Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #3

Writer: Amy Chu Artist: Clay Mann Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 16, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 10
7.6Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

As the murder investigation at the lab deepens, a new surprise awaits Poison Ivy in the form of the growing hatched sporelings! As these new lifeforms test the limits of their power, will they soon outgrow the need for their creator?

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 16, 2016

    Haunting, exciting and filled with surprises this is a Poison Ivy story you can't miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comicsverse - Kay Honda Mar 17, 2016

    Anyone who's looking for the fiery redhead with a deadly kiss and the very earth at her feet, do not fear:this character is just prickly enough to be the Poison Ivy that can tear you limb from limb; Amy Chu is just doing a great job of teasing the readers. Pick up this comic and get to know the Dr. Pamela Isley underneath the sexy, Eve-like creature we've all come to know as Poison Ivy. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 17, 2016

    The team here continues to tell their solid story that has the mystery and events unfolding at its pace in an engaging way without beating us over the head with it. I really like how Chu presents Pamela and the almost dual personality she has, but I wish it dug a little more into her plans and reasoning with what she's doing at home. The Mann's continue to deliver solid artwork that has a great look to it without going all over the top with sexuality and sensuality with Pamela. It's inherent in her character for such a long time but by not making it a prime piece here it helps to focus more on the character herself. The arrival of Catwoman is certainly going to be fun, though I expect it to be similar to Harley's appearance as a supporting character for the moment overall. Good stuff that's fun and has me excited to see how the remainder plays out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Paul DePaola Mar 18, 2016

    Poison Ivy's mystery continues to deepen. The writers have set up some great questions and problems to keep us guessing until the next issue. Ivy's murder of Winston stands out as an odd plot point in an otherwise great book. The creators continue to really flesh out Poison Ivy and make her more than a one-dimensional villain. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Brittany Anne Mar 17, 2016

    I was pleased with this issue and not only, because a special guest that I truly love so much came out in it, but because it's flowing nicely. Sometimes, comic books can be all over the place when you read them, but Chu is doing a great job with this one. Like I keep mentioning with this comic book, I don't like it when our villains are trying to be good, it's funny and I enjoy it, but I enjoy it more when we can read their thoughts on how they're struggling with it. Sounds familiar? I feel like we do this all the time, but we don't cross that line (mostly, because we don't want to get in trouble with the law" or be in jail.) Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Gerry Green Mar 17, 2016

    I enjoyed this issue much better than the last. The development of Ivy's personality is starting to gel and I feel like a good character arc is developing. I do wonder about that panel that showed Ivy holding her sporelings with a monster behind her. What is it supposed to be showing? Is this something the babies see? Something they are communicating with her about? Why doesn't Ivy take the break in into her apartment more seriously? Hopefully these questions will be answered satisfactorily but for now it is working. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Mar 16, 2016

    Another day, another deaddoctor at the Gotham Botanical Gardens, and it seems like the culprit might besome whooshing werewolf thing, or maybe the guy with the rooster hair, or possiblythe dude that runs the whole facility that I almost forgot about. Pamela'splant babies are gross but her parenting skills are top notch. The art in thisbook is top notch in some places, and somewhat unfortunate in others. Thismuch-heralded book seems to be going down the tubes. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 17, 2016

    It's great to see Poison Ivy in her own solo series for once, but this book never seems quite sure what it wants to focus on. Ivy's efforts to start her life over often clash with her plant/animal hybrid experiments and the book's halfhearted murder mystery element. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Mar 17, 2016

    This issue lacks the focus of the first two and the story isn't really advanced. I hope things pick up considerably in the remaining three issues. At least Catwoman makes an appearance. Read Full Review

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