Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #43 is a shining example of just how good this series has been. When a series has you anxiously awaiting the next chapter you know you have found a gem. Ten out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review
While already off to a great start, the current arc continues running up until July and, with four issues remaining, gives the creative team ample opportunity to bring this story the conclusion it deserves. Perpetually increasing the tension, but making the stress feel natural and unpredictable, is paramount to the conclusion of this run. With the prospect of Grant Morrison on the horizon for the Green Lantern title, it's time for Venditti and team to go out with a bang! Read Full Review
You can't go wrong with Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. Month in and month out this title continues to entertain and challenge the reader with surprising story lines and philosophical insight into the human condition. Most importantly, character is always the first priority, and it's no different this issue as the emphasis on character create the conflict and plot direction. Read Full Review
The Darkstars make their move and the Lanterns can't stop them. This is a great story, with a great threat, and some terrific visuals. This is a comic book fan's dream come true. Read Full Review
This storyline is shaping up to be another very strong entry in the series. The title continues to deliver and Venditti keeps upping the threat level against the lanterns making for another terrific installment of one of DCs best reads. Read Full Review
HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #43 continues "Darkstar Rising" with a closer look at this new faction. Robert Venditti deepens the Darkstars and adds some nuance to the Lanterns' new foes. Read Full Review
The war between the Green Lanterns and Darkstars is just beginning, and the Darkstars appear to have the upperhand. How will the Green Lanterns respond to the Darkstars lethal brand of law enforcement throughout the galaxy? Read Full Review
A lot of value with story development, character moments, and great art. Read Full Review
Whenever I read an issue of this title, I get pulled into like I am right there with Hal Jordan. The art is on point too, stunningly breathtaking. Include this in your pull for the week. After all, it is the best DC title out right now! Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #43 is as entertaining as it is thought-provoking; highly-detailed illustrations, kinetic color-work, and an engaging script all work in tangent to make this a near-perfect issue. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #43 is another impressive issue from one of DCs best currently-running titles. The threat is interesting, the stakes are high, and the leads are as compelling as always. This one gets another recommendation. Give it a read. Read Full Review
We've got arguably the most compelling antagonist of the series as Venditti's run moves into its final act. Read Full Review
A gorgeous offering that gets right down to business putting our heroes right in the thick of things as the bad guys waste no time getting their hands dirty. Venditti does high stakes blockbuster sci-fi action like nobody else. Well worth the four bucks. Read Full Review
This may beone of those epic storylines Green Lantern fans will be talking about for awhile. I feel it has that potential, so Ill be very disappointed if all thiseffort is wasted, and when its over its back to business as usual. Perhaps Imsetting myself up for disappointment, but somehow I dont believe so. Read Full Review
This has been a great plot so far. I love the introduction of the Darkstars " a darker and more brutal form of the law. They're an interesting counter point to the Green Lanterns and everything they stand for. I wonder how far the Green Lanterns will go to survive and win? Will they dip into gray scale characters? Or more? I can't wait to see. Read Full Review
Green Lantern Corps - iggy
Apr 25, 2018
What really sells this issue is Rafa Sandoval's art. Forgive me while I go back to Tomar-Re again but I love Sandoval's rendition of him. If you've seen Tomar-Tu before, he's always appeared stoic, full of pride in regards of being a Green Lantern. This Tomar-Tu is a completely different character, his eyes are filled with anger.His body language signifies intensity his entire demeanor has changed along with his new post. I know that I constantly praise Sandoval's storytelling but there were some glorious splash pages that ooze with awesomeness. Hey DC, please make a poster out of the glorious splash page featuring the Green Lanterns charging into battle. Another home run for Rafa Sandoval. Read Full Review
If anyone ever wants to contact me, look me up in my groupsfor the love of comic booksand New Fans, Old Comics, I also have several comic pages dedicated to my various true loves,Batman,Superman,Indie Comics,Spider-man,Marvel,Oldie GoldiesandHats! (Long story on that last one haha) or on Twitter@johnbatusijack Read Full Review
The size of the Darkstars army, their eagerness to kill, and their ability to phase across space at the drop of a hat are big takeaways in setting up the larger conflict between the two groups in the coming issues. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Tomar-Tu and Hal Jordan have a heart-to-heart that reiterates much of what we learned last issue. Then Hal Jordan tells John, Kyle and Guy about his conversation with Tomar-Tu. I expect the information will get passed along several more people, until someone's like, "Tomar-Tu wants a purple monkey dishwasher???" With artwork like what we see in this issue, I can overlook some redundancies. Read Full Review
While Rafa Sandoval's art at least shows some energy (something that was lacking in the previous issue), his art felt a bit stiff on some pages and felt rushed on others, especially in the early pages. Read Full Review
I had some serious problems with Venditti's methods of storytelling but I'm still intrigued by the hook of the story, and the art here has never been better. I can't wait to see what this art team does next if they leave the book with Venditti with #50. Read Full Review