Dennis Mui's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 54
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Batman (2016) #3

Jul 20, 2016

The art in this issue is very fitting to The Dark Knight style with its dark and gritty tones. The heroes are fighting and trying to save a bridge full of people in the sordid Gotham City, so the art must be dark and gritty. Also, I rarely enjoy looking at a series of panels depicting a montage, but BATMAN #3 does an impressive job with the successive images of Hank and Clare training to be heroes. The aging of the characters from panel to panel looks great and works so well.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #8

Jan 7, 2016

Overall, this is a great issue to jump into Batman Beyond. It leaves you wanting more. Seriously, what's Matt up to?

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Batman Beyond (2015) #14

Jul 11, 2016

Bernard Chang's art in this issue is eye-catching, especially with the story splitting up into two separate parts. Each of the two parts offers a different tone and feel to the art. The highlight of Chang's work must be the flashback that occurs throughout BATMAN BEYOND #14. When Matt recounts the events that led Terry to reveal to Matt that he is Batman, the panels become brighter with a blue theme. Also, when we see the flashback of Rewire, the panels take on a yellow and brown tone. In both flashback scenarios, the characters are drawn slightly different and a bit faded from those in the present. These differences really create a feel that the events are in the past and are distant memories.

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Beyond Belief #3

Mar 4, 2016

This issue, as well as the comic series itself, is a great compliment to the podcast, but even if you haven't listened to the podcast, it is still an awesome series to get into. The old time radio style is a refreshing format for a comic book. Also, the witty heroes are hilarious in their confrontations with things that are meant to scare the living daylights out of people. It will be interesting to see where this series goes from here. This issue ends with a bit of a twist that Frank and Sadie will have to deal with in issue #4.

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Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Aug 27, 2016

Overall, BLUE BEETLE: REBIRTH #1 is an impressive Rebirth issue that is worth a read. It offers much to those who do and do not know a lot about the Blue Beetle. There's plenty of story and character development to build off of BLUE BEETLE: REBIRTH #1. I hope to see so much more, including the origin of the blue scarab that Doctor Fate mentions to Ted Kord and how Jaime Reyes' personal life interferes with his superhero one. Being a young adult is hard enough as it is and adding the career as a superhero makes things so much harder. I expect to see some Peter Parker/Spider-Man type problems for the young Jaime Reyes. I can't wait to read what Keith Griffen and Scott Kolins have in store for the Blue Beetle!

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Cyborg #12

Jun 27, 2016

CYBORG #12 is a pleasant issue to read, with a short and sweet storyline. It offers two complex villains who have a touching backstory, with some story elements that could potentially evolve into more storylines. But if the story it doesn't continue with DC Rebirth underway, we will just have to get our fill of Cyborg in the Justice League books.

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Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #1

Feb 5, 2016

Overall, this was an interesting first issue. We get a good set up for a story about mercenaries. Of course they want money, so having something valuable in their possession is a smart road to take. I normally like Deadpool on his own, but his new team could add a fun dimension, plus a whole lot more insanity, as the story progresses.

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Deathstroke (2014) Annual #2

Jul 2, 2016

DEATHSTROKE ANNUAL #2 is a good issue to remind readers of how badass Slade Wilson still is. He may worry about his children, but he is still taking on new killer contracts in his spare time. The issue may not tie into the main ongoing storyline as of now, but that could change quickly. For all we know right now, Deathstroke could have been ordered by Ra's Al Ghul to go on this mission. Or the issue may not tie into the DEATHSTROKE series at all. We'll have to keep reading and see!

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Earth 2: Society #13

Jun 12, 2016

Overall, EARTH 2 SOCIETY #13 is worth a read, especially since it is a start to an intriguing story arc. Though the narrative is a bit slow, Abnett does a great job building the conflicts. There is also so much potential with the Queen Fury and Queen Marella alliance and the looming threat of Ultrahumanite with his army of children (it's always creepier with children). With a solid build-up issue like this one, the story going forward should be fun to read.

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Green Arrow (2011) #51

Apr 7, 2016

Overall, the issue has done a great job for the Green Arrow. The plot of Oliver dealing with the Lukos Virus is a bit long and tedious, but his mission in this issue to cure himself and the other infected Wargs is exhilarating. The issue leaves us wanting more. Will Doctor Miracle be the answer to the virus in Seattle? Will Green Arrow be saved? We'll have to wait for GREEN ARROW #52 to find out!

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Green Arrow (2011) #52

May 7, 2016

GREEN ARROW #52 attempts to jam a lot of endings into one issue. Having Oliver be resurrected, save Doctor Miracle, and then cure the city of the Lukos virus requires and deserves more than a single issue. Though there is a rushed story, the characters and the artwork are very well done, and those are probably enough tomake this issue worthwhile.

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Green Lanterns #1

Jun 19, 2016

Normally, I find set ups hard to do for GREEN LANTERN related series (well unless it's by Geoff Johns). Usually, the character backstory is thin and the threat or villain is too strong or too ridiculous. However, this is not the case with GREEN LANTERNS #1. This issue retains the rich backstory of Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz and puts these two complicated characters against a threat that will evolve in parallel with the characters' evolution. Going forward, I can't wait to see more of the Red Lantern's plans for Earth and how Cruz and Baz will get along.

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Green Lanterns #2

Jul 7, 2016

The issue builds up the ongoing threat of the red rage effectively. Though Simon Baz doesn't get much attention, Jessica Cruz is developed significantly, to the point that the reader understands her character better. There is still a long way to go for these two rookie Green Lanterns, and the Red Lanterns will be the best test for them to prove their worth to the Corps. It'll be interesting to see when or if Cruz and Baz get on the same page. They're going to need to get together fast with more rage on the way.

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Green Lanterns #3

Jul 20, 2016

Overall, GREEN LANTERNS #3 is a good addition to the series. Getting a showdown between the Green Lanterns and a member of the Red Lantern Corps is much needed to push the story forward and put the rookies to the test. Going forward, it will be interesting to see Atrocitus' plan unfold and see what his outlook for Earth is. Whatever his scheme amounts to, Baz and Cruz will need to get on the same page. We'll see if they can in GREEN LANTERNS #4.

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Green Lanterns #4

Aug 8, 2016

GREEN LANTERNS #4 starts off with Jessica and Simon battling inside of the Red Tower. Simon's power ring is nearingdepletion and Jessica is relentless in her hatred for him. The rest of the issue focuses on their confrontation in the Red Tower. The fight itself is anticlimactic. They barely clash in the issue and it's odd that they don'thave a huge brawl,consideringthe GREEN LANTERNS #3 cliffhanger led me to believe a hardcore fight would happen in this issue. Also, GREEN LANTERNS #4 doesn't really advance the story all that much. The only new information we get on the Red Tower is that it's burrowing itself deep into the Earth, which seems obvious when previous issues mentioned a "Red Seed."

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Green Lanterns #5

Aug 19, 2016

GREEN LANTERNS #5 is a necessary issue to further the storyline, show some action, and test the rookie Green Lanterns against larger odds. Much of the overarching story for Jessica Cruz has beenincredibly repetitive, but at least there is a decent plot for Simon Baz. It seems as though the duo is continually at a disadvantage and I hope that it works towards a big payoff as they attempt to defeat the Red Lanterns in the next few issues.

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Green Lanterns #6

Sep 19, 2016

GREEN LANTERNS #6 does its job by ending the first story arc of the series. Though it may not be the best issue, it sets up the future for the GREEN LANTERNS series. It looks like the rookie duo will now have to deal with the new Guardian that's been staying with Baz's family. All the while the Red Dawn is still a threat. If Cruz and Baz stay on the same page, they should be able to handle these new challenges.

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Green Lanterns #8

Oct 7, 2016

GREEN LANTERNS #8 is a delight to read whether or not you still go trick-or-treating (I don't know why you wouldn't, it's free candy!). The issue offers a solid development forBaz and Cruz's relationship. The closer they become, the better the team will be, and so will the storylines since they will care about each other's lives much more than before. The current arcis getting better as well with the information we get about the Phantom Ring. Everyone will be after it and it should put Baz, Cruz, and their families in danger!

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Green Lanterns #9

Oct 20, 2016

These are the types of issues that I really love reading. Dedicating a full issue to one character allows for so much more to be said and shown for a new character, which is a similar way Simon Baz was introduced. GREEN LANTERNS #9 is a great starting point for the series' next adventure because of the new villain alone. It'll be intriguing to see how powerful Laminski becomes and if he is able to get the Phantom Ring and become the first ever Phantom Lantern!

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Green Lanterns #10

Nov 3, 2016

Overall, GREEN LANTERNS #10 is a well-written issue that introduces Frank Laminski to the rookie Green Lanterns, reveals how dangerous Laminski is and can be, and shows that Baz and Cruz have a long way to go before they're each ready to be on their own as superheroes. Seems like they'll have to learn a bit quicker since they have no idea where Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are at the moment and can't get help. We'll have to find out how the rookie duo handle the Phantom Ring next time inGREEN LANTERNS #11!

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Green Lanterns #11

Nov 17, 2016

GREEN LANTERNS #11 is a great issue that sets up Frank Laminksi to become the hero he wants to be and thinks he is, and then lead to his fall from grace. He is surely turning into a villain and looks to be a challenge for Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz in the oncoming issues. I can't wait to see what else the Phantom Ring can do and what else is in store for Laminksi, Baz, and Cruz.

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Green Lanterns #12

Dec 7, 2016

GREEN LANTERNS #12 gives us more on Frank Laminski as the Phantom Lantern. Though we do not get a long and intense fight between Frank and the Green Lanterns, this is still a solid issue for Frank's character. The issue shows that Frank may have an Achilles heel when it comes to controlling his emotions and therefore controlling the Phantom Ring. This is something I look forward to as the story continues.

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Green Lanterns #13

Dec 22, 2016

I don't think GREEN LANTERNS #13 is a climax to the story arc, but it very well could be based on the fight between Cruz and Baz and the physical manifestations of their fears. There is much more in store for the rookie Green Lanterns in their fight against Frank Laminski and Volthoom, and I can't wait for that climax. Rami should play a role as well. I hope the next issue gives us more about Vothoom's plans for him.

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Green Lanterns #14

Jan 11, 2017

GREEN LANTERNS #14 is a solid ending to “The Phantom Lantern” story arc. Though many readers won't be excited about an ending that isn't action packed, I believe they'll appreciate the logical finish. Not every villain can be taken down by force and it plays well as a learning experience for the rookie Green Lanterns. Their education isn't over yet with the Volthoom/Rami storyline still up in the air. It'll be interesting to see what's next for Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. They're stronger and more in sync than ever, so the future is looking bright for this pair!

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Green Lanterns #15

Jan 19, 2017

GREEN LANTERNS #15 is an enjoyable stand-alone issue. The focus on Jessica Cruz does not disappoint in the slightest as we see her inner anxiety and self-doubts. The last time Humphries gave readers an issue with a single focus on a character it was about Frank Laminski in GREEN LANTERNS #9, which led to "The Phantom Lantern" story arc. That was a story I clung to, so if there is any indication that the upcoming storyline revolves around Cruz and her anxiety, I will receive it with open arms.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 9, 2016

GREEN LANTERNS REBIRTH #1 does a great job at introducing and building the two new Lanterns, who have some serious chips on their shoulders, through the writing and art. I also really can't wait to see what's in the Guardian's box and how it will involve Baz and Cruz. It seems like a powerful and desired weapon of some sort, and it looks to be the first test for the rookie Green Lanterns.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4

Sep 20, 2016

Overall, HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #4 is a solid addition to the series. The issue opens the door for the Green Lantern Corps to reveal themselves to the public. More importantly, steps are being made for the return of Hal Jordan to join the Corps and confront Sinestro. The Green Lantern Corps has never been weaker while the Sinestro Corps has never been stronger. Tensions are high and the buildup to a war keeps me wanting more.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #5

Oct 2, 2016

Overall, HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #5 brings a lot of anticipation for the impending confrontation between the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps. The Green Lantern Corps wants Gardner back and they want to stop Sinestro. Hal Jordan also wants to stop Sinestro and his abductions of innocent people (and aliens). The war is coming, and it can't come any sooner!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #7

Oct 28, 2016

To conclude, HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #7 is a satisfying end to the story arc. All of the storylines within the serieswere promised to merge at some point and they all do so in one way or another in the issue. The story arc itself has been phenomenal and mightbe the best one from Venditti in his tenure as a writer on a Green Lantern series. There are a lot of questions following the end of this issue for the Green Lantern Corps. As the series continues with new story arcs and adventures I hope these are all answered, but until then we'll just have to keep reading!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #8

Nov 10, 2016

HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #8 starts off the new story arc on the right foot. Going forward, it will be interesting to see whether or not the remaining Sinestro Corps members will be able to work alongside the Green Lanterns, and if the Green Lanterns will trust them. It'll also be interesting to find out if Hal Jordan is still alive (I assume so, since characters never really seem to die forever). Basically, there is so much going on in this new story arc, and I cannot wait for the next issue to get some answers!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #9

Nov 23, 2016

HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #9 combines good storytelling by Venditti with strategic art from Tarragona and Sandoval. Though the Green Lantern Corps part of the story may not be for every reader, the Hal Jordan storyline is sure to excite most with the return of Ganthet and Sayd. There are also some old friends who reappear in this issue and they should play a large part in HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #10. I won't spoil who they are here, so you'll have to pick this issue up and find out for yourself!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #10

Dec 15, 2016

HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #10 focuses on Hal Jordan and the attempt to bring him back from the Emerald Place rather than the struggles of the trappedGreen Lantern Corps. Jordan has taken center stage and it makes the series even better. His resurrection has been a plot pointI assumed would occur and I'm glad it is being addressed sooner rather than later with this issue. I love how Venditti dedicates most of the issue to the resurrection attempt since it will be an important event. At the end of the issue, we find out whether or not they could bring Jordan back, which is a spoiler that I will not give away. Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens to Jordan and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps in the HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS series going forward.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #12

Jan 12, 2017

HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #12 is a strong conclusion to the "Bottled Light" story arc. Witnessing Larfleeze unleash his constructs upon the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps for a chaotic battle is nothing short of fun. Also, the long-awaited reunion between Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps is so very satisfying. Now that they are all together, it will be interesting to see where Venditti take the group from here. The Green Lanterns' leader Hal Jordan is back, but Stewart has been holding the team together for a while now. Will there be some internal group conflict? We'll have to wait until HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #13 to find out!

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #13

Jan 26, 2017

In HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #13, a Xudarian grandmother recounts her experience with the Green Lantern Corps to her grandchildren. She reminisces about being saved by the Green Lanterns through an intriguing story with great artwork.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

Jul 14, 2016

The art by Ethan Van Sciver is impressive in HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS: REBIRTH #1. The detail on the character is incredibly well done. Even though the decision to make Sinestro old is up for debate, the signs of his aging in the art are perfect. Also, Sciver generates a great feel for the vastness of the settings. There is a panel of only War World that then leads to panels with Sinestro looking out onto the landscape and they create a wondrous visual.

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Hyperion #1

Mar 25, 2016

HYPERION #1 leaves many questions unanswered, which make for a solid first issue. In future issues, it looks like we will get deeper into Doll's story. Hopefully, we find out who is running the carnival and why they want Doll back so badly. In this issue, Doll only explains that she is a sort of mechanic for them, but her role seems to be more important than this impies. Also, I look forward to seeing the relationship between Hyperion and Doll evolve if he ends up helping her beyond fighting her battle for her. How far will he go to help her? We'll have to wait until HYPERION #2 to find out!

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #10

Jun 7, 2016

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #10 feels more like a start toTony's journey infiltrating Tomoe's ninja clan rather than an end to the storyin Japan . Going forward, I hope Bendis sticks to this direction and focuses mainly on Tony rather than the subplots of Riri and Mary Jane. Though their stories may come into play later on, they seem to distract from Tony'smain plot too much. We will have to wait and see next month.

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #11

Jul 8, 2016

I would have liked to see more characterization with Mary Jane Watson and Riri Williams. Despite her bigger role, there is not much reasoning given for Mary Jane's role in the company as Tony's representative. I wish Mary Jane had a clear motivation for her to get her on board. As for Riri, she only gets a few panels to show off her skills with an Iron Man suit. She is set to become the new Iron Man somewhere down the line, so I am surprised to see so little of her in the issue.

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Justice League (2011) #50

May 26, 2016

In spite of these problems, JUSTICE LEAGUE #50 does a great job leading into DC's REBIRTH. The issue presents problems and questions for each member of the Justice League that will no doubt continue in the new REBIRTH event. The landscape has now effectively changed, and it'll be interesting to see how DC Comics handles the new storylines to come.

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Justice League (2011) #51

Jun 19, 2016

It'll be interesting to see what direction JUSTICE LEAGUE #52 will take. Will there be an aftermath issue wrapping up the Darkseid War story? Or will this space-time fracture storyline continue?

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Justice League (2011) #52

Jun 24, 2016

When reading JUSTICE LEAGUE #52, I was hoping for more of an aftermath for the League or more of a story involving the whole Justice League. Instead, we get a decent story for Lex Luthor. It was the same hope I had for JUSTICE LEAGUE #51, but we were given a story about Robin to build up TITANS: REBIRTH #1. JUSTICE LEAGUE #52 just seems to build up Luthor to take over as Superman and lead the story over to ACTION COMICS. For a true Justice League story, we'll have to wait until JUSTICE LEAGUE: REBIRTH #1!

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Justice League (2016) #9

Nov 17, 2016

Overall, JUSTICE LEAGUE #9 is a good addition to the Justice League series. The story is interesting, but the art truly highlights the issue. Recently, the League has faced large and powerful villains such as Darkseid. It's refreshing to see them challenged by a villain who works behind the scenes like this hacker. I wonder how much stronger the hacker is and whether or not Batman is right about his or her identify. We'll just have to wait until next time in JUSTICE LEAGUE #10!

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Midnight of the Soul #1

Jun 13, 2016

Overall, MIDNIGHT OF THE SOUL #1 is an interesting, mature take on the life of a post-war soldier. There may be too much exposition of Joel's character, but the story that leads into the next issue is intriguing enough to warrant a read. I do hope MIDNIGHT OF THE SOUL #2 backs off of the references towards Joel's past and current pathetic life, as I can see it becoming very boring very fast. Instead, I would like to see the main focus on Joel's new adventure as he finally leaves the house. I want to see him in action! He now has a problem with his wife that needs to be taken care of, and hopefully that's what we focus on in the next issue.

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New Suicide Squad #21

Jun 22, 2016

Overall, I enjoyed the storyline and found the ending to be fitting, as well as fun. What really drives the storyline, and this issue, are the surprises and attention to each character throughout. I look forward to the next installment to the NEW SUICIDE SQUAD and I hope that it is written with the same quality asthis issue.

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Spider-Man / Deadpool #5

May 27, 2016

Overall, the issue is a strong addition to the series. The story in the series so far has been fun with the antics andbanter between Spider-Man and Deadpool. SPIDER-MAN/DEADPOOL #5 is a huge turning point for the series as a whole withthe first four issuesbuildingup tothis story turn. Starting with the next issue, we should see Deadpool and Spider-Man joining forces for some web-slinging and gun-blazing action.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #1

Aug 18, 2016

SUICIDE SQUAD #1 is a boring issue and needs a lot more to keep readers engaged in the series. The main plot is not interesting enough, as it just establishes that the Suicide Squad is now comprised of the characters from the movie. The background pages at the end work to give some insight into Deadshot, but it unnecessarily comes at the expense of the core storyline by restricting the number of pages dedicated to it. I assume the background "Personnel File" section will keep going with the other villains, which could continue to hinder the series' plot. I hope the series moves towards a more exciting storyline in Russia, but we'll see.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #3

Sep 29, 2016

SUICIDE SQUAD #3 is a great addition to the series that has thus far lacked action. This one is fun and compelling with art that draws readers in. I'm not sure how much longer the Suicide Squad can handle General Zod. It's a complete mismatch. He is way too powerful for the group and I don't think they have Kryptonite with them. However, it'll be interesting to see what Rob Williams comes up with to get the Suicide Squad out of this situation!

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Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Aug 3, 2016

The personalities of saidcharacters seems a bit different from the New 52 versions, and again that may be because of the movie release. Boomerang has lost his hunger for revenge againstDeadshot and is more of a comedic character, as the film looks to portray him. Deadshot's signature gun is prominently featured and his whole body is completely covered with his armor in the issue, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is revealed to resemble Will Smith. Most noticeably, Harley Quinn more resembles the version that will be seen on the big screen. She is now a bit more colorful with the pink and blue, instead of just her usual black and red.

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Superman: American Alien #7

May 19, 2016

SUPERMAN AMERICAN ALIEN #7 is a great way to end the incredible miniseries. To fully become Superman, Clark needed to become the beacon of hope and Landis does this well by having Clark wear the costume while he defends earth for the whole world to see. It's sad to see the miniseries conclude, but it's refreshing to see a version of Superman's coming of age story done this way. From now on, whenever I read Superman, I'll think of this origin story.

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The Walking Dead #154

May 4, 2016

The next issue should reveal more about Negan's plans. Will he join the Whisperers and don the walker mask? Is he planning on being a mole for Rick? Does he want to save or destroy Alexandria? Maybe Negan wants to take over Alexandria and become a leader again? The answer is up in the air at this point, but the story is set up to both entertain and shock us. We'll just have to wait until next month.

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Tinker #1

Feb 13, 2016

I really enjoy and respect the direction this comic has taken, and the cliffhanger at the end of the issue is totally engaging. What do her gauntlets actually do? Are they defective? What is Zero Technologies? We'll have to wait for the next issue to learn more about out new favorite Asian American female engineer as she keeps on trying to become a superhero.

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Uncanny Inhumans #4

Jan 23, 2016

This issue was a great way to end the story arc with Kang the Conqueror. It may not have had much action, but the story to retrieve Ahura was concise and well structured, even with the several time traveling events. The final moment of the issue was a happy one, but it will be interesting to see how stable the royal family will be after knowing about Medusa's relationship with Johnny Storm and what Ahura is capable of. I, for one, cannot wait for the future of the Inhumans in the next issue!

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Uncanny Inhumans #6

Mar 17, 2016

I would like to see the issues that follow continue the main conflict with Ennulux. We do get to see who hired Fantomelle and Culpepper to steal it, and the story direction seems as though it will be a huge threat for the Inhumans. I'm also interested in seeing whether or not the subplot with Treste will go anywhere, and if she is at the club for any other reason, then wanting to have fun. This goes for Ahura as well. Side note: His conversation with the hologram of himself was"ominous. I will definitely look forward to the next issue. There is a lot more to discover in The Quiet Room.

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Victorie City #1

Jan 29, 2016

The first issue of VICTORIE CITY is what I like to see in a first issue. The characters are well developed, the story is under way, and the problems are in place. I expect to see Ness and our serial killer really come head to head in the next issue, as well as more development on the missing young woman. There are only four issues in the series, and I'm already wishing for a longer run.

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