Justice League Dark #29

Event\Storyline: Forever Evil Writer: J.M. DeMatteis Artist: Vicente Cifuentes, Tom Derenick Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
6.8Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

FOREVER EVIL: BLIGHT conclusion! Witness the self-destruction of John Constantine, who might just be more vile than any of the villains in FOREVER EVIL!

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Mar 28, 2014

    But not really. The epilogue is the strongest scene in the whole issue, by far. Zee visits John while he is wallowing in self misery (as is his preferred method of existing) within the House of Mystery. She bitch slaps him. Tells him they're officially over. And takes over leadership of the team. And the House. I for one am glad that John and Zee are done with each other. It was a great story, but it went about as far as it could. There will always be the ever-present tension whenever they get together, but with how Nick Necro went out (and the final reveal of the threesome), I feel like the story is over. I am eagerly anticipating the new direction of this title, as well as the most likely final stories presented in the two Trinity of Sin titles (Pandora and The Phantom Stranger). And, of course, John getting back to basics in the pages of Constantine. That's the best part, by far. Well done, team. This was a quality read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Mar 27, 2014

    How to rate this book? I think it might be impossible. Some of the art was great, and some of it was awful. The script was as heavy with exposition as any dull, thick, long-winded and boring 1000 page novel. When you have to explain something in so much detail you know that something has gone wrong earlier in the story. The more you write the more you dig, until you end up in a big hole shouting, 'This all makes sense, right?' Does it make sense? Not really, but a reset was needed, so that is what has happened. At least Constantine will be Constantine again, and from that new starting point lets move on and forget this whole Nanda Parbat nonsense ever happened, okay? Deal? Yeah, deal. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Following The Nerd - Jake Tanner Mar 27, 2014

    With Forever Evil nearing its end I can't help but love how it's helped other DC books really hit their stride. No titles have benefitted more than the Justice League books and this one is no exception. While I'm sure this book was terrific before Forever Evil, it was the event that drew me in and it was J.M. DeMatteis's incredible ability to tell a great story that's going to keep me around once the event is finished. I really hope Mikel Janin is coming back, I haven't seen any news about a shift in the creative team, but the combination of DeMatteis and Janin were doing some really incredible things before this issue! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Max Dweck Mar 27, 2014

    "Forever Evil: Blight" started slowly, quickly picked up, get the pace going for a while, slowed down, sped up near the end, then fizzled out. There were parts of it that were great, parts that were good, parts that were average, and some parts that were just plain old bad. As part of the crossover, this issue is average at best. But as an issue of Justice League Dark, it's quite good. At the end of everything, the crossover as a whole feels pretty inconsequential, but it was a fun ride while it lasted. And maybe, in an industry that's full of a never-ending barrage of stories that will "change everything forever", that's good enough. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Mar 27, 2014

    I don't know what to take away from this issue.  After all we've been through, there doesn't seem to be a real ending.  The big part of Forever Evil: Blight was the hunt for Zatanna, and the wackiness that ensued  to that conclusion.  But through this journey we got to know a new JLD team, and they feel oddly left out of this issue now that Zatanna is back.  I guess I'd have to describe this issue as a lot to swallow, and lackluster in the end.  I'll be happy to get back to the Dark characters in individual stories, and leave the JLD to their own title.   Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 26, 2014

    The art is also fairly rough in this issue, with regular penciller Vicente Cifuentes collaborating with Tom Derenick (the real pinch-hitter of Forever Evil at this point). While the storytelling is fine, the series loses some of its texture and surreal tone. Unfortunately, the loss of Mikel Janin continues to hit Justice League Dark pretty hard. But hopefully issue #30 will offer readers and the characters a fresh start as it moves beyond this bloated crossover. Read Full Review

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