"ZOD'S WILL" finale! It's Hal versus Zod in a one-on-one brawl for the fate of the Corps. How can the greatest Green Lantern of all stand against the might of the ruthless general from Krypton?
This is a Lantern fan's dream come true: Hal fighting a super strong baddie, plenty of constructs, and some terrific surprises in the last third. The visuals are also awesome, with the art really strong and the colors perfection. This is proof why Green Lantern comics continue to thrive. Read Full Review
All around, this was a really enjoyable arc that benefited from having the Corps face off against a fresh opponent. Hopefully Venditti explores other DC villains in future stories that aren't the expected adversaries of Hal and company. That definitely made Kneel Before Zod a fun experience. Read Full Review
Darn near a perfect finale to a fantastic arc, much better than a clean victory it takes the time to lend a little gravitas and intrigue at the end. Read Full Review
This arc is probably the best use of Zod as a character. Despite making him a villain to hate, Venditti provides plausible and at times sympathetic elements to the General. Hopefully, Zod will make another appearance here and not be relegated to the Superman books. Zod has made just as serious an enemy of the GLC as he has with the Man of Steel. Plus, Hal deserves one more shot at him without the interference of the Guardians of the Universe. Read Full Review
Venditti and Peterson join forces to bring us a beautifully drawn book that hits you upside the head with blockbuster action seasoned with cultural relevance. Whether you're a longtime or entry level GL fan, this book is a winner. Read Full Review
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #41 is a high-octane and interesting finale to Zods Will. The fight is cathartic, and the ending is ponderous. Robert Venditti does it again with this one. Give this one a read, its highly recommended. Read Full Review
After getting over the fact that Sandoval didn't draw this issue, the finale to this arc delivered in almost every way. Although I do have to question as to why Ursa and her son didn't immediately jump into the fray as soon as Hal “arrested” Zod, but that's a minor nitpick. Brandon Peterson's art while not perfect, does deliver the bombastic feeling needed when you have a over charged Green Lantern battle against a Kryptonian zealot. While the ending doesn't have a definitive conclusion, this does leave the door open for another round of Zod vs. The Green Lantern Corps. Read Full Review
I'm intrigued by where Venditti is going to take this in the last act of his run. Read Full Review
The fight scene between Hal and Zod was so well done in this issue. The artwork for it was fantastic, lots of dramatic poses and a boatload of constructs to cram into every panel. The artist did a fantastic job of making the fight interesting and epic. I couldn't be happier with how it looked. Read Full Review
This is one of the best Zod stories in recent years and it was great fun to see him both sparring and going head to head against the Green Lantern Corps. Read Full Review
The story concludes, but not in an entirely satisfying manner. Have read recent issues of Action Comics featuring Zod, I had aninkling as to what it meant for this title. The ending still doesn't make sense, and Im not sure I altogether buy it, but Ive never had much interest in politics, especially in comic book form. Read Full Review
On one hand, it was great to watch Jordan use his natural environment (the sky) to his advantage. However, everything that happened after the big fight just... didn't make sense. Read Full Review
HAL JORDAN AND THE GREEN LANTERN AND THE GREEN LANTERN CORP #41 ends "Zod's Will" with a thud. Writer Robert Venditti once again loses the story in a huge fight, before undoing all the character work of previous issues. Read Full Review
The big to-do on Jekku comes to a close, and with all the satisfaction of having watched six consecutive hours of C-Span. This concludes more or less how we expected it to conclude, though there are some incredible panels to keep us juiced along the way. This should have been a two-issue story, period. Read Full Review
Outside of the typical last page cliffhangers, Venditti continually goes from one storyline to the next without seeming to build towards anything larger than whatever the current storyline is. This title unfortunately spins its wheels while waiting for Venditti's run to end and the next run to begin. As the final begins to draw closer, Venditti's interest in the series seems to also be straying further away. Read Full Review
Please, don't buy this comic. Robert Venditti has announced that he is leaving the series with #50, so please, for the love of all that is good in the world, don't be fooled by him. He's going to throw some moments at you which will trick you into thinking that he's had a very eventful run. It may be a long run, but nothing memorable has come out of FORTY-ONE issues, and that's a rip-off, plain and simple. Read Full Review
Thought this was a fun story and a great conclusion. Seeing Hal go toe to toe with Zod was great and the interjection of the Guardians could be good fodder for the conclusion of Venditti's run. The art was really good in the action scenes, but the quality dropped off a bit in other places.
Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.
So, Hal gives some flight lessons to Zod and manages to surprise him with a knock out. And, just as Hal was ready to lock him up, Jon and the guardians come in to tell Hal to let Zod go, leave the planet, and to have Zod release the lanterns. Everyone goes on there way and we find out that Zod took all the info he could off Kyles ring and knows plans, populations on planets, and basically everything the lanterns know.
So I have some questions. Clark and Zod are full kryptonians. Basically the same genetics, species, etc. How could Hal stop Zod lik more
i liked this issue. I enjoyed this arc overall and found it to be pretty well paced with some cool action sequences
A Hal Jordan vs Zod slugfest issue. The artwork was just ok. Next arc, please!
Kind of an underwhelming ending, and a rather padded arc. Not up to the standards of this series,m but not bad, either.
feels like entire arc was just to stroke Hal's ego. good art
I'm still not clear what Kyle did to the ring in the previous issue. The end was quite underwhelming, it renders the entire arc nearly pointless.