Paul Manzato's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Graphic Policy Reviews: 46
7.2Avg. Review Rating

A-Force (2016) #1

Jan 6, 2016

So, is this the same A-Force from Secret Wars? Definitely not. We are no longer on Arcadia and we are not on a world created by Doom where we have disco Dazzler and every woman from the Marvel universe defending an island from flying whales or rogue Thors or traitorous team members. We are seeing the beginnings of a new team being formed, and if any readers coming back were like me, found themselves going “awww come on already!” just wanting to see the band back together. Sadly, this was just like your typical number one issue, laying down the framework and yes, having to wait for all the players to hit the scene. Yes, I enjoyed it; it was fun, and Iwill definitely come back for the next issue.

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A-Force (2016) #2

Feb 13, 2016

Overall, this is the A-Force I was hoping for when I heard the title was going to be ongoing after Secret Wars. Yes, issue #1 was a little ‘by the book' to get things started, but I am so glad it only took until issue #2 for things to fall into place. Action packed visuals and quick witted humor make this a book you cannot miss. Welcome back ladies.

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A-Force (2016) #5

May 7, 2016

Overall, I really enjoyed this issue and the start of the new story arc. I have been a fan of this book since Secret Wars, and it has not disappointed becoming an ongoing title. The assembled team is a great cast of characters; strong personalities learning to work together and along the way, becoming friends. The writing is on point, giving us doses of humour and sarcasm, but also showing us that these heroes are confident, competent women who aren't going to back away from a challenge.

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #3

Sep 6, 2015

No, this third issue definitely did not earn this tie in any redemption with me. It felt sluggish, disjointed and uninspired. I still love the art, and how the characters are portrayed, but I'm wondering if this story had any direction when the idea was pitched, or if they just decided to make it up as they go along.

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Age of Apocalypse (2015) #4

Sep 20, 2015

I stuck with this title because of the fanboy that I am, and I will see how it all ends. But I can in no way recommend this to anyone, even other die hard fans out there. It seems to me this book just gave up, and they're putting it out because they had to because of whatever agreement was made. If you want to revisit the Age of Apocalypse, go back and read the original series. This tie-in has been a waste of time.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #1

Nov 16, 2015

Overall, I enjoyed this book. True, it follows a familiar formula for a team book, but after some of the other books I've reviewed, this was very welcome. Not exactly All-New, All-Different, but I really enjoyed the characters and how they interacted, and I am very excited to see how the rest of this team comes together. I definitely feel that this is the Avengers book to keep an eye on.

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All-New Wolverine #17

Feb 8, 2017

Overall, I have to say I am disappointed in where this title has gone. When it was launched, we had Laura out as Wolverine, starting a new life and carving a new future for herself. And seventeen issues in and we're back to the same old story of Laura being under the control of Kimura. Like throwing in the Phoenix Force, or mutants being killed off or time travel, this is a tired, stale plotline that I wish would just end. Sure, the Weapon X program always reared it's ugly head towards Logan every now and then, but it was always in new ways; it wasn't the same single guy always showing up to capture him. All-New Wolverine started off being fresh and full of potential, but now this book needs a real improvement to make it feel ‘all new' again.

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All-New Wolverine #18

Mar 8, 2017

Overall, this was just an okay issue. Yeah, we got the showdown between Laura and Kimura and I was happy to see that all play out, but the issue just lacked any real punch. It felt like it was just slogging alongto the ending I'm sure everyone saw coming. I reallyhope the next arc takes Wolverine in a more exciting direction as I am a big fanof Laura taking up the mantle and I'm not ready to write this title off.

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All-New X-Men (2015) #19

Mar 31, 2017

Overall, this is a good issue that sets this team forward into their unknown future. And given what unfolds, they truly have no idea what lies ahead of them. The big revelation had me scratching my head and made me go back and read it a couple of times, but is also got me really interested to keep following this team and see how things play out in the forthcoming X-Men Blue.

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Astonishing X-Men (2017) #1

Jul 25, 2017

If you can't already tell, I absolutely loved this first issue. The action was there right from the beginning, we have a new group of X-Men coming together that will definitely have some growing pains when it comes to working together and we have fantastic art that makes this a book you do not want to miss. Throw in a great classic villain and a reveal at the end that had my eyes widen and you have a first issue that is truly astonishing.

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Astonishing X-Men (2017) #3

Sep 6, 2017

Overall, this was an alright issue. I think I just feel spoiled after the first two issues, with lots of action and a fast pace, matched with great art and dialogue. This issue, as I mentioned, was fine and I expected the story to go this way when the team was split up. But it felt a little slow for me, nothing really earth shattering taking place, and the art just didn't leave me with the high I felt after the start of the series. I am still very much a fan of this series and I'm looking forward to seeing more from this team and the ultimate showdown with the Shadow King.

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Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1

Feb 18, 2016

Overall, I really enjoyed this opening chapter. Maria Hill has absolutely no idea aboutthe world of trouble she has coming to her when Pleasant Hill is exposed. I can think of two star spangled heroes in particular who will not take this lightly. This story will be carrying over various Avengers titles, so I just hope that things stay on course and don't get lost on the way to the finale.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

Jul 20, 2016

Overall, I liked thisRebirth issue tostartthings off. Was I blown away? No. Going in, I knew all about Batgirl and how she came to be what she is, so the pages of recap were just alright. Once the story of this new mysterious Oracle came to light, I was more interested. And I was a little disappointed to see so little of Huntress. But, I get it. This is just the jumping off point to re-introduce the masses to the Birds of Prey. I'm still excited for this title and expect great things from this creative team.

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Champions (2016) #5

Feb 1, 2017

Overall, WOW. As I said earlier, this issue could not have come out at a better time. The world is a crazy, scary place right now and this issue shines a light on one of the major, if not THE major issue facing the world right now. I hope that everyone reads this. Even if you are not a fan of Champions, please just read this issue and the message it is sending. We may have powerful authority figures trying to get us to see their way of thinking. They may be telling us that we are wrong and they are right and they may take extreme measures to prove their point. But we don't have to agree because they say so. We don't have to lose our voice. If anything, speak up louder. Shout it at the top of your lungs. Don't show them we will back down and obey…show them we are Champions.

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Champions (2016) #6

Mar 1, 2017

Overall, I liked this issue. It didn't blow me away like the last issue did, but this does set up something that we are going to see come to fruition down the line and really test the team and their resolve. I like the Freelancers and their contrary position to our heroes and I am looking forward to seeing the two teams comes face to face. I'm sure any fan of the Champions will enjoy this issue and I hope they are as excited for what's to come as I am.

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Champions (2016) #7

Apr 5, 2017

Overall, I really enjoyed this issue and if it wasn't too obvious, I am a huge fan of this team. This entry really dealt them a blow, and I am very interested in seeing how or if they can overcome and rise above it. The writing is solid, the art is fantastic and this book continues to deal with subjects and issues that are relevant and have an impact on us today. If you aren't reading this book, what the heck are you waiting for? And if you are, I really hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.

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Champions (2016) #11

Aug 8, 2017

Overall this was another great issue for the Champions. Their world has been turned upside down. We're seeing how they cope and find the strength to go on. This title does a great job of resonating with the world today and relating to the same issues we're all seeing as part of life these days.

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Champions (2016) #16

Jan 23, 2018

Overall, you guessed it, I loved this issue. But not for the reasons I thought. I was so excited for the new member search that I did not see the story involving Viv coming, and it totally grabbed my attention it made that the central story for me. Don't get me wrong, I still loved seeing the team reaching out to potential members, and it was fun to see how the meetings took place, but it definitely played second fiddle to Viv and her struggle. And that is what has always been a driving point for me and this book; the writing and story telling is consistently solid. We get great action mixed in with witty banter, character development and stories that readers can relate to. Who hasn't had to deal with feeling different or out of place? Or have to face a new challenge and not knowing where to start? This book is so much more the heroes going out to save the day and that is why it will continue to be one of my favorite Marvel titles out right now.

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Champions (2016) #18

Mar 28, 2018

As I'm sure you can tell, I loved this issue. It brought the current story arc to a close and reaffirmed the strong bond this team has for each other. Yes, there is a change to the team line up and as much as I am sorry to see one character leave, and I am excited to see where this team goes next. But not only is the team line up changing in the book, but the creative team on this book is changing as well. And that has me nervous.Jim Zub will be taking over the writing duties while Sean Izaakse will be taking over the art.Waid and Ramos have really given life to this book, and I can only hope that once the torch is passed, Champions is still as great as it has been. I'll remain cautiously optimistic and stay excited to see where this book goes next.

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Champions (2016) #19

Apr 14, 2018

Overall, as you might have guessed, I was underwhelmed with this new creative team and their debut issue. The story is generic with a "been there, done that" feel to it, and the art was just ok to me, with some really weird depictions of Hulk throughout.

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Generation X (2017) #3

Jun 14, 2017

I think I've made my feelings pretty clear by now, but overall I am very disappointed with this title. Uninteresting characters, uninspired storylines and pretty shaky art all add up to a huge let down for this Generation X fan. Maybe I'm just stuck on what this title once was, I don't know…but is that a bad thing? Why not just do a Generation X 2.0? Have Chamber, Husk and Jubilee back together, maybe out to find and help M who's been infected by her brother Emplate (minor spoiler if you didn't read that latest volume of Uncanny X-Men). Anything to have this live up to what Generation X was and is remembered for, not just throwing some random young mutants together with former Gen X members popping up now and then. There was great potential here, but this title has really missed the mark.

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Jean Grey #7

Sep 25, 2017

Overall, as I'm sure I have made clear, I was really disappointed with this issue. Too much thrown in too fast and hit or miss art really brings this issue, and the series as whole down a few notches. But it is the characterization of ghost Jean Grey that completely turned me off. She was written totally out of character and was acting more like a child then her younger self ever has. I am really hoping that in the end this is not the Jean Grey we all know and love and it is another spirit that is just taking advantage of the situation. With the recently announced return of the adult Jean Grey coming soon, I really hope it is the later, because of this is a glimpse of the Jean Grey we're going to be seeing again, I would rather they just left her as a fond memory.

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New Avengers (2015) #1

Oct 25, 2015

Overall, I did enjoy this book. A new team with a lot of characters I'm happy to see back in action (notably, Songbird, Hulkling and Wiccan). The team dynamic isn't quite there yet, but I'm confident as the book goes on, this will get stronger. The team has a clear purpose, and I'm intrigued with this new AIM, and the support staff introduced, that could lead to many interesting stories. The villain wasn't anything special, and the immediate threat felt a little sub par for an Avengers book, but I did enjoy the ride and I am looking forward to seeing where this book goes. And here's hoping Squirrel Girl isn't along for the ride much longer.

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New Avengers (2015) #2

Nov 9, 2015

Overall, I am disappointed with this title. I don't feel the team vibeI was hoping for in an Avengers title, and I see very little being done to bring out the characters and their personalities. So much potential is here along with many characters I was excited to see back in action, I just hope this potential is realized soon, as I am really on the fence as to whether I want to continue with this book.

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New Avengers (2015) #8

Mar 26, 2016

Overall, I really enjoyed this new arc for the book, especially after what I thought was a less than stellar arc with Wiccan or Demiurge or whatever he's calling himself now and that space wizard (I don't remember the name; actually I am choosing not to remember). The events in this book take the team in an interesting new direction, and I am looking forward to see how it moves forward. I am also looking forward to seeing how the members who were sent away carry on as Avengers. And lastly, I really hope Marcus To sticks around as the artist on this book. His work, along with this story, really renewed my faith in this book and hope it stays the course.

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New Avengers (2015) #11

May 5, 2016

Overall, I was let down by this issue. Standoff seemed to spark something in this book that really had me thinking ‘ok NOW we're going somewhere' and this just feels pretty much where it left off before those events. Yeah, there's a little information dropped at the end about a character, but it induced an eye roll rather then any genuine excitement or satisfaction. I really am disappointed this title fell so far from its Standoff tie ins, and I hold little hope that it can reclaim what could have been.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #1

Aug 10, 2016

I really enjoyed this first issue and I am very excited for the next one. I read the New 52 run of Red Hood and the Outlaws for a time, and enjoyed the teaming of Hood with Arsenal and Starfire, but quickly lost interest with the tone of the book being a little too light for the character, at least in my opinion. This is the Red Hood I was hoping to see; tough and angry, doing what he feels needs to be done, but at the same time drawing on his past to help him move forward, even though that past is quite painful. I also liked the fact that they didnt just throw the team together, but were going to see the members coming together as Jasons time with Black Mask goes on. Better to build on the story and flesh out the players, instead of just in your face here you go, now like them. This was a great start to this book and I have a very good feeling this high will carry on into the next issue.

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Scarlet Witch #1

Dec 12, 2015

Overall, no I wasn't terribly thrilled with this first issue, but I wasn't totally disappointed either. I am very excited to see Wanda in her own book and I am looking forward to see where this quest to fix witchcraft takes her next. I do hope things pick up and things get more original to set this title apart.

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Scarlet Witch #15

Feb 23, 2017

Overall, this was a good story to send Wanda off onto the next chapter of her adventures. It shows us Wanda is more confident in her powers and how she has come into her own, no longer relying on her brother Quicksilver to be her protector and no longer being weighed down by the guilt of things that happened in her past (her mental breakdown in Avengers Disassembled; her uttering ‘no more mutants' in House of M). Wanda's story that begins this issue, the ending of her tale and who she is with at the end of the story shows us that Wanda knows exactly what she wants her life to be and she is no longer going to hide away but embrace who she is. I am very excited to see where Wanda turns up next, and I look forward to seeing her in action again.

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Siege (2015) #3

Sep 21, 2015

Overall, I have really enjoyed this Secret Wars tie in, and this issue did not disappoint. This is still very much an Abigail Brand book, but I really liked seeing more of the other characters and how they all came together to defend the Shield. And now that Thanos has arrived, as foretold from the beginning, I can't wait to see what this means for Abigail and the wall.

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U.S.Avengers #4

Mar 18, 2017

Overall, not a very exciting issue. It does have some humorous moments and as I said, the art is very good. But it isn't just this issue, I'm just not really enjoying this book as a whole.

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U.S.Avengers #5

Apr 19, 2017

Overall, I really liked this issue. I absolutely hate Hydra Steve Rogers and that Marvel has taken this path with him, but the writing in this issue solidified my feelings by showing him to be an arrogant ass, so in that, it was very successful. The art, as usual, is solid and I am looking forward to seeing how this team reacts to the coming changes. Roberto has been known to be three steps ahead of his opponents, and it's going to be interesting to see what happens when his opponent has been in front of him this whole time.

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U.S.Avengers #7

Jun 22, 2017

Overall, not a great showing story wise for the U.S.Avengers. I do understand this is a tie in series, and not every issue is going to be explosive, but I am a little disappointed in Ewing's efforts here. I've really been enjoying his work lately, but this stumble really surprised me. I did enjoy seeing the Champions of Europe, as I was wondering what happened to these characters after Contest of Champions, but it was the only bright spot for me. As I said, I didn't totally hate this issue but I wasn't overjoyed by it either. Great art to look at it, but the story unfortunately felt a little weak.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #1

Oct 25, 2015

Overall, I was not happy with this latest relaunch. The characters feel flat on their own, and definitely do not feel like a team; I found the art very distracting and the villain feels very lackluster after the likes of the Red Skull and the Apocalypse Twins. This issue has set the bar very low for the latest volume of Uncanny Avengers, but here's hoping it can only go up and improve going forward.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #22

Apr 5, 2017

Overall, I really enjoyed this issue. This title as a whole has been very up and down with me. But I really feel it found it's groove when it was dealing more with the Red Skull, instead of him just being pushed off for other smaller stories. The ending of this major story arc really brought me around to this title and reminded me why I hadn't given up on it. And again, that ending! I can't wait to see what that reveal brings to the team and where these characters go next.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #27

Sep 13, 2017

Overall, this was a fun read and I enjoyed it. It really just brought me back to the times where it was the good guys squaring off against the bad guys without any politics or anything heavier bringing it all down. I am loving the addition of Scarlet Witch to the team, not only because she is one of my favorite characters, but I have always loved the dynamic between Pietro and Wanda and how they interact on the same team. A lot has happened between them recently, so it will be interesting to see them back together again.

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Uncanny Inhumans #1

Oct 26, 2015

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. When I first started reading comics, the only glimpses of the Inhumans I remember seeing were when they guest starred in issues of The Fantastic Four. But now that Marvel has invested in this group of characters, it's easy to see why they belong front and center along with the Avengers and other main stream characters. They have a long history, but now with the terrigen mists and NuHumans appearing every day, a new history is being written for the Inhumans, and I will definitely be following along to see where it goes.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #18

Feb 15, 2017

Overall I really enjoyed this issue. Inhumans vs. X-Men has been a fantastic event from the first issue. As I'm sure some would agree with me, it's usually the tie-in issues where some major story events stumble in giving us the whole story. But issues like this really flesh out the event and give us a glimpse not only at how the main characters are affected, but how those caught up in the conflict are affected by their actions.

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Vision (2015) #1

Nov 9, 2015

Overall, I loved this title! This is something completely different from anything I have read; an artificial superhero who wants to settle down in the suburbs with a family he created. Dark hints and foreshadowing have told us that this experiment is not going to have a happy ending, and I for one will be sticking around to see what leads to all of this crashing down.

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Weapon X (2017) #5

Jul 14, 2017

Overall, I was a little disappointed with this issue. Not big on action, and it didn't do much to push the story forward. The focus seemed to be on a background character and though I did like that little journey, I wanted more of the key players and more story to be fleshed out. We all know that Weapon X is working on an adamantium reinforced Hulk to take on and eradicate mutants, and maybe I'm just impatient, but I really just want that to happen and see our band of clawed and bladed heroes take on the new threat.

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Weapons of Mutant Destruction #1

Jun 22, 2017

Overall, I really enjoyed the start of this crossover. These characters are being shown exactly how I would expect them to after being put into a group situation and the threat is very real for all involved, and mutants worldwide. I know, some may think 'oh yeah, another worldwide disaster for mutants' but this one isn't some green poison cloud or a fiery cosmic bird; this is something more close to home.

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X-Men: Blue (2017) #1

Apr 12, 2017

Overall, I really liked this first issue and I can't wait to see where this title goes. I was hoping to see these five go out and be heroes and we get that in spades! A new mentor to guide them and the return of some classic X-Men villains make this an action packed issue that stirs up fond memories of the X-Men past and really has gotten me excited for the future of this team and this title.

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X-Men: Blue (2017) #2

May 2, 2017

Overall, this was a great issue. A lot of things have been revealed to the reader that is going to have a huge impact to this team, and I will definitely be following this series to see it all come to light. If you aren't reading this book, you really should pick it up. It's been a great start and I really think things are only going to get better.

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X-Men: Blue (2017) #23

Mar 14, 2018

Overall, as you probably have guessed, I was not overly impressed with this issue. This new story feels rushed and crammed into a few panels, and a lot of players are thrown into this pretty quickly. The art is nice to look at, but it doesn't really do much to alleviate the feeling of my head spinning after taking everything in. I'm all for a good story and lining up some great villains, but I prefer a build up and not just dumping everything out in a few pages and saying “here you go!process…” Here's hoping things slow down a bit next issue.

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X-Men: Gold (2017) #20

Jan 17, 2018

Overall, this issue was just ok for me. I do love it when the X-Men go out on a good space mission, and the beginning of this story arc was good, but it definitely did not stick the landing in ending the story. Yes, the situation was dire, but it all just ended too fast and too neatly for me. I have issues on how easily Nightcrawler was able to figure out their way home, after only being on an enemy ship for a short time, as a captive, and not seeing much of their technology. And the “status quo” altering ending that the solicit promised?Any reader would have seen it coming pages before, so that was also a let down. The art in this issue was really good, and for me, the only saving grace. Here's hoping the next story kicks things up a notch and makes this title exciting again.

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X-Men: Red (2018) #4

May 16, 2018

Overall, I'm really enjoying this title and liking the direction it's headed in. I like the team line up (shout out to Trinary, a great new character) and really like seeing a character like Gentle become more then just a background player. And as I mentioned earlier, I'm really enjoying getting to hate Cassandra Nova again.

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Reviews for the Week of...


