We just know that the Titans are all in the same room together.
I have really enjoyed Ben Percy's recent work with this being another example of his increased quality. Every character was uniquely written, but Damien, for people not fans of his, can come across as unlikable and over the top. I recommend to any fans of a good teen titan story, but not to people who have tolerated Damien in other stories.
I like the issue, but Damian's a tough character to write. No all writers can write him well and Percy is an example of that, so... I hope issue 1 restore my faith in the series.
I hate the Damian Wayne character and didn't love his appearance here.
Gave me no reason to continue. Still hate these versions of Raven and Starfire.