NEW STORY ARC! Can anyone escape fate? That's what Mac and her fellow newspaper delivery girls must discover as they break free from the year 2000 and travel to our distant future!
The girls are all reunited, plus the addition of future-Tiff, and they're closer than they've ever been to the answers they — and readers — have been searching for. I don't expect them to come as easy, so look for a bad-luck curveball to keep some secrets safe, but we're going to take another big leap forward in the plot come issue #22. Overall, Paper Girls continues to be the fastest read I cover. There's no other comic that pulls me to the last page so fast that it feels like I just started. It's suspenseful, smart, and wildly creative. Now more than ever, emphasis on ‘wildly creative.' Read Full Review
Does this issue jump the shark just a tiny bit? Probably. Does that stop it from being a genuinely great comic? Absolutely not. Read Full Review
I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted with Paper Girls and finding out what the future has in store for this girl gang. Read Full Review