"BREAK THROUGH THE WALL" finale! The Squad faces down the Wall as their fate hangs in the balance. If the Squad doesn't stop the Wall, the U.S. government will be demolished!
Overall, Suicide Squad as a title has ups and downs, and is sometimes dramatically uneven, but Suicide Squad #40 is by far the series' strongest issue to date and gives readers a real reason to invest their time. Read Full Review
This issue is, in every way, a worthy successor to Ostrander. Its the Suicide Squad that I have always wanted to read. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad #40 brings ‘Break Through The Wall' to a stunning conclusion. This had nothing to do with the action, and that is what makes this a welcomed finish to a story arc. As you would expect, nothing will be the same moving forward, and the headspace of these characters should hopefully change the atmosphere that comes with this team in the following missions. It would be a crime to move to the next story and see nothing from the fallout. Read Full Review
Continuing the trend, a new issue brings with it a new artist. Jack Herbert lends his artistic talent to this issue ofSuicide Squad and he does a brilliant job with the action panels. This issue however, could have done with an artist more suited to facial expressions. This issue was wrought with emotion, but sadly, the art didn't accompany the writing or feel of the comic. Still an excellent conclusion overall though. Read Full Review
This storyline has been decent enough, but it was time to move on. Hopefully Williams has some fresh twists and possible new members to add to the ranks to liven things up. Read Full Review
Overall, this run has been middling to poor, but this issue is probably one of its best. Read Full Review
It's not a bad book, but it also just doesn't feel quite right to me. Read Full Review
The artwork was pretty good for this issue. I still love the design for the Walls outfit. It may be a little over the top American, but it really does work, especially considering what his job is supposed to be. I loved all the electrical effects and how they successfully implied they were Hack's doing without having to tell us. It was very effective. Read Full Review
While it was cool to see Waller's backstory, the comic is called Suicide Squad. I feel like there was so much potential with this storyline and it felt a little short to me. Too much wrap up too quickly by the end. I would like to see the whole team a little more often. Can we try, DC, to try a little harder to be a little better, m'kay? Read Full Review
The person behind The Wall freaking out and downloading Amanda Waller's contact info turns out to be just who you expected, and the denouement is less than satisfying. I think, however, that I'm going to apply to be a member of the Suicide Squad. Chances are you won't have to do anything but make fart jokes half the time. Read Full Review
This book is uninspired and has no interest in stretching passed its formula and is in desperate need of a reboot. Read Full Review
Suicide Squad's issue with very little of Suicide Squad itself was a surprisingly enjoyable read for run's mediocre standards. It broke the stagnation I've felt for a long, long time, and even if that's just a brief filler, I would say it was better than most of previous issues we've got so far.
Do I recommend it? Maybe... It sure isn't anything outstanding, but if Suicide Squad is your guilty pleasure, or you don't have anything better to read at the moment (like yours truly), #40 may be what you're looking for.