"THE BLACK VAULT" part 3! It looks like a well-deserved day off for the Suicide Squad-until things go off the rails when the bizarre energies of the dark sphere Amanda Waller's team brought back slowly drive everyone in Belle Reve Penitentiary to acts of violent, bloody madness. Everyone except the crown princess of crazy, Harley Quinn, who's somehow been...cured? Now contains back-up story featuring art by Declan Shalvey. The chilling history of the Suicide Squad's most mysterious member, this lavishly illustrated story reveals how the deadly warrior Katana came to be.
I can't remember the last time the Suicide Squad felt so much like a team. If you're looking for top notch art and a team book that gives every player something to do or say, you're in the right place. Read Full Review
VerdictThis series so far is my favorite Post-Rebirth series. Really fun characters with all their own personalities. Jim Lee's class action you've been accustommed to for the last 20 years. All bets are off so NOBODY is guaranteed to make it out alive (except Harley…DC knows their money maker). If you don't read this book, then prepared to be spoiled once scans flood the internet. Might as well see if for yourself before it's spoiled. Read Full Review
This book just keeps getting better. Williams is playing for keeps. This book is so fun but it has a heart and it is heartless. That is a hard thing to pull off, but it works. Read Full Review
Katana has never been one of my favourite characters, and though I have read a couple tellings of the death of her husband, and how she claimed the sword that now holds his soul, it had never really moved me. Maybe Im just a cold hearted bastard. This telling of it I found far more engaging and emotional than earlier ones I had read, and it concludes with a decent tease at a bigger picture. Read Full Review
This is a great short story! I wish we could go back in time and have Rob Williams write the Katana mini instead of Barr, and let him tell "Choose" over the course of six issues! It would've served as the perfect set-up for Suicide Squad, and would have prevented Katana's brand from being tarnished by poor storytelling. I don't want to complain though. I'm happy with this story, and I'm glad it showcases Katana in a light that she deserves! Read Full Review
Suicide Squad #3 was practically a ****show, and that is said in the best way possible. This right here is what it means to wing it and they do that to the best of their ability when the odds are clearly not in their favor. Read Full Review
No one could ever call this a slow read, but it definitely keeps things interesting. More happens in the first half of the book than some entire story arcs, and it has a chaotic quality that keeps escalating the action to nosebleed heights. The back-up is really good in this issue, and is probably worth three bucks by itself. This book is a great blend of psychopathic murder spree and light-hearted comedy quips. Mainly about psychopathic murder sprees. Give it a look. Read Full Review
The partial storytelling format is beginning to affect the title's pacing. Once the title gets artistic stability it will be one of Rebirth's better reads. Until then, it's just going to be a great tease of its future potential. Read Full Review
Rob Williams knocks it out of the park again with Suicide Squad #3, as the series continues to be one of, if not the, most enjoyable of DC’s current offerings. The story is action packed and suspenseful, with dialogue that is downright funny at times. In addition to the main story he also penned the backup to this issue, which just like those in the prior issues, carries the most emotional weight as it explores Katana’s origin and her reason for joining the Squad. Jim Lee’s art remains the benchmark in quality and energy for any series and it is really allowed to explode in this action driven issue. Not a single frame feels stale or phoned in and even the silliest proves to be integral in crafting the story and tone of this series. With three phenomenal issues behind us, I think it safe to say that the post-rebirth Suicide Squad is a success and a book that you should be picking up today. Read Full Review
Come the climax, Suicide Squad really begins throwing everything at the wall, introducing yet another large treat for Task Force X which will only add to the mess happening in the vault. If lacking some of the wit and bite of previous issues, it's a busy and well staged issue which continues the comic's excellent opening run. Read Full Review
SUICIDE SQUAD #3 is a great addition to the series that has thus far lacked action. This one is fun and compelling with art that draws readers in. I'm not sure how much longer the Suicide Squad can handle General Zod. It's a complete mismatch. He is way too powerful for the group and I don't think they have Kryptonite with them. However, it'll be interesting to see what Rob Williams comes up with to get the Suicide Squad out of this situation! Read Full Review
There's no denying that DC's new Suicide Squad comic is an improvement over what the New 52 had to offer. This issue offers up some great art and a generally fun team dynamic. But the series is suffering from its odd structure and the fact that the plot advances little from chapter to chapter. The relatively weaker backup story in this issue doesn't help matters. Read Full Review
Philip Tan leads the way for this story, and this is the best work I've seen him do. When he drew in Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1, I felt like he was trying to mimic Jim Lee and it didn't work for me. This felt more like his own. It had a more anime style feel too it, with light inks, larger eyes, the focus on the fight choreography. Hopefully when Tan takes over the art duties for this book, it looks more like this, and less like what he did for the Rebirth one-shot. Elmer Santos colored this issue, and this guy has put himself on notice. His colors blew me away with how beautiful they were. He helped contribute to the Japanese anime feel with his cinematic choice of colors. I look forward to seeing what this art team does in the future. Read Full Review