It's Election Day in Gotham City and Barbara Gordon is running ragged on both ends as she tries to balance campaigning for her new boss with keeping the peace as a superhero. Could the sudden appearance of her murderous brother, James Jr., push her over the edge?
This is a great issue. It's very character focused. I really enjoyed seeing Batgirl challenged and pushed to the edge like this. It's sympathetic and fascinating. The art is very cool as well; I really enjoyed this issue. Read Full Review
Yes, please and thank you. More. This was an outstanding issue, I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen next. Even less than last time. I can't wait to find out how things pan out and get resolved. Totally here for the ride, Batgirl has me hooked till the end. Would highly recommend everyone picking up this issue and living the drama with me and Babs. Read Full Review
Though the issue fits into a more massive crossover event, Scott and Casagrande put together a story that stands quite well on its own. There are more profound implications of the overall psyche of Barbara Gordon that carry plot lines from previous issues, thus making this a chapter in the life of a crime fighter that works well both on its own AND as a part of a long-running saga. Read Full Review
A masterclass in tone and character work, Batgirl #33 is the best issue of the arc, with fantastic artwork to support the stellar writing. Read Full Review
James Gordon Jr. has haunted the Gordons for years, ever since Snyder's earliest days at DC, but his dual roles in the two comics coming out right now may be his finest hour " and it comes just as he's maybe not a villain anymore. And I can safely say Scott is doing the best work with Barbara Gordon since Oracle was retired. Read Full Review
This issue tells a difficult story that doesn't have a clear resolution and doesn't paint its heroine in the best light. As in all of the best Batgirl stories, the focus here is on Barbara's internal struggle between her personal life and her dedication to heroism. Read Full Review
Although Elena Casagrande and Scott Godlewski are new to illustrating this series, they do an amazing job. And John Kalisz's colors are fantastic, I especially loved the reds and blues during the argument between Barbara and Commissioner Gordon. I also just have to say that I really love the direction Batgirl is going following the creative team change. She looks and seems more mature, more Barbara Gordon, to me. Read Full Review
Both Scott's narrative and the visuals from Casagrande and Godlewski really successfully convey the nuanced emotion that this brings out in Barbara, something that could be really interesting, if it carries through future issues. Read Full Review
A tense and emotional read that perfectly captures a Batgirl about to reach the end of her rope!" Read Full Review
Batgirl #33 is a solid read that brings us a down-to-earth superhero tale that showcases its lead running hot under the collar - and rarely more human. Read Full Review
A solid addition to the series, Batgirl #33 gives us a believable look at how Barbara would respond to the release of her brother. While her mentor celebrates 80 years of crimefighting over in Detective Comics #1000, Batgirl reaches a respectable 58 next month. By and large, Scott's portrayal remains true to the tenets that make her such an enduring heroine, and I'm hopeful that she'll bring the election, Cormorant, Bard, Jim, James Jr and the Terrible Trio together in a satisfying fashion over the next few issues. Read Full Review
Barbara's brother is on the loose, and it's time he got what's coming to him: a stern lecture! And there's more where that came from for the Commissioner, too! When Batgirl scolds, you know you've messed up. Read Full Review
Barbara's brother is on the loose, and it's time he got what's coming to him: a stern lecture! And there's more where that came from for the Commissioner, too! When Batgirl scolds, you know you've messed up. Read Full Review
Some questionable decisions and attitudes on Barbaras part make me wonder about her approach to her brother, father, and pretty much everyone she runs into. It isnt clear if this is due to the stress of the situation or a mischaracterization. The past few arcs have been good so Ill give the book the benefit of the doubt for now. Read Full Review
So this fell flat for me. The good news is that the art is much, much improved for this book than last issue. Elena Casagrande especially is fantastic and Scott Godlewski has a couple of pages in this issue that he does great on. If we can get a good story to match the artwork, it would be a top book for sure. Read Full Review
Regrettably, the work ofartists Paul Pelletier and Norm Rapmund is not featured in this issue. Not sureif theyre taking a break or off the book permanently. But Elena Casagrande andScott Godlewski are suitable replacements, temporary or otherwise. Unfortunately, last issuedovetailed into the Batman Who Laughs,which I never followed up on, so its as if there is a chapter missing. I find itdisappointing that a narrative needs to digress into another title entirely. DCseems to be doing that a bit lately; Id rather they didnt. Read Full Review