Suicide Squad: Black Files #4

Writer: Mike W. Barr, Jai Nitz Artist: Philippe Briones, Scot Eaton, Wayne Faucher Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 6, 2019 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 5
6.6Critic Rating
4.3User Rating

In part four of "Revenge of Kobra," Katana finally escapes the deadly dimension of the Soultaker, only to find herself trapped in the body of Lady Eve! Now she must save Halo and the Suicide Squad from King Kobra and his wife, the impostor Katana--even though the Squad and Halo see her as a mortal enemy!
Also in this issue, the heist on Gemworld got the entire Suicide Squad Black team killed. With her new squad dead, Amanda Waller is out of magic bullets. Things go from bad to worse when Waller sends the regular Suicide Squad to catch Sebastian Faust. Can their technology possibly stand a chance against a foe whom magic couldn't defeat?

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Sam McTernan Feb 8, 2019

    I loved this issue. The art flowed well between the two stories, the writing was on par with the action. The only issue I would have is that this the first time that both story line's has been about the main Suicide Squad. Both of which have very clearly placed the squad in positions that mean that events do not take place at a similar time and I think this may confuse many readers. Although that a no point has anyone said that the events in either story do take place concurrently, I think that in the previous issues it felt like they could have. All in all I still think this doesn't detract from a great series and one I cant wait to see how pans out in the last two issues of the arc. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Mar 2, 2019

    I was giving the comic positive reviews just based on one of the two tales, so I am glad I can now honestly endorse both of them. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Feb 8, 2019

    I'll just stick with the first story and rate the book as a whole on that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Russ Burlingame Feb 6, 2019

    The story, meanwhile, manages to have more story packed into it than the previous two issues combined, but still feel like not much happened. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Feb 6, 2019

    This storyline has had quite a few intriguing characters teased, but it doesn't really give them enough time or development. Potential, but the execution isn't quite there yet. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Feb 6, 2019

    On one hand, you've got Katana running around in Eve's body, and still wearing her Kobra uniform. On the other hand, you've got brain bombs being defused by magic. Split the difference, you've got a couple of weird but inoffensive comics that would probably appeal to a young kid. For four bucks, not a bad investment! Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    DC Comics News - Christian Ruiz Feb 14, 2019

    Starting off strong, ending poor. It's sad to see a good book go, that's exactly what Suicide Squad was, a good book, sadly its cousin has not picked up the work the original book left behind. Boring and bland the book leaves little to expect and even less to look forward to, its sad to say, the wrong series was ended prematurely. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Soul Assassin Feb 8, 2019

    I’m loving the art and stories in this book, not sure why it’s getting hate. It’s vibrant and looks sweet

  • 5.0

    Just incredibly dull. There were a few moments where I almost was entertained, but far more stretches of pain.

  • 2.0
    Psycamorean Feb 8, 2019

    This series is the worst thing a comic can be. Unnecessary and boring. This is astounding in both regards. I don't understand why this exists since it seems like it can't make any real changes (Like how Suicide Squad Black didn't actually die (Was I misremembering or wasn't it clear from last issue that they were alive?)) or add to the Canon in any meaningful way. But it also doesn't really seem to have a point. The story isn't worth it. I really dread this every month. It's too much at once for something so bland.

  • 1.5
    Spacey Medicine Feb 13, 2019

    This comic is such literal garbage and tbh I’m offended on behalf of every single character who was forced to endure the indignity of being in it.

  • 4.0
    Radar Feb 12, 2019

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