SINK ATLANTIS Part 3-The Aquaman crossover continues in part three of "Sink Atlantis"! The squad slinks deeper into Atlantis on their mission to sink the risen undersea kingdom. But when Harley reveals that they've got a nuclear bomb in tow to get the job done, the team might just tear one another apart before they're able to complete the task at hand. Aquaman confronts the Squad with a gang of his own just as Mera's coronation begins, and the moment you've all been waiting for arrives: Killer Croc versus King Shark!
The stakes just keep mounting in this storyline, and Mera gets a great scene to close out the issue, and lead in to the next Aquaman issue. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad was kind of losing its way lately, but this arc has done a lot to rekindle my love of the characters and the kinds of grey morale issues that only the Squad can explore. Read Full Review
Another excellent issue from Rob Williams. I love the new direction that the comic appears to be going in. The artwork in this issue is great as well. I love what Luis and Tarragona have done with the character designs of the new characters. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad #46 was an excellent set-up for a sense of urgency that this arc had not faced before. So much can go wrong when you challenge the kingdom of the sea, and this issue truly reminded us of what is at stake beyond what will happen if Atlantis falls. Read Full Review
Exciting, tense and visually beautiful issue/arc! Cant really expect more from a comic book. Read Full Review
Things are getting even worse on the surface world. Mera has had it and tells the representatives for the world that if Atlantis falls, so shall the surface world! She even has the tides ready to do a big tidal wave. Things aren't looking good!The story is typically bananas. The art is pretty spiffy. All in all it's entertaining and you don't have to turn your brain on for it. And sometimes, that's a good thing. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad #46 is a solid entry in the "Sink Atlantis" crossover. We just need more King Shark versus Killer Croc! Read Full Review
Dan Abnett spins a fine yarn, in a story that sets Queen Mera up to be a formidable force in the world of DC Universe politics. And if you think she's going to butt heads with Amanda Waller, you may just be surprised at the inevitable meeting of these two powerful ladies. Joe Bennett and Vicente Cifuentes do some solid linework, although the coloring sees to flatten out a lot of the details. I also enjoy seeing Dolphin among the Aqua-team, but I miss her original look of denim cutoffs, but that just comes from having been there when it happened. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad #46 isn't really an issue of Suicide Squad. It's really an Aquaman story and honestly? That's a very good thing as the whole Suicide Squad title, while not necessarily bad, has become something of a chore to read. Read Full Review
Combining Suicide Squad and Aquaman for the "Sink Atlantis" event has delivered a highly entertaining story, even if it gets a little over the top at times. Read Full Review
This issue is part 3 of the 4 part crossover and focuses mainly on the newer members of Task Force X, Lord Satanis and Master Jailer, and their contrasting feelings about the species ending mission they are heading up. Read Full Review
While it seems like an odd match, with very few connecting points other than the fact that Suicide Squad will soon be joined by Aquaman at the box office, this story is a lot of fun and continues to show both the agility of the creative team of Williams and Luis as well as the diversity that can be Task Force X and Suicide Squad as a concept. Read Full Review
The third part in the "Sink Atlantis!" crossover, Suicide Squad #46 continues the fight between the Suicide Squad and Aquaman for the continued survival of Atlantis. Read Full Review
The balance of power shifts, as Lord Satanus acquires some new mojo and Mera becomes...unnaturally angry. A couple of funny scenes and significant plot developments save this book from being an obvious placeholder to justify a fourth issue in this event. Read Full Review
I think this is actually a really fun comic. I think Master Jailer could've been a much more interesting character; I don't like that this story is rehashing some themes from the recent Throne of Atlantis story (see spoiler tags); and I think that the "fight" between King Shark and Killer Croc is extremely underwhelming. But this comic moves fast, has plenty of action, features gorgeous coloring and the creative team has managed to make me a fan of Lord Satanis. Read Full Review
These issues need to be gripping if we are in the center of the story now. What goes on needs to take center stage and really tie the reader in, this did not do a good job of that. We barely got the Squad we know and this B string team just is not doing it, its a good read to continue the story and set up for the next one which I hope does better. Read Full Review