Batman Beyond #8

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Bernard Chang Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 6, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 4
6.2Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

No good deed goes unpunished! Freeing the world from Brother Eye was only the beginningwith Neo-Gotham now standing as the only stable society in the known world, thousands of refugees have fled their war-torn cities to come knocking at the gates. But when the mayor of Neo-Gotham claims his city cant support the whole world, the fate of these people will rest on Batmans shoulders.

  • 8.6
    Comicsverse - Dennis Mui Jan 7, 2016

    Overall, this is a great issue to jump into Batman Beyond. It leaves you wanting more. Seriously, what's Matt up to? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 7, 2016

    For ostensibly being a bit of a breather issue, Batman Beyond sure knows how to keep readers intrigued. While Tim Drake spends much of this issue worrying about Matt McGinnis, Dan Jurgens gooses this issue with liberal doses of action, such as a two-page fracas with Rewire, but the real meat of this issue has to be the fall of the Justice League to Brother Eye, which artist Bernard Chang knocks out of the freaking park. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 6, 2016

    We're out of Brother Eye territory and it's time to put the world back together and as we see in this issue, there's a lot that has to go into it........... of course there is right?  It's really at this point that I realize that this book has become a more apocalypse style story that's more like the Walking Dead than Batman just because of the human element, who are desperately doing what they can to survive.  I had a few issues with continuity in this book, but for the most part it stayed interesting and I'm a huge fan of the art in this series.   Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Jim Remolde Jan 7, 2016

    Overall, this was an average issue that just did not hold my attention. I am hoping that this arc gets better but only time will tell. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Batman-News - Brittany Anne Jan 8, 2016

    I keep repeating to myself that this story has potential, but right now it's not doing so well. Jurgens is trying to find the balance between the dialogue and finding a voice, but I'm sure it will get there. Right now, Batman is going to have to find out how to save these people, but I am honestly really curious what the story behind Matt is and Green Lantern's ring. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Dark Knight News - Alec Ward Jan 11, 2016

    I feel, genuinely, terrible, but there really isn't much to talk about in this issue. Nothing was really explained or expanded upon and the issue was just incredibly slow. It's starting to feel like work reading these past couple of issues and I can only hope that the story starts to pick up soon. Read Full Review

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