Secret Six #9

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Dale Eaglesham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 16, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 8
7.4Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

The teams attempt to defend the Earth from invasion by the Elder Gods takes them to a creepy New England town, inhabited by one very nasty creature. And just when they need Black Alices abilities the most, a shocking turn of events puts her down for the count. Guest starring Swamp Thing!

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Dec 16, 2015

    Our heroes get out of thefrying pan and into the fire. The "frying pan" in this instance is the threatof being crushed by an entire ocean, and the "fire" would be a rural NewEngland mining town from the nineteenth century held captive by a giant wad ofphlegm with an eyeball. I suppose it's a pretty weak metaphor. You'll love theart, you'll love the writing, you'll love this book, and if you don't then youneed to go down to the arcade and take a spin on the Love Tester. You'll probably come up as "Cold Fish." Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Gerry Green Dec 18, 2015

    The art by Tom Derenick and colors by Jason Wright work well together. I particularly liked the scene where the winged lions arrive as well as the humorous old timey getups the team gets into to go to creepy New England. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Daniel Gehen Dec 18, 2015

    This current volume of Secret Six may not yet fully capture the magic of the previous run, but if the creative team can deliver more issues like this on a consistent basis, it might come close. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Dec 19, 2015

    Secret Six continues to revel in its own weird insanity, and nearly every bit of that insanity is absolutely enjoyable. This issue had a few hiccups and pacing issues, but ultimately delivered and continued to push this book in the right direction. Read Full Review

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