Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #5

Writer: Neal Adams Artist: Neal Adams Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 1, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
5.6User Rating

Superman and the New Gods launch their plan to free the young boy and his dog from his Apokolips prison, but Darkseid's ultimate prize is within sight, and the only person standing in his way is...Lex Luthor?!

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Jun 1, 2016

    I think that an inability to enjoy this book, and not having a huge grin on your face after having read it should be considered Thought Crimes, punishable by tickle torture or repeated viewings of the Three Stooges. This is the most fun I have had reading a comic book since...maybe since I was a kid, truth be told. I love all of the exaggerated action and dialogue combined with an almost meandering plot, reminds me of dense Bronze Age comics that I lovingly read and re-read until they turned to so much dust. Ladies and gentlemen, this is bercomics, operating on a different frequency than your standard capes n' tights fare. And if you've picked up the first five issues, even out of morbid curiosity, then you've got to be in for the finale. I'll see you there! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jun 2, 2016

    Adams has delivered another fun issue that is filled with the usual eye candy that only he can provide. The dialogue also improved " for the most part. Hopefully we can look back on this story as a whole favorably as we'll know for certain after next month's conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Jun 6, 2016

    Neal Adams's artwork is great, but his writing is weak and increasingly incomprehensible. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jun 6, 2016

    What ultimately redeems this issue is the very thing that hinders it as well. The final page is a cliffhanger so grandiose that it might have been lifted directly out of Adams' work in the 1970s, and the sixth issue is almost mandatory reading if one has made it this far into the series. Then again, perhaps this is written for such a niche audience that going in searching for modern conventions and speech patterns is folly. Maybe the best way to enjoy Superman: The Coming of the Superman is simply to go along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 1, 2016

    This issue lacks the laugh out loud moments of the last issue (intended or not) which leaves you with what's left: confusing and melodramatic storytelling that's more random than anything else. I want to like this series, but it's just too hard to take seriously or follow. This issue lacks a lot of the pizazz of the previous issues, making it read like a rush to get to the end more than anything else. Read Full Review

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