Fearless0610's Profile

Joined: Sep 13, 2017

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Action Comics (2016) #987

Sep 13, 2017

Its finally here! What we have all have been waiting for quite sometime now. We finally know who the mysterious puppet master is who's been calling himself Mr. Oz and seems to know a lot about Superman. This issue delivered, like really delivered and gave us a dark, exciting and epic story leading to quite a shocking ending that I really enjoyed...definitely didn't see it coming that's for sure. I'm excited to see where this conflict between Superman and Mr. Oz goes. Dan Jurgens keeps doing a solid job showing us how awesome and heroic yet human and likable Superman is because he wants to save everyone and he knows he can't be everywhere at once. You see really see it in this issue. Him blaming himself for not being to save innocent people who unfortunately get caught in Mr. Oz's evil plan is all quite heartbreaking and really well done. The artwork (great cover btw) is also solid as always filled with really cool panels keeping us engaged and entertained for 20 plus pages. All in all, great issue definitely the best one in this series in months and I'm really excited to see where this goes leading all the to the Doomsday Clock event in November. It's definitely an exciting time to be a DC fan!

Action Comics (2016) #1000

Apr 19, 2018

I really, really enjoyed this issue quite a bit. It was sweet, charming and fun which is what a Superman comic should always be. Its a beautiful love letter to an amazing character. Everyone brought there A game here yes even Bendis...to a certain extent. It was also great meeting Tomasi at Midtown Comics and having him sign my copy of this historic comic. Class act just like Superman himself. All all in great a solid issue. As Lois would say "Happy Birthday you Big Lug"

Adventures of the Super Sons #1

Aug 1, 2018

Decent issue. I like the setup and I'm just happy to see Jon/Damian together again. If this can be half as good as the original series than we're all going to be in for a fun ride for the next 11 issues. I trust Tomasi to give us something pretty special. Summer of Super!

Animosity #13

Apr 4, 2018

This continues to be one of my favorite comics on the market. I love where it's heading with it's characters and overall story. This needs to be a tv series.

Animosity #14

Jul 6, 2018

Great issue. Continues to be compelling, heartwarming and emotional. Really liking where this arc is heading

Animosity #15

Aug 1, 2018

This was a solid issue. I wasn't expecting an origin story for Kyle but it was well done. Very emotional stuff

Aquaman (2016) #32

Jan 17, 2018

This series continues to get better and better every month. Dan Abnett knows how to grab your attention and draw you in to this fantastical world. Solid writing by him. I'm loving the whole gritty, dirty, and dark underworld of Atlantis it's quite wonderful. Kudos to Ricardo Federici who keeps bringing this world to life and making it constantly gorgeous to look at. I also loved the ramifications this issue has on everything moving forward with Arthur and Mera's relationship and the throne of Atlantis. I can't wait for more!

Aquaman (2016) Annual #1

Nov 30, 2017

This was a fantastic annual issue and it wasn't even written by the always reliable Dan Abnett but Philip Kennedy Johnson does a solid job picking up the slack. This issue is very similar to "For the Man Who Has Everything" story-line...black mercy and all. That's obviously one of the greatest Superman stories ever written but this in many ways could potential end up being of Aquaman's best and does more than enough to separate itself from that classic. From the interesting artwork, plenty of twist and turns, good use of DC characters, sweet love story between Arthur and Mera and a truly heartbreaking and powerful ending that really hit me. All in all, great comic

Batman (2016) #36

Dec 6, 2017

This book was freaking awesome and a nice love letter to both these icons and there epic friendship. It's really impressive how similar yet different they both are. One represents darkness and vengeance and the other light and hope. Yet they always think with there hearts and do the best they can with what they have. Also having an amazing group of people to back them up when they need it doesn't hurt either. Anyway the artwork was gorgeous and just a joy to look at. Good stuff! I've been very meh with King's version of Batman lately but with this and last weeks brilliant Bat-Cat issue I'm definitely back on board and very excited to see where he takes Batman and the rest of the characters next

Batman (2016) #39

Jan 17, 2018

This was fine more hit or miss if anything very much like Tom King's run of Batman has been up to this point. Interesting setup, decent artwork and a really dumb cliffhanger. But I will admit I do love seeing Bruce and Diana working together just the two of them doesn't seem to happen much anymore. I'm curious to see where this arc goes

Batman (2016) Annual #2

Nov 30, 2017

This a love story for the ages! Goddamn Tom King! This was beyond beautiful and sooo emotional. The artwork was gorgeous and had very much a fairy-tale tone and look to it. Great job by Lee Weeks. King really hit all the right notes here. Telling a simple yet sweeping love story through time with some great character moments and a very heartfelt ending. Reading this you truly get to see why Bruce and Selina are so wonderful together and why they're meant to be with one another and because of that you'll end up loving them even more once you're done reading it. Simply amazing!

Batman: The Dark Prince Charming #1

Mar 11, 2018

Awesome book. So good I wish it was longer. This feels like a good old fashioned Bamtan noir detective story and it's handled beautifully by Enrico Marini. His writing of Batman, Joker, Catwoman, Gordon, Alfred and Gotham itself is really good and you can tell he's a massive fan of these characters and yet he puts his own spin on them. The artwork was stunning and Marini's use of color from purple, blue, orange was a joy to look at. All in all, this is a fantastic story that any Batman fan should check it out. Can't wait for book 2

DC Universe Holiday Special: 2017 #1

Dec 6, 2017

I enjoyed this comic. It was nothing amazing or groundbreaking but it was fun and sweet with some enjoyable stories by some of the best writers in the industry. I really enjoyed the one Flash and the one with Superman/Lois both were very heartwarming. So yeah check it out it might put a smile on your face when you're done reading it

Death or Glory #1

May 7, 2018

I was pleasantly surprised by this comic. I didn't know what to expect because I've never read anything by Rick Remender but I've always heard things about his work. So I was entertained for 40 plus pages from start to finish. The story is a mixture of western, crime, drama, action, mystery and it's all handled quite well for the most part. It has a compelling premise and setup right off the bat. I don't know if its me or not but this kind of had like a Coen bros vibe to it at times which is great. I found the main protagonist interesting I really like her backstory and overall motivations. The artwork by Bengal is soooo good and vibrant. I just love how much the colors pop on the pages and how solid the lettering is as well. I also enjoyed the ending quite a bit really cool cliffhanger. I'm definitely in for issue 2

Death or Glory #3

Jul 28, 2018

A fantastic issue. Like where this series is going

Detective Comics (2016) #973

Jan 25, 2018

This was a great finale to a fantastic arc. Tynion keeps doing an amazing job making Clayface into a tragic and flawed character and it's been wonderful to watch especially his father-daughter relationship with Cass. Even though I'm not a huge fan of the Victim Syndicate I thought they were utilized well here for the most part. I just really enjoy seeing the Bat family interacting and working well with each other it's pretty cool to watch. This is easily the best Batman book right now

Detective Comics (2016) #975

Mar 8, 2018

Best Batman book right now. I loved how all the characters were written in this issue especially Batwoman. Such a good series

Detective Comics (2016) #981

May 26, 2018

Best Batman run ever. That's all I have to say

Detective Comics (2016) #984

Jul 12, 2018

I was worried about this series after Tynion's incredible and epic run...but so far Bryan Hill has a done a good job and I like what he's doing so far with the characters. Let's see what of ride he takes us on

Detective Comics (2016) Annual #1

Feb 2, 2018

This was book was a beautiful tragedy. I love how Tynion and company have reinvented Clayface and made him into a tragic and compelling figure. This issue did a wonderful job exploring his childhood, fame, friendship with Glory and ultimately his downfall. I loved all of it and can't wait to see where they keep taking this character.

Doomsday Clock #4

Mar 29, 2018

Best issue yet. I have no clue where this series is going and I love that

Doomsday Clock #6

Jul 27, 2018

Best issue yet! A dark yet emotional origin story with some really good character moments. This series is finally hitting it's stride and I can't wait to see what happens next

Flash (2016) #39

Jan 25, 2018

Fun start to a new arc for the series. I's always good to see Grodd featured in a Flash story and I'm curious to see where they go with this. I really enjoyed the Barry/Iris moments they were well done and also congrats on the Scarlet Speedster on finally getting 700 issues!

Flash (2016) #45

Apr 25, 2018

Emotional and heartwarming. Loved all the stuff with Barry, Iris and Wally. Cool art as well. Joshua Williamson keeps killing it on this title

Flash (2016) #47

May 26, 2018

A solid start to what should hopefully be a great arc. Williamson has been killing it on this title since Rebirth started and I'm so pumped to see what he has in stored for us with this story. Should be a good one

Flash (2016) #48

Jun 17, 2018

This is shaping up to be a pretty special arc. I'm loving everything with Wally, Barry and the Flash Team. Some really great character moments so far. Can't wait for more

Flash (2016) #50

Jul 12, 2018

This was a solid and entertaining finale to this amazing story. Williamson and Porter killed it on this arc. Loved all the stuff with Barry and Wally. Also that twist at the end was pretty damn good. Can't wait for more

Flash (2016) #51

Jul 27, 2018

A beautiful and heartwarming epilogue. Loved this issue so much. Powerful stuff all around

Flash (2016) #52

Aug 9, 2018

Solid issue with some really good moments. Excited to see what Williamson and his team do with this new arc. Should be a fun ride

Flavor #2

Jun 25, 2018

Another fun issue. I like where this series is going

Green Arrow (2016) #38

Mar 8, 2018

Solid issue all around

Green Lanterns #46

May 7, 2018

I've been enjoying this arc quite a bit. I haven't been too fond of Seeley's run so far. I have nothing against him I just feel like he doesn't know how to write Jessica, Simon and a fun space opera that well. I really did enjoyed what Sam Humphries did with these wonderful characters and overall mythology. But it seems like Seeley has finally gotten into a nice rhythm. I'm loving everything with Jessica and her dark tragic past, Simon going into this weird abyss to try and find his partner, the artwork being all around solid this is shaping up to be an amazing story. Keep it up!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #41

Mar 29, 2018

i liked this issue. I enjoyed this arc overall and found it to be pretty well paced with some cool action sequences

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #12

Sep 30, 2017

Hmm this issue was bit bizarre and definitely not the epic conclusion I was expecting to this awesome series. But it have some decent moments here and there and I did love seeing Doom and Strange working together. I'm definitely going to miss the great artwork by Alex Maleev it was always consistent and sooo unique. It's a shame that this was only 12 issues because it's easily among Marvel's best comics right now. All in all this was a cool little experiment and Victor's journey to redemption was one heck of a ride!

Justice League Dark (2018) #1

Jul 27, 2018

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. Solid first issue. If this can be half as good as Tynion's epic run on Detective Comics then this is going to be an amazing series. Plus it's always good to see Zatanna involved in anything because she's so underrated. Bring on issue 2

Justice League: No Justice #1

May 10, 2018

This what a Justice League comic should be. Fun, epic and badass. I'm totally in

Mera: Queen of Atlantis #3

Apr 25, 2018

Best issue yet. I love how Mera and Orm were fleshed out in this story. Can't wait to see where it goes

Monstro Mechanica #1

Dec 14, 2017

This was a very fun first issue. I've always been a big fan of Leonardo da Vinci he was such a fascinating figure in history and soooo ahead of his time. I really liked this alternate take on him. The dynamic between Da Vinci and his apprentice Isabel is pretty compelling so far, the artwork is wonderful and vibrant, the mixture of medieval and steampunk works really well in the story along with tons of mystery and political intrigue to keep you entertained and oh a giant robot as well. What more can you ask for? Curious to see where this series goes

Monstro Mechanica #2

Jan 16, 2018

Another solid issue to this new promising series. So far I'm really enjoying Isabel's character development and her relationship with the robot it's very well done, the artwork keeps on impressing me and the world building is pretty interesting. I really think this series has potential to be something fun and cool. Bring on the next issue

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #24

Oct 26, 2017

I'm amazed by how much I've grown to love this series and how it tends to bring a smile to my face when I read it. It's charming, cute and constantly entertaining. Lunella has slowly become such an endearing character in the Marvel universe along with Devil Dinosaur. This issue was fantastic taking place after the previous events where Moon Girl and DD have parted ways and it was very well done. Now what I loved most about this issue was how fast paced, sweet and just fun it was seeing Lunella interacting and potentially trying to find a new partner. So we see her with Mojo and his version of the X-Men but as babies, Ghost Riders, Daredevil, The Thing and the Human Torch it was all wonderfully done. But it's obvious that she still misses her best friend. So yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing where this arc goes

Nightwing: The New Order #6

Jan 25, 2018

This was a solid conclusion to a wonderful miniseries. Even though it did feel a bit rushed especially towards the end it was still a fun journey getting through 6 issues. I really enjoyed this version of the DC universe and it's unique alternate take on these beloved characters. Kudos to Kyle Higgins and company for doing something different and cool

Paper Girls #18

Dec 8, 2017

This continues to be one of my favorite comics around. It's always filled with tons of mystery, weirdness and just cool sci-fi moments. I just the love the constant world building, the wonderful storytelling and the always amazing artwork. But what really makes this series shine is the dynamic between the girls it's always fun and real. Good stuff as always can't wait for the next issue

Paper Girls #21

Jun 25, 2018

Still one of my favorite comics on the market. Continues to be fun, complex and weird as hell. I love it

Paper Girls #23

Aug 1, 2018

Another awesome issue. I really like where this arc is going

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #23

Jun 17, 2018

Great issue. It was heartfelt, emotional and beautifully written by Lobdell. The art was also really good by Hairsine.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25

Aug 8, 2018

Now this issue was amazing. The fight between Red Hood and Batman was brutal and intense very well done. All the stuff with Jason, Artemis and Bizarro was really emotional and quite beautiful. Bring on the next issue already!

Rogue & Gambit (2018) #2

Feb 9, 2018

Two issues in and this is by far the best X-Men book on the market. It feels and looks like classic X-Men that I grew up reading as a kid. Seeing Rogue and Gambit arguing and flirting is awesome and them debating how they originally met was pretty funny. They've always been my favorite couple in the X-Men so clearly I'm bias here. Kelly Thompson is really kicking ass on this title and The artwork by Pere Perez is top notch as well. Can't wait for more!

Rogue & Gambit (2018) #3

Mar 8, 2018

Continues to be the best X-Men title on the market. The romantic dynamic between Rogue and Gambit has been wonderful

Rogue & Gambit (2018) #5

May 7, 2018

This was a wonderful conclusion to a great miniseries with two of my favorite X-Men characters. I love the way their dynamic and history was handled and explored here. Kelly Thompson totally nailed it. It was so much fun and a total blast to read. Brought back so many memories for me from my childhood reading the comics and watching the 90's cartoon. The art by Pere Perez was simply incredible and I love how it was used during flashbacks...it was perfect. I'll definitely be picking up the trade paperback for sure

Sideways #6

Jul 12, 2018

Wow I was definitely not expecting that twist at the end. I've enjoyed this series so far it hasn't really blown me until this issue. It was great and really well paced. Had me on the edge of my seat to the very end. This is definitely a game changer and I'm really intrigued where this will take the main character and the series as a whole.

Skyward (2018) #1

Apr 19, 2018

Really fun first issue. Cool premise, cute protagonist and solid artwork. Very curious to see where this series goes. Has potential

Sleepless (2017) #6

Jun 25, 2018

This series has been slow but interesting so far. I think it has an original premise and I'm a fan of Sarah Vaughn ever since she wrote the amazing Alex + Ada so I'll read anything she writes. Plus the artwork has been pretty eye catching so I'll stick around and see where this story goes. It has potential

Super Sons (2017) #14

Mar 21, 2018

Another fun issue in this awesome series. I'm definitely going to miss it when its over

Super Sons (2017) #16

May 26, 2018

A wonderful and heartfelt finale to one of the best series I've read in years. Loved the bond between Jon and Damian and their fun, crazy adventures together. This book was filled with so much heart and spectacle that a lot of comics seem to lack nowadays. Curious to see what they do with the new series later this summer. Can't wait

Supergirl (2016) #21

Aug 8, 2018

Never really been a big fan of Supergirl except for Being Super which was a wonderful miniseries. Nothing against the character her comics just haven't piqued my interest in the past like other DC characters have. But I have to say this is a promising start with tons of potential. I really like the premise of Kara going off in a space adventure with Krypto to find out more about Rogol Zaar and the destruction of her home plant Krypton. Lots of mystery and intrigue there if done well. I also enjoyed her interactions with Superman and Hal. I think Marc Andreyko did a good job capturing their voices well. Looking forward to this cosmic journey hopefully it's a fun and epic one

Superman (2016) #39

Jan 17, 2018

I loved this issue ALOT. At first I thought it was going to be beyond cheesy and filler material. Boy was I wrong...this story was beautiful, heartwarming and inspirational. I just loved seeing kids being kids even though they're sick they still have that childlike enthusiasm and wonder. Having Superman and the Justice League spend time with them and play a scavenger hunt was sweet and charming. The ending was also perfect. Fantastic issue!

Superman (2016) #45

Apr 19, 2018

A wonderful and heartfelt end to Tomasi's run on Superman. Definitely one for the ages

The Legend of Wonder Woman #27

Sep 15, 2017

This is by far the best run of Wonder Woman of I've ever read and I've been a fan of the character since I was kid so that's saying a lot. This issue was an amazing yet bittersweet end to the series. Renae DeLiz did a fantastic job with all 27 issues capturing what's so unique and special about this icon. From the beautiful artwork, wonderful writing, solid world building, well developed yet tragic villain, lovable cast of characters in particular Steve Trevor and Etta Candy and really strong and down to earth portrayal of Diana. It's such a shame that the series was cancelled last year because I really think Renae DeLiz could have taken this series to even greater heights but it wasn't meant to be. I highly recommend this series to any Wonder Woman fan out there or any comic book lover in general. Check it out you won't be disappointed.

The Mighty Thor (2015) #706

May 7, 2018

A beautiful and emotional sendoff for Jane. Thank you Jason Aaron and company for giving us an amazing series and by far the best Thor run ever. I can't wait to buy all the tpbs and re-read the whole thing again

The Silencer #4

Apr 25, 2018

Awesome issue. This very much had a 80's Hong Kong action film vibe to it at times and it worked quite well. We got a lot more interesting backstory for the Silencer and a really cool fight between her and the one and only Deathstroke. I like where this series it's heading and it feels different and fresh from all the other DC titles out there. I also agree with Nihilist about Viktor Bogdanovic's artwork being the MVP of this issue. It was fantastic hopefully he stays on for the next few

The Silencer #5

Jun 25, 2018

This might be the coolest comic DC is putting out right now. It honestly feels like something they would have done back in the 80's or 90's. It's a mixture of film noir, high octane action, interesting mystery, little bit of cyberpunk here and there it's all worked incredibly well so far. Count me in

Titans (2016) #15

Sep 13, 2017

I really enjoyed this issue! The team and friendship dynamic between all the Titans is so full of heart and is what constantly makes this of the best titles in the Rebirth brand. Dan Abnett keeps killing it with this and Aquaman and Brett Booth keeps doing amazing artwork. Keep up the good work guys!

Titans (2016) #19

Jan 16, 2018

This continues to be one of the best titles at DC

Titans (2016) Annual #1

Sep 13, 2017

Wow! This comic was incredible. The pacing, the artwork, character interactions, the fantastic writing, the sad and tragic reveal at the end for Donna, it's all so good and an absolute blast to read. Definitely one of my favorite comics of the year by far!

Wonder Woman (2016) #35

Dec 8, 2017

How the mighty have fallen...it's quite remarkable how much the quality of this series has gone down over the past several months since Greg Rucka left. His 25 issue run was simply wonderful...no pun intended. But it really was though. Diana was beautifully written along with Steve and Etta. I loved his version of Cheetah and Veronica Cale he made both of them into tragic and complex characters. Anyway, like many people have been saying this doesn't feel at all like a Wonder Woman book because she's barely in it. Her brother really is the main character it should be called Jason of the Argonauts featuring Wonder Woman. I'm going to stick around because I do love the character so much and the artwork is good and there are somewhat interesting ideas here and there. I do think James Robinson is talented but hopefully he gets his act together soon.

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