"WHO IS ORACLE" Chapter One: Batgirl and Black Canary are together again, working a case that strikes right at the heart of their partnership! Someone's uncovered the greatest secret Barbara Gordon ever kept: her time as Oracle, the most powerful hacker on the planet. And not only do they know her secret, they're using her name to sell dangerous information to criminals! Now one of those deals has brought some major heat to Gotham City...Helena Bertinelli is out of Spyral, wearing the hood of the Huntress, and making mafia blood run in the streets! Everything you thought was hidden will be revealed if the Oracle has their way...
DC are just knocking it out the park with all their Rebirth titles and I'm pleased to say this is another home run. Get in on this one now, you won't regret it. Read Full Review
So far this Birds of Prey marries all the details audiences love about the post-crisis world (witty banter, genuine friendship and love, learning how to navigate very strong and differing personalities to form a stronger whole) with all of the goodness a fresh start has to offer (Babs' access to the latest technology, Dinah's rock band persona, Helena never ever having to again be associate with the phrase "belly window"). Read Full Review
The creative team behind this issue did, in my opinion, a superb job. While this issue does take time to set up Barbara's legacy, it is by no means lacking in action and plot development. It's not a title that feels too gritty or dark but does well to keep in mind an upbeat Batgirl working alongside the more abrasive Black Canary. Everything feels right with this comic so far as the writing and art mesh really well together. I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this title but I'm glad to say that I both thoroughly enjoyed it and am already looking forward to the next installment! Read Full Review
An interesting opening that has me wanting to see what's next with this trio. I like how the Huntress is meeting Batgirl and Canary for the first time. I just want the visuals to be a little better. Read Full Review
The end of Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 teases this new hacker villain for the team to fight, but her identity is still a mystery. We don't doubt that she'll have some personal connection to at least one of the team, most likely Batgirl. We're loving the style of the comic, with plenty of action, leather costumes and badass women kicking ass and taking names. What's not to love? We can't wait for the solo series to properly kick off, as it could end up being one of the better series in DC Comics' current run. Read Full Review
So, lots of questions to be answered as the new series starts up. It's a promising (if somewhat dark) start for the new series. Read Full Review
The Bensons have a firm grasp on these characters who are most certainly in good hands. As for Claire Roe's art, I felt it looked very good and had a unique feel, although mouths and teeth looked odd at times. Minor gripes aside, Batfans' wallets have yet another reason to get lighter this summer. Read Full Review
The creative team really outdid themselves, they calculated every detail possible when it came to the artwork. The colors were dark and mysterious, which gave this comic book a serious feel to it. This isn't girl fighting bad guys, these are superheroes (that happen to be female, which you guys know I completely love) that are going to make a difference! Read Full Review
Batgirl and The Birds of Prey comes out swinging in this Rebirth issue by catching new readers up to speed about our heroes and their working relationship, while creating a threat that is so close to home that the only resolution is getting the band back together to deal with it. The art works great depicting these characters, who are fresh out of their own titles, which had unique art styles and this issue does them both justice in creating a similar style, while making this their own. I really look forward to continuing Birds of Prey and I think everyone should give it a shot. Read Full Review
Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey: Rebirth #1is the best of both worlds. Fans of the original series will be glad to find something close enough to what they remember to satisfy the nostalgia itch while still leaving enough mysteries to be surprised. New readers will find a solid story with amazing artwork starring some of DC Comics best heroines. Read Full Review
We still have awhile until Batgirl: Rebirth #1 hits the stands, and it'll be interesting to see how that book ties in with Batgirl and the Birds of Prey as we are to assume that at some point Batgirl takes up the reins of the team. With Batman being in a handful of books himself, it's good to see the women of Gotham getting more than one spotlight act to give their fans, even if this debut could use just a bit more polishing. Read Full Review
There was a tiny editorial note as to why Babs is back in Gotham in this series whilst cavorting through Asia in her own title, but strangely we get no word as to why Dinah is back in Gotham and not cavorting about Seattle in Green Arrow. All that aside, I'm excited to see these three ladies together again (under three lady creators, no less). I'll be interested to see how everyone's interplay will differ from past Birds of Prey series' once the group fully becomes a team again. Read Full Review
As for Birds of Prey, it's a perfect blend of ideas both old and new and goes to show that for all the grief it gets, the New 52 era did contain some solid ideas. In the right hands, those ideas can be reshaped into something even better, and I have high hopes for the ongoing series. The Birds of Prey seem to be in extremely capable hands. Read Full Review
If one can get past THE KILLING JOKE being back in official DC continuity, BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY REBIRTH #1 is a solid read. While the driving plot feels a bit familiar, the reunion works well and seems to be setting the stage for an entertaining series. Read Full Review
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 is a fun and engaging start to this new series, being a real surprise. Not only does it introduce us to a fascinating concept, but it also brings the three main characters together in a bold fashion. Read Full Review
Overall, I liked thisRebirth issue tostartthings off. Was I blown away? No. Going in, I knew all about Batgirl and how she came to be what she is, so the pages of recap were just alright. Once the story of this new mysterious Oracle came to light, I was more interested. And I was a little disappointed to see so little of Huntress. But, I get it. This is just the jumping off point to re-introduce the masses to the Birds of Prey. I'm still excited for this title and expect great things from this creative team. Read Full Review
As someone who's never picked up a Birds of Prey comic, I'm invested. Yes the issue is heavy on exposition but that's how nearly all the DC Rebirth issues have been. It'll be better suited to judge with the follow-up and when this series starts to become more fleshed out, after the first story arc is finished. Julie and Shawna Benson have executed a strong start with character introduction and story intrigue that'll surely capture one's anticipation for the next chapter. With Claire Roe on art duties, this is a solid prologue issue. Read Full Review
Batgirl And The Birds of Prey Rebirth Special #1 is a mediocre start to a promising series, that finds itself bogged down by the familiar over exposition that most of DCs rebirth specials have also been guilty of. There is potential in this series as the characters are intriguing, the action pieces are well rendered and the overall mystery of the new Oracle's Identity is an interesting one. If you're on the fence about this series after this special then waiting for the true #1 issue is something I'd recommend. Read Full Review
There are various reasons why DC's New 52 Birds of Prey comic never really connected, but one of the biggest is that it never featured the core Birds of Prey trinity - Barbara Gordon, Dinah Lance and Helena Bertinelli. This new series at least rectifies that problem. Unfortunately, the decision to portray the trio as a squabbling, dysfunctional unit does nothing to recapture the old dynamic that's been missing. Read Full Review
It's not a complete disaster, but the art really brings this issue down in the end. Babs looks like a different character from page to page at times and the "quirky cuteness" is forced down our throats and in every panel. Read Full Review
That said, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 isn't all bad. If you accept the world and character dynamics it sets up, there's actually a lot to like. The core concept of Barbara trying to protect her legacy as Oracle and the way Helena fits into that actually has a lot of potential. You just have to accept that it doesn't make much sense if you've been following these characters for awhile. Still, the issue is a really strong jumping on point for new readers and at the end of the day, isn't that reboots are all about? Read Full Review
What this issue lacked seems like it can be easily recaptured in the series. With more space and narrative it should be easy to get Barbara and Dinah exhibiting the friendship they once had. Helena will be an unknown quantity for a bit as she is new to this version of Birds of Prey. My only trepidation is that Batgirl and the Birds of Prey will stick close to the most recent versions of the characters and they wont exhibit the same camaraderie that existed in the classic version. It was not the basic concept that made Birds of Prey so good in the pre-Flashpoint DCU, it was the relationships between the characters that were developed by Chuck Dixon and Gail Simone most notably. Read Full Review
Likewise, the art is a little iffy in some spots. Claire Roe draws a dynamic Batgirl and the action scenes have some good choreography to it, but there are panels where Barbara's face looks wildly different from panel to panel. Allen Passalaqua's colours are good though, giving a mix of vibrancy and dark shadows throughout the book. Batgirl's costume in particular stands out as the brightest thing in the story. Read Full Review
The storyline of Barbara reconnecting with her former partner involves a new hacker using her old moniker. When their paths cross with the vengeful former Spyral agent events are set for the comic's opening issue. For fans. Read Full Review
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 stumbles right out of the gate, in what is hopefully the first step of this team finding its footing. There are glimmers of potential that prevent it from being written off, but ultimately this issue is not compelling enough to win people over that are on the fence. Read Full Review
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1 is a mixed bag. It's got a decent story, is rather new reader friendly, and the artwork has its charm. However, there is also the less than stellar writing, weak storytelling, and inconsistent art. It's something that I would like to recommend, but it's not exactly strong enough yet for me to do so. Maybe when the first real issue comes out in August. Read Full Review
In short, they would have done mostly the opposite of what they pushed out here. This is hardly a rebirth of anything except the very book readers full-scale rejected at the start of the New 52. And in a line full of Rebirth specials that have gone well out of their way to recapture the best in DCs history, its sad to see one so focused on reliving the worst. Read Full Review
It's honestly not the best start to this new creative team"but it's the closest we'll get to a revival of the 1990s title. Read if you're a diehard BoP reader or looking for some girl power in general. Read Full Review
This is one of the few books that isn't “Rebirthed” from an existing book. Therefore, this is a prime time for DC to claw back some of the female led stories market that Marvel are exploiting so well. Instead, we get a book, set after the first arc of Batgirl's own book thereby minimizing any impacts that may occur in there, that seems to relive its own history, without really learning from it. Read Full Review
It's not awful however, and if you are a fan of the Burnside Batgirl comics, this will probably itch that scratch quite nicely. I was probably going to take points off anyway for putting the ‘girl' in ‘Batgirl', rather than the woman I'd read for decades, but hey, Gwenpool is an ongoing now. Sometimes you've just got to surrender to the fact that some characters will end up sacrificed to the upvote gods. It could be worse, however. I didn't suffer. I don't hate myself after reading this. So, hey, DC. You done good. For you. Read Full Review
After a string of books meeting expectations and genuine surprises, Birds of Prey's relaunch was somewhat disappointing. The title may be a slow starter, but for those hoping for a return to former glory this wasn't the relaunch they were waiting on. Read Full Review
Unless there's drastic improvement quickly (and let's be honest, it's hard to imagine this getting worse) this series is doomed. Read Full Review