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Location: Poland Joined: Jan 02, 2019

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klim rated Nightwing Vol. 4: The Leap Mar 9, 2025

Nightwing Vol. 4: The Leap

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo

Written by Tom Taylor, Jay Kristoff, and C.S. Pacat Art by Bruno Redondo, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Eduardo Pansica, Inaki Miranda, and others Nightwing meets his biggest fan! Too bad it interrupts a romantic weekend and leads to a battle with a soul-sucking demon. And with Blockbuster off the board, Tony Zucco heads to Bludhaven in an attempt to claim t...

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Nightwing Vol. 3: The Battle For Bludhavens Heart

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo

With Dick Grayson under the protection of Nightwing and the Titans, Blockbuster's finding it difficult for his hit men to get Grayson...until Heartless comes in to offer Blockbuster a deal. Meanwhile, Blockbuster discovers who Grayson's mole in his mob is, and it all ends with a secret identity revealed and heart taken...and you'll have to read thi...

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Nightwing Vol. 2: Get Grayson

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo

After millionaire Dick Grayson announces to Bludhaven his plans to give all his money away to create the Alfred Pennyworth Foundation and help unhoused children on the streets, Blockbuster feels the city's power slipping from his hands and places a target on Dick Grayson's head...and through gritted teeth he orders his assassins to...get Grayson. A...

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Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping Into The Light

By: Tom Taylor, Neil Edwards

Nightwing is back in Blüdhaven and his drive to keep his adopted city safe has never been stronger! But protecting Blüdhaven is no small task, especially now that it’s being menaced by Nightwing’s most terrifying foe yet-a mysterious and murderous villain with a penchant for stealing his victim’s hearts, known only as Heartless. Collected...

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klim rated Hexagon Bridge Collected Jan 26, 2025

Hexagon Bridge Collected

By: Richard Blake

After explorers Jacob and Elena Armlen find themselves trapped in a strange parallel dimension, their clairvoyant daughter Adley and sentient robot Staden embark on a dangerous mission to rescue them. Pushing onward, they encounter mischievous beings amidst uncanny shifting landscapes and discover a world beyond belief. This collected edition conta...

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Swamp Thing: Green Hell Collected

By: Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke

The Earth is all but done. The last remnants of humanity cling to a mountaintop island lost in endless floodwater. The parliaments of the Green, the Red, and the Rot have united their powers to summon an avatar-a horrific, humanity-killing monster who could only be stopped by Alec Holland. Shame he's been dead for decades... Collects the complete m...

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klim rated Rogue Sun Vol. 1 Dec 21, 2024

Rogue Sun Vol. 1

By: Ryan Parrott, Abel

Yesterday: New Orleans' greatest hero, ROGUE SUN, was murdered. Today: rebellious teenager DYLAN SIEGEL discovers that Rogue Sun was his estranged father, Marcus -and that he's inherited his father's mantle. Tasked with protecting our world from the forces of the supernatural -and solving his father's murder -Dylan will be forced to come to terms w...

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klim rated Radiant Black Vol. 1 Dec 15, 2024

Radiant Black Vol. 1

By: Kyle Higgins, David Lafuente


Visionary writer KYLE HIGGINS (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Ultraman) and artist MARCELO COSTA reinvent super heroes for a new generation! Nathan Burnett has just turned 30, and things aren't great-he's working (and failing) at two jobs, his credit card debt is piling up, and his only move...is movin...

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klim rated Flash Vol. 20: Time Heist Oct 20, 2024

Flash Vol. 20: Time Heist

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin

Written by Jeremy Adams, Geoff Johns, Mark Waid and Joshua Williamson Art by Fernando Pasarin, Tom Derenick, Scott Kolins, Carmine Di Giandomenico and More The Fastest Man Alive speeds toward a new era! First, it's a super-speed misadventure in babysitting as Kid Flash watches Jai and Irey, the Flash's children! When a sleepover goes awry, Kid Flas...

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Flash Vol. 19: The One-Minute War

By: Jeremy Adams, Roger Cruz

Art by Roger Cruz, Fernando Pasarin, George Kambadais, Wellington Dias, and others A lot can happen in a minute...so what happens when an entire armada of conquering speedster aliens shows up on Earth's doorstep? The most intense battle the Earth has ever waged--in the span of 60 seconds! And when the Flash Family find themselves on the edge of def...

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Flash Vol. 18: The Search For Barry Allen

By: Jeremy Adams, Will Conrad

The next collection of Jeremy Adams's acclaimed Flash run is here! In this volume, Wally West clashes with Mirror Master at the Flash Museum, investigates mysterious activity at Iron Heights Prison, and joins the Flash Family in a quest across the Multiverse to rescue Barry Allen from Pariah's clutches in a story that directly ties into Dark Crisis...

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Action Comics Vol. 3: Warworld Revolution

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Riccardo Federici

Art by, Riccardo Federici, Brandon Peterson, Will Conrad, Max Raynor, David Lapham, and others. LET THE TRIALS BEGIN! Superman is on a quest to restore his full power, and to do it he'll need to survive a gauntlet deep in the heart of Warworld. Meanwhile, Steel uses her mastery of Genesis energy to create a white sun...but will this burst of power ...

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klim rated W0rldtr33 Vol. 1 Sep 13, 2024

W0rldtr33 Vol. 1

By: James Tynion IV, Jordie Bellaire

In 1999, Gabriel and his friends discovered the Undernet-a secret architecture to the internet. They charted their exploration on a message board called W0RLDTR33.
Then they lost control. Someone broke into W0RLDTR33-someone who welcomed the violent hold the Undernet had on them. At great personal cost, Gabriel and the others thought they seal...

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John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol. 2: The Best Version Of You

By: Simon Spurrier, Matias Bergara

One of DC’s and the Sandman Universe’s most iconic characters is back for more dark and twisted antics in volume two of one of the most critically acclaimed series of the year! Will Constantine protect a group of British fishermen from an ancient merwoman? Or stop a disgraced royal from unleashing a bloodthirsty horror? It all leads to John Con...

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klim rated Flash Vol. 17: Eclipsed Sep 7, 2024

Flash Vol. 17: Eclipsed

By: Jeremy Adams, Various

Art by Will Conrad, Christian Duce, Fernando Pasarin, Brent Peeples, and Matt Ryan Leaving past mistakes behind and racing into the future, Wally West returns as Central City's Scarlet Speedster! Now reunited with his wife, Linda, and their two children, the former Kid Flash begins a new chapter in his life. But Wally quickly remembers that saving ...

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Action Comics Vol. 2: The Arena

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Various

Art by Daniel Sampere, Miguel Mendonca, Riccardo Federici, Dale Eaglesham, Will Conrad Superman's greatest battle is only beginning! After learning of an enslaved race with mysterious ties to Krypton, Superman and the Authority travel across space to dethrone the new Mongul and liberate Warworld. But Mongul and his champions are prepared! Now Super...

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klim rated Geiger: 80-Page Giant #1 Aug 29, 2024

Geiger: 80-Page Giant #1

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Feb 2, 2022

MAD GHOST COMICS presents a MONSTROUS 80 PAGES of all-new stories featuring GEIGER, as well as his allies and enemies! First, in an extra-sized lead story, GEOFF JOHNS & BRYAN HITCH introduce the mysterious man known as REDCOAT and reveal his bizarre ties to the American Revolution, the Unknown War, and Geiger himself. Then, discover the secrets of...

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klim rated Geiger Vol. 1 Aug 29, 2024

Geiger Vol. 1

By: Geoff Johns, Brad Anderson

The critically acclaimed team of writer GEOFF JOHNS and artist GARY FRANK unites with superstar colorist BRAD ANDERSON to bring their first creator-owned hero to Image Comics!

Set in the years after a nuclear war ravaged the planet, desperate outlaws battle for survival in a world of radioactive chaos. Out past the poisoned wasteland...

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Action Comics Vol. 1: Warworld Rising

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Various

"A new chapter in Superman's life begins as the challenges of Dark Nights: Death Metal are causing Clark Kent to feel...a change in his powers. Is it possible the Metropolis Marvel could be losing a step?
The Man of Steel's struggles in taking down the creatures from the Breach would suggest as much! If he's going to continue to protect the pe...

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klim rated Flash #786 Jun 27, 2024

Flash #786

By: Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Wally West is exhausted, and has been running nonstop since even before he had to step up in the wake of the loss of the Justice League. But, as he's figured out what he needs to do to free Barry (while also keeping Wallace from falling into Pariah's plans), he's also long overdue for a chat with Linda...

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Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League Collected

By: Tom King, Chris Burnham

Written by Tom King, Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Tini Howard, Stephanie Phillips, Simon Spurrier, and others Art by Chris Burnham, Federico Blanco, Leila Del Duca, Clayton Henry, Ryan Sook, Dan Jurgens, and others The Justice League are dead. Or are they? During an epic battle against Pariah and his Dark Army, Earth's defenders sacrificed themselves t...

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths Tales From Dark Crisis

By: Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval

Written by Joshua Williamson, Ram V, Alek Paknadel, Dan Watters, Mark Waid, Delilah S. Dawson, Dennis Culver, and others Art by Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund, Freddie E. Williams II, and others The Justice League has tragically fallen in battle, and now we see the aftermath. How does the world react to the Justice League being gone? Which heroes rise u...

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths Collected

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere

Crisis on Infinite Earths. Infinite Crisis. Final Crisis. And now...Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths! The epic event years in the making is finally here. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the Justice League are dead. The remaining heroes are left to protect the world from an onslaught of violent attacks by DC's greatest villains! Can th...

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klim rated Flash #784 Jun 22, 2024

Flash #784

By: Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 20, 2022

The search for Barry Allen! Wally and Wallace have arrived on the planet Pariah has trapped Barry on-but it's not quite a happy reunion among the Flashes. The Dark Crisis tie-in storyline continues!

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klim rated Flash #783 Jun 22, 2024

Flash #783

By: Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jun 22, 2022

A Dark Crisis tie-in: the search for Barry Allen! With the Justice League gone, Wally gathers the entire Flash Family in a desperate attempt to search the Speed Force and finally locate the missing Barry Allen. But does Barry want to be found? This three-issue story ties directly into this summer's event. Dark Crisis continues here!

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Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Jurgens
Released: Jun 1, 2022

Written by Joshua Williamson, Jeremy Adams, Brandon Thomas, Chuck Brown, Stephanie Phillips and Phillip Kennedy Johnson Art by Clayton Henry, Fico Ossio, Emanuela Lupacchino, Leila Del Duca and more The Justice League has tragically fallen in battle, and now we see the aftermath. How does the world react to the Justice League being gone? Which hero...

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Justice League: Incarnate Collected

By: Joshua Williamson, Brandon Peterson

The Superman of Earth-23 leads a team of superheroes from a myriad of worlds that includes Flashpoint Batman, China's Flash from Earth-0, Captain Carrot from Earth-26, and the brand-new superhero Dr. Multiverse from Earth-8 in a last-ditch effort to stop the end of every possible universe as we know it! Written by Joshua Williamson and Dennis Culve...

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klim rated Black Hammer: Reborn Vol. 2 May 26, 2024

Black Hammer: Reborn Vol. 2

By: Jeff Lemire, Malachi Ward

Black Hammer: Reborn is the next era of the Black Hammer Universe: a twelve-issue series by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky, Malachi Ward and Matthew Sheean that juxtaposes an achingly human story of domestic life, marriage, parenthood, and destiny with a pulse-pounding superhero thriller that peels back new layers of mystery, and pulls the Black Hamme...

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klim added Action Comics (2016) to their pull list May 25, 2024

Action Comics (2016)

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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klim added John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024) to their pull list May 25, 2024

John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024)

At last, as you demanded: The celebrated creative team of Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell have returned to Hellblazer! John Constantine has cheated death once again-but his heart’s not beating, his body is decaying, and he, his friend Nat, and his son Noah are on the run in America, wanted for murder. Naturally, it’s all John’s fault-it always...

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