"Equilibrium" part three! The Justice League versus the Justice League of China! Kenan and Baixi arrive in America only to be confronted as invading foreign nationals! Fortunately the Justice League arrives to break up the scuffle...but what side are the American heroes on? The JLC need to convince the JL to help track down the artifact that will bring an end to All-Yang's reign of terror on Shanghai before it's too late!
If you're not reading New Super-Man, you should be. It's one of the most important books on the shelf right now. Read Full Review
Without an Emperor to mentor, Yang instead decides that he will destroy the world instead. He utilizes the power of the Dragon to release an ultimate threat. I'm pretty happy with this issue. I definitely like the way this storyline has unfolded. And it seems to be coming to some climax next issue. But once this arc is over, once Kenan is truly fully Superman with the threat of All-Yang behind him, where will this book go? I wouldn't mind seeing some straight up adventures with a new Super-Man. At the very least, we got to see Yang tell the tale he wanted to in the timing he wanted to tell it over. Read Full Review
A limp meeting between two Justice Leagues and some really disappointing art makes for a lame issue of New Super-Man. It has to happen once in a while, I suppose. Let's just hope it doesn't become a habit. Read Full Review