"FLASH WAR" part two! Barry Allen and Wally West are brought to the future to stand trial for the murder of Eobard Thawne, but a terrible truth is uncovered when they reach the court - and Wally West is confronted with something he never even realized he lost.
Beyond Flashpoint, Williamson even throws in a nod to Crisis on Infinite Earths in shocking fashion. I really questioned how Flash War could work, but Williamson has made it so sensible it kind of had to happen. With the hype of Bendis on Superman, the Batman/Catwoman wedding and the revamped Justice League books, don't miss out on Flash War as it's delivering some of the best reads in DC right now. Read Full Review
The combination of Williamson and Porter is a force of nature. Read Full Review
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves The Flash character and to those who want to know more about Rebirth, which this issue starts to address. Read Full Review
This is a huge summer for DC with weddings and relaunches, but in my opinion the real excitement is happening in the pages of The Flash as Wally and Barry fight that could save Wally's family or destroy the Speed Force and unravel time itself. “Flash War” is a story you don't want to miss. Read Full Review
As long as the book can continue to hit the emotional notes without hamfisting it, there are few DC books we are looking forward to more than The Flash. Read Full Review
THE FLASH #48 shows us the inciting incident for the FLASH WAR. Both Barry's and Wally's ideological differences make sense for each character. This issue is a tragic one, but it makes me excited for what comes next. Howard Porter's superb art adds to my excitement. Read Full Review
Flash War really begins in earnest here, and it's definitely worth the wait. This could be one of the best Flash stories in years. Read Full Review
I have no clue how this will end, except unhappily, but this is easily one of the stories I'm most excited by at DC right now. Read Full Review
A fun little issue that continues the plot of Flash War with fantastic art by Howard Porter. Read Full Review
The Flash #48 is bold, colourful and well told. Read Full Review
This was another good issue of Flash War that teases fans with visions of Flash Family stories going through their heads. The problem is, Barry is trying to stop it and while he may be right, I can't see anyone rooting for him. He's my Flash and I'm not! Howard Porter's art is spot on and suddenly Flash is one of the only books that is putting a smile on my face nowadays. And no matter what haters of our site and podcast may tell you, I like to smile! Read Full Review
“The Flash War” is starting to get good because there are some pretty big stakes involved for both Barry and Wally. Wally is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of saving his children and Barry is trying to convince him that there has to be another way. Their back and forth is the product of some good writing from Williamson and the art from Porter is electric. Both characters have a valid argument to be made and their conflict looks like it is going to create something huge for all speedsters going forward. Read Full Review
"The Flash" #48 is a heartfelt next chapter into the 'Flash War' storyline with a powerful finale. Read Full Review
I'm excited to find out where “Flash War” goes and after this issue I honestly have no idea. This may be limited to the Flash title but it feels like a story that'll have a big ramification on the entire DC Universe and answer some questions about the meta story that's been going on since Rebirth began. Read Full Review
The Flash War has kicked it up a notch, aiming to tug at readers' heartstrings. Read Full Review
While very little ultimately happens in this issue, apart from setting up the scene from the very beginning of Flash War, Williamson's grasp of these characters is phenomenal and Howard Portrer's art puts an amazing amount of energy into every scene, even the ones that just involve the characters talking to one another. Read Full Review
"Flash War" continues and Joshua Williamson turns the melodrama up to 11 with an issue that's extremely well-paced. Read Full Review
The Flash War continues in part 2 of this arc. Wally is still a mess and it does not help that Zoom is getting in his ear. The murder trial of Iris West comes to a halt. As usual we have some time for the Blame Barry show and we get more really intense moments between he and Wally. The saga continues and buckle up, I think we're in for a wild ride. Read Full Review