"The Crown Comes Down" finale! With Mera's life hanging in the balance, Aquaman must find a way to bring down the Crown of Thorns! But King Rath's forces are more resolved than ever to take down Aquaman...and time is running out before Mera pays the ultimate price!
In the end, even though this was mostly an action issue, with very little character work going on, the creative team pulled it off very well. The warrior side of Aquaman was fun to indulge in, even if only for an issue or two, but it also leaves the reader wondering whether this might be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Arthurs anger. Between that hint at the darker side of Aquaman, and the inevitable showdown between him and King Rath next issue, its shaping up to be an extremely exciting time to be a fan of the underwater hero. Read Full Review
I remain a huge fan of this title and with a few of the DC creative teams shifting out to other books, I really hope Abnett and Federici stay in place for many more months to come. Read Full Review
In AQUAMAN #33, Dan Abnett and his fantastic team including artists Riccardo Federecci and Sunny Gho band together to create a fantastic arc finale. This issue is intense, climatic, and most of all, epic.! Most of all the terrific art makes a lasting impression on the reader. Read Full Review
There's finally some payoff for a very long build-up in this series, and this issue is a sight to behold. The art team did a beautiful job that might be worth the cover price by itself. Throw in some fast-paced action and palpable stakes, and you've won my embittered heart. Read Full Review
Aquaman #33 is a fun and beautiful climax for ‘The Crown Comes Down'. This is what weve been waiting for, and Aquaman and his allies get to show the tenacity and commitment to saving Atlantis theyve been paying forward these past few issues. This one is strongly recommended. Check it out. Read Full Review
Overall this issue as well as this arc have been great. Abnett and Federici tell an epic storyline that really brings Atlantis to life. Im excited to see the rise of Mera as the Queen of Atlantis and how this all ends with the final confrontation between Aquaman and Corum Rath. Read Full Review
My favourite part of the comic is of course the gorgeous artwork by Riccardo Federici. Having just seen the Aquaman trailer this past weekend, it appears that Federicis work in in continuity with the Aquaman film. His beasts and Atlantis feel familiar. This is good and hopefully will be something new Aquaman readers will enjoy once this story is collected nearer to the release of the compiled edition. Read Full Review
This book is still far better than it used to be. However, its quality might be coming back down to Earth. Read Full Review
Overall, Aquaman #33 continues the solid storytelling of its predecessors, but never loses sight of the more personal stories and political maneuvering that keep the epic narratives grounded. Where it goes from here is anyone's guess, but if it is half as enjoyable as what's come before, fans should be in very good shape. Read Full Review
It's a fairly entertaining run, but there's still little in the way of plots or characters to really connect to. Read Full Review
All in all, I'm not very surprised. I gave the previous issue a 6/10 in anticipation of an eventful story, but I'm spending time with characters I have no connection to. The story makes a genuine detour to set up the upcoming Mera miniseries. I've had it with this story and this series, it's time for a writer change. The one saving grace of this comic is the stellar artwork by the team. Read Full Review
The art is nothing short of amazing.
I am not a big fan of space operas or fantasy, but D. Abnett has really fleshed out the cast of characters, created an engaging story that mirrors current world events, and has made Aquaman, Mera, and Atlantis shine.
Now, if only this book could go back to being biweekly.
Dolphin punching Urcell is the best scene in this issue!
Change in artists and this book hasn’t missed a beat. Issue was a little predictable with king shark showing up, but damn this series firing on all cylinders. Looking forward to Mera’s limited series.