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Joined: Sep 13, 2017

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Fearless0610 reviewed Flash #52 Aug 9, 2018

Solid issue with some really good moments. Excited to see what Williamson and his team do with this new arc. Should be a fun ride

Flash #52

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Aug 8, 2018

On your mark, get set and go for part one of "Grips of Strength"! Barry Allen races to the House of Heroes at the center of the Multiverse to meet with the Flashes of 52 worlds for info on the new forces he's recently encountered. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Trickster's turning informant against Warden Wolfe, but that brings about a sneak atta...

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egonnn244 reviewed Flash #52 Aug 8, 2018

Reed Richards had his Council of Reeds and now Flash has his Council of Flashes.
This a great issue.

The dust has settled after the Flash War and the search for the New Forces has begun.
Flash is fighting bad guys, balances his work and superhero life and teams up with a sort of unlikely ally.
But I think my favorite part is on those couple pages Barry spends with Iris more

Flash #52

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Aug 8, 2018

On your mark, get set and go for part one of "Grips of Strength"! Barry Allen races to the House of Heroes at the center of the Multiverse to meet with the Flashes of 52 worlds for info on the new forces he's recently encountered. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Trickster's turning informant against Warden Wolfe, but that brings about a sneak atta...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Flash #52 Aug 8, 2018

Excellent issue with great moments in it.

Flash #52

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Aug 8, 2018

On your mark, get set and go for part one of "Grips of Strength"! Barry Allen races to the House of Heroes at the center of the Multiverse to meet with the Flashes of 52 worlds for info on the new forces he's recently encountered. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Trickster's turning informant against Warden Wolfe, but that brings about a sneak atta...

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Fearless0610 reviewed Supergirl #21 Aug 8, 2018

Never really been a big fan of Supergirl except for Being Super which was a wonderful miniseries. Nothing against the character her comics just haven't piqued my interest in the past like other DC characters have. But I have to say this is a promising start with tons of potential. I really like the premise of Kara going off in a space adventure with Krypto to find out more about Rogol Zaar and the more

Supergirl #21

By: Marc Andreyko, Kevin Maguire
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Mourning the loss of the Kryptonians wiped out by Rogol Zaar, Supergirl decides to play detective and sets off into deep space to learn more about the would-be usurper. Using whatever tech she can scrounge, Supergirl builds a star cruiser, and after intel from Green Lantern, she blasts off into the cosmos with Rogol Zaar's deadly axe to solve the m...

Fearless0610 added Supergirl (2016) to their pull list Aug 8, 2018

Supergirl (2016)

"REIGN OF THE CYBORG SUPERMAN" part one! Supergirl is back and working for the DEO to defend National City! As Kara Danvers, average American teenager and high school student, Supergirl must balance her life as a superhero with her new life on Earth. But some demons from her Kryptonian past are coming back to haunt her, and Kara will find herself f...

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Now this issue was amazing. The fight between Red Hood and Batman was brutal and intense very well done. All the stuff with Jason, Artemis and Bizarro was really emotional and quite beautiful. Bring on the next issue already!

Red Hood and the Outlaws #25

By: Scott Lobdell, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Batman versus Red Hood for the right to fight in Gotham-grab your ringside seat for the battle 25 years in the making! Jason Todd broke a promise to his mentor, and must now confront an angry and betrayed Batman. That means a good time for readers, but probably not so much for Jason: it's likely going to take more than the Outlaws' help in order fo...

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Fearless0610 added Adventures of the Super Sons to their pull list Aug 1, 2018

Adventures of the Super Sons

The Super Sons are back in an all-new 12-issue miniseries written by Peter J. Tomasi! Check out the lost and secret adventures of Damian Wayne (Robin) and Jon Kent (Superboy) in this flashback miniseries that takes a deep dive into the bombastic bromance between the sons of the DC Universe's greatest heroes. It's an epic dual storyline that transce...

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Decent issue. I like the setup and I'm just happy to see Jon/Damian together again. If this can be half as good as the original series than we're all going to be in for a fun ride for the next 11 issues. I trust Tomasi to give us something pretty special. Summer of Super!

Adventures of the Super Sons #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Carlo Barberi
Released: Aug 1, 2018

The Super Sons are back in an all-new 12-issue miniseries written by Peter J. Tomasi! Check out the lost and secret adventures of Damian Wayne (Robin) and Jon Kent (Superboy) in this flashback miniseries that takes a deep dive into the bombastic bromance between the sons of the DC Universe's greatest heroes. It's an epic dual storyline that transce...

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Fearless0610 reviewed Animosity #15 Aug 1, 2018

This was a solid issue. I wasn't expecting an origin story for Kyle but it was well done. Very emotional stuff

Animosity #15

By: Marguerite Bennett, Rafael de Latorre
Released: Aug 1, 2018

With the hideous truth of the Walled City revealed, Sandor must use every ounce of cunning to rescue Jesse from her human captors-before the try to "save the world" from the risen Animals...

From creator/writer Marguerite Bennett (INSEXTS, Bombshells and Batwoman) with artwork by Rafael De Latorre (SUPERZERO).

"Animosity looks to ...

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Fearless0610 reviewed Paper Girls #23 Aug 1, 2018

Another awesome issue. I really like where this arc is going

Paper Girls #23

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang
Released: Aug 1, 2018

New friends are silver, but old friends may be the only ones who can help the Paper Girls survive the year 2171.

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Fearless0610 dropped X-Men: Gold (2017) from their pull list Aug 1, 2018

X-Men: Gold (2017)

Xavier's dream comes full circle as KITTY PRYDE takes the reins and assembles a squad of the most iconic X-Men to fight at her side. STORM. COLOSSUS. NIGHTCRAWLER. OLD MAN LOGAN. PRESTIGE. They are X-MEN GOLD! And they're on a mission to be Earth's finest heroes, even when tha...

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Fearless0610 dropped Elsewhere from their pull list Jul 28, 2018


Mysteriously transported to a strange new world filled with flying beasts and alien civilizations, Amelia desperately struggles to return home. Along the way, she forges alliances and makes enem...

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Fearless0610 reviewed Death or Glory #3 Jul 28, 2018

A fantastic issue. Like where this series is going

Death or Glory #3

By: Rick Remender, Bengal
Released: Jul 4, 2018

Glory has found a way to save her father's life, but getting there means barreling into the heart of her ex's criminal empire-and the horrors he committed there.

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Fearless0610 dropped Monstro Mechanica from their pull list Jul 28, 2018

Monstro Mechanica

A new series starring Leonardo da Vinci, his female apprentice and their wooden robot!

At the height of the Renaissance, warring factions vie for control of Leonardo da Vinci's destructive arsenal. The only thing standing in their way is Leonardo's young apprentice and her nine-foot tall mechanical bodyguard. Together, they navigate a worl...

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Fearless0610 added Doomsday Clock to their pull list Jul 27, 2018

Doomsday Clock

DC Comics presents to you a 12-issue maxiseries from the critically acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns, artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. You are not prepared for what lies ahead within these pages, good readers.

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Fearless0610 reviewed Doomsday Clock #6 Jul 27, 2018

Best issue yet! A dark yet emotional origin story with some really good character moments. This series is finally hitting it's stride and I can't wait to see what happens next

Doomsday Clock #6

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Jul 25, 2018

The critically acclaimed super star team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank continue this groundbreaking event as the Mime and the Marionette take center stage in DOOMSDAY CLOCK #6.  

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mrDovydas reviewed Flash #51 Jul 25, 2018

Great epilogue to the Flash War, especially for those who are the fans of Wally West. The issue clearly ends this chapter and sets up the future stories. And, of course, Scott Kolins' artwork deserves a praise as well, as it really works here.

Flash #51

By: Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins
Released: Jul 25, 2018

As the dust settles in the wake of "Flash War," the Flash and his family of speedsters try to pick up the pieces of what's left. But bad blood can run deep. This is the one race the Flash Family can't win!

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Fearless0610 reviewed Flash #51 Jul 27, 2018

A beautiful and heartwarming epilogue. Loved this issue so much. Powerful stuff all around

Flash #51

By: Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins
Released: Jul 25, 2018

As the dust settles in the wake of "Flash War," the Flash and his family of speedsters try to pick up the pieces of what's left. But bad blood can run deep. This is the one race the Flash Family can't win!

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Fearless0610 reviewed Justice League Dark #1 Jul 27, 2018

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. Solid first issue. If this can be half as good as Tynion's epic run on Detective Comics then this is going to be an amazing series. Plus it's always good to see Zatanna involved in anything because she's so underrated. Bring on issue 2

Justice League Dark #1

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo
Released: Jul 25, 2018

From the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE! Earth's magic once belonged to them. Now they want the magic back. But who exactly are they? It's up to the new Justice League Dark to find out and stop this nightmarish new threat at all costs! After the events of NO JUSTICE, team leader Wonder Woman guides the misfit magic mix of Zatanna, Swamp Thing,...

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Holy shit I loved this issue. Horror, comedy, action. This issue had it all and it sets up the series to be one of the best ongoing dc titles.

Justice League Dark #1

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo
Released: Jul 25, 2018

From the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE! Earth's magic once belonged to them. Now they want the magic back. But who exactly are they? It's up to the new Justice League Dark to find out and stop this nightmarish new threat at all costs! After the events of NO JUSTICE, team leader Wonder Woman guides the misfit magic mix of Zatanna, Swamp Thing,...

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Fearless0610 reviewed Detective Comics #984 Jul 12, 2018

I was worried about this series after Tynion's incredible and epic run...but so far Bryan Hill has a done a good job and I like what he's doing so far with the characters. Let's see what of ride he takes us on

Detective Comics #984

By: Bryan Hill, Miguel Mendonca
Released: Jul 11, 2018

"On the Outside" Part two.  Batman wanted Black Lightning involved in the lives of his protégés-but how involved was the Dark Knight thinking? What kind of missions will Jefferson Pierce take them on? And what, exactly, is he whispering in their ears about Batman himself?

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TheComicRegime - Jul 13, 2018

I really enjoy your reviews. If you are interested in having your own review column on a up in coming site please reach out to me at matthew.page1987@gmail.com

Fearless0610 - Jul 14, 2018

Thanks. Sounds good. I will definitely look into that

Fearless0610 commented on this:
mrDovydas reviewed Sideways #6 Jul 11, 2018

I was promised Rocafort on the art duties, but Di Giandomenico will do, even if it means it will not be even half as good. Anyways, it's a very good issue, which will probably end up being the turning point in the series. The feeling that something terrible is about to happen keeps going through the whole book and when it finally happens, it really stuns you.

Sideways #6

By: Justin Jordan, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Jul 11, 2018

Thanks to his dimension-hopping powers, Derek James is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. As life-changing secrets are revealed, one missed phone call will set in motion a tragedy so personal for Sideways that no one will see it coming (you've been warned). A can't-miss issue, as Sideways' life continues to go...well, you know.

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Fearless0610 - Jul 12, 2018

I totally agree

Fearless0610 added Sideways to their pull list Jul 12, 2018


During the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL, high school junior Derek James accidentally fell through a rift into the dark matter dimension! Now, as Sideways, he can create rifts in midair to leap through dimensions at will! But with that much power comes great liability-and cracks are starting to form in the fabric of the space-time continuum...

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Fearless0610 reviewed Sideways #6 Jul 12, 2018

Wow I was definitely not expecting that twist at the end. I've enjoyed this series so far it hasn't really blown me until this issue. It was great and really well paced. Had me on the edge of my seat to the very end. This is definitely a game changer and I'm really intrigued where this will take the main character and the series as a whole.

Sideways #6

By: Justin Jordan, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Jul 11, 2018

Thanks to his dimension-hopping powers, Derek James is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. As life-changing secrets are revealed, one missed phone call will set in motion a tragedy so personal for Sideways that no one will see it coming (you've been warned). A can't-miss issue, as Sideways' life continues to go...well, you know.

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Fearless0610 reviewed Flash #50 Jul 12, 2018

This was a solid and entertaining finale to this amazing story. Williamson and Porter killed it on this arc. Loved all the stuff with Barry and Wally. Also that twist at the end was pretty damn good. Can't wait for more

Flash #50

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jul 11, 2018

The lightning-fueled finale of "Flash War"! Zoom adapts two new Speed Force powers into his arsenal against both Barry Allen and Wally West. What are these strange new powers? What can they do? And how will this haunt the Scarlet Speedster long after "Flash War" is over? It's the power of two Flashes pitted against the seemingly unstoppable Hunter ...

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Fearless0610 reviewed Animosity #14 Jul 6, 2018

Great issue. Continues to be compelling, heartwarming and emotional. Really liking where this arc is heading

Animosity #14

By: Marguerite Bennett, Rafael de Latorre
Released: May 23, 2018

Betrayal! Jesse is kidnapped by a traitor she trusted and loved. Sandor follows the bloody trail to the dreaded Walled City, where the remains of human civilization reign in terrible power-and attempt to rebuild the world for humans only. From creator/writer Marguerite Bennett (INSEXTS, Bombshells and Batwoman) with artwork by Rafael De Latorre (SU...

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Fearless0610 added Justice League (2018) to their pull list Jul 5, 2018

Justice League (2018)

"THE TOTALITY" part one! A brand-new era begins here! Comics legends Scott Snyder and Jim Cheung launch the Justice League into a cosmos-shaking mystery that will draw out their most terrible foes...in ways our heroes couldn't possibly imagine! In this debut issue, Martian Manhunter struggles to protect the team from an incoming threat that will sh...

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Fearless0610 added Immortal Hulk to their pull list Jul 5, 2018

Immortal Hulk

You'd never notice the man. He doesn't like to be noticed. He's quiet. Calm. Never complains. If someone were to walk up and shoot him in the head... all he'd do is die.
Until night falls. And someone else gets up again.
The man's name is Banner.
The horror is THE IMMORTAL HULK.
Rated T+

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Fearless0610 reviewed Sleepless #6 Jun 25, 2018

This series has been slow but interesting so far. I think it has an original premise and I'm a fan of Sarah Vaughn ever since she wrote the amazing Alex + Ada so I'll read anything she writes. Plus the artwork has been pretty eye catching so I'll stick around and see where this story goes. It has potential

Sleepless #6

By: Sarah Vaughn, Leila Del Duca
Released: May 9, 2018

After Poppy's hopes are dashed, Cyrenic makes a drastic decision that changes everything.

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Fearless0610 reviewed The Silencer #5 Jun 25, 2018

This might be the coolest comic DC is putting out right now. It honestly feels like something they would have done back in the 80's or 90's. It's a mixture of film noir, high octane action, interesting mystery, little bit of cyberpunk here and there it's all worked incredibly well so far. Count me in

The Silencer #5

By: Dan Abnett, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: May 23, 2018

"PAYBACK TIME" part two! The legend of the Silencer - and what she did to escape the underlife - has only been whispered about in back alleys and dingy bars... until now. The secret history of the greatest assassin you've never heard of is revealed, and Talia al Ghul is not looking like the innocent angel she claims to be after all...

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