Joe Bennett drew issue 3 and 6.
The Terrifics are back! And they're ready to enter the final battle with the Dreadfuls, Doc Dread's revenge squad that has systematically wiped out dozens of Mr. Terrifics from across the Multiverse. As the many Mr. and Mrs. Terrifics fight for their lives, the cavalry is on its way-but will Phantom Girl, Plastic Man and the repowered Metamorpho reach the battle in time? And how can the heroes possibly count this as a win with a mountain of bodies in Doc Dread's wake?
This title has been consistently one of DC's best books and one the best things to come out of the “New Age of Heroes” line. With a new creative team taking over shortly, I hope they can continue the high level of quality that Jeff Lemire and team have established for this title. Read Full Review
Joe Bennett's art is up to his usual high quality standard " especially the unique weirdness he brings to Plastic Man. His use of panelling and spacing through the issue is really well done and shows that you can use different sorts of panels to great effect as well as bring splash pages with a sense of motion portrayed across them incredibly well. Read Full Review
Another easy breezy issue of this lemon squeezy series. Read Full Review
Writer Jeff Lemire puts a lot of heart into THE TERRIFICS #13. Michael's reunion with his lost love is beautifully done. The reunion between the other members of the team is great too, as they come together and realize they're a family. Joe Bennett also provides terrific art, and does a great job with the Multiverse scenes. Read Full Review
This is a book that has been rock solid since its start. Part of that magic has been making the characters meaningful and their adventures fresh. Next issue marks the end of one era, but The Terrifics' formula shouldn't be that challenging to maintain. Read Full Review
Jeff Lemire is getting ready to mic-drop on his final work-for-hire project next month, and all the pieces are in place for an epic showdown. Read Full Review
As a whole, the best word I could use for The Terrifics #13 is endearing. That is something that separates this book from a lot out there which might focus on action over characters. This creative team strikes a brilliant balance between the two and keeps you coming back for more. It may have taken some time apart, but these heroes genuinely represented what it means to have a sense of duty and a need to answer the call to action. Read Full Review
The art by Joe Bennett is really good. I enjoyed the different look of the worlds that the Holt's traveled too. I wish there was more exciting things in the plot that he could have drawn. Read Full Review
Lemire and Bennett knock this issue out of the park as the countdown for Lemires departure from the title rears its head. Although Lemire has obviously taken inspiration from Marvels First Family, he still manages to make this title into something unique and special for readers. This love letter to the Silver Age of comics continues to live on in excellence while its contemporaries crumble to the wayside. Read Full Review
If you've stuck around with the Terrifics for this long, you'll really enjoy this issue, but I'm not sure if DC plans on keeping this book around for much longer even though it seems to finally be coming into form. Read Full Review
The long and short of it is that if you've been enjoying the The Terrifics, you're going to enjoy Lemire's latest offering. It's solid storytelling in comic book form that's looking up to finish its arc in style. Read Full Review
The comic book that normally runs in circles develops some intrigue...while still running in circles. Fans of the series will want to hang on an issue or two longer to monitor new developments, but everyone with three expendable dollars should get this issue, just for the looking at. It's absolutely amazing. Read Full Review