Iron Squid's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Slackjaw Punks Reviews: 41
8.1Avg. Review Rating

A&A: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong #1

Mar 16, 2016

The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong is a great silly adventure that doesn't get explored often, what exactly is in those infinite bags of holding? The story is engaging and has a ton of laughs all throughout its pages and is enough to keep you asking for more, the art work is a little bit different then to what we are familiar with when it comes to Valiant and Archer and Armstrong but it does the job perfectly blending with the story! If you are a Valiant fan or just want a comical book, I'd recommend this book!

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Aquaman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

Aquaman is beautiful, gorgeous artwork and a story that keeps you interested in what will happen when the sea and land truly meet on political terms for the first time. It's crafted with tons of excitement and fits right into what we need in a comic book title since Geoff Jones picked it up in New 52. Aquaman is back and better than ever! Grab it while you can!

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Aquaman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

Aqua man is kind Aquaman is literally just explaining what we know about Aquaman already, again just like Superman Rebirth you can somewhat skip this one and jump right into the Aquaman title. We already know he is the King of Atlantis and trying to bring the surface and water lands together. Honestly, as excited as I was for this one, I was rather disappointed. But, I can say that watching Aquaman beat the crap out of people and proving he is awesome"makes the book enjoyable.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #1

Sep 28, 2016

The only thing I can really say is that out of every series I have read so far with the Rebirth, Blue Beetle feels like it does not answer the questions we are hoping for and feels like a repeat of the Rebirth title. That does not mean that the title is bad, the art work is still very beautiful and captures the action sequences perfectly and feels like you are flying next to the Magical Alien Mech Suit…MAMS. Blue Beetles story just feels weak compared to the other titles and as much as I want to like it, I found myself getting really distracted and really hard to type this review.

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Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Aug 24, 2016

Anyway, that's just my opinion on the book, I felt like at best it is kind of a pick up if you are a fan type book and see where it goes from there. I will say though that the art work is absolutely beautiful, so please take time and enjoy that!

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Cannibal #1

Oct 5, 2016

I will flat out say Cannibal is by far the most interesting zombie series I have read in a very long time. I'll be putting this series on my pull list and following it closely and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a bone chilling series to sink their teeth into, for this Halloween season!

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Chum #1

May 4, 2016

Chum #1 is exactly what I wanted it to be and more"fun, bloody, exciting, and breath taking thrill ride! This book sucks you in by making you wonder what's going to happen next and as soon as you think you got it figured out, it completely stabs you in the back"haha get it!? Chum will leave you begging for more issues! Plus, you can't beat the art work"it's muddy but captures the feeling of a stormy day on the beach where all the excitement happens! Oh and there are sharks"SHARKS!

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Dante (One Shot) #1

Jan 25, 2017

I am a little disappointed to be giving this such a review, Jason Ning was the primary writer and appeared to be his first book, so well done for your first try, what really makes me sad is Matthew Hawkins wrote The Tithe which was absolutely brilliant and Darick Robertson's artwork is some of my favorite and it is still stunning even when drawn into a mediocre book. Once again, Dante is not necessarily bad, but it is something that we have seen time and time again and our hero is kind of one-dimensional action hero.

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #1

Apr 20, 2016

The thing about Dark Souls the comic book is: the story is a pretty basic adventure story except the comic is not trying to kill you at every turn, also it's easier to get through this, than it is the game, it is possible that this comic might give you a paper cut and you might die from it, but that's about it. I will say the art work is absolutely stunning, it's gorgeous to look it! In a nutshell I'm saying this comic is just a casual read for anyone interested in Dark Souls or Action Adventure comics.

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DC / Hanna-Barbera: Suicide Squad/The Banana Splits #1

Mar 29, 2017

Suicide Squad/Banana Splits has absolutely no reason to exist, but at the same time is not harming anyone for being a thing, it is fun and it for the sheer fact it's there.

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Extremity (2017) #1

Mar 5, 2017

I can say give this book a chance if anything else for the sheer fact that Image has been coming out with a lot of great series (Curse Words, God Country, Cannibal.) Will this series be able to play with the big boys or will it crash and burn out in issue 2? Personally, I want it to do well as it has me intrigued!

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Faith (Mini-Series) #1

Jan 20, 2016

Faith #1 is solid as a slice of life easy going super hero read, it's really just a story about how she's doing since the events of Book of Death and The Valiant (I think that's what it was called.) Which brings me to believe this series will be a great read for people who want to break into comic books, it's easy to pick up like all Valiant titles, it's her first issues as a 4 part series, and Jody Houser brings Faith as one of the most optimistic super heroes ever. But lets also not forget Francis Portela's art work which is fantastic to look at and totally Valiant.

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Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1

Jun 8, 2016

Flash Rebirth is essentially again just getting rid of the New 52 and bringing back everything before Flashpoint. However, I rather enjoyed this one, the art style is beautiful and gets your blood pumping with the bright colors and all the Speed force effects flying around..if that makes sense. The fact that we get to see a whole new villain is kind of neat, personally I feel like this one ties everything together a lot better then the other Rebirths so far.

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Generation Zero #1

Aug 24, 2016

But honestly if you want a productive Anonymous group without the Guy Fawks masks…pick this up.

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Gold Key Alliance #1

Apr 6, 2016

Gold Key Alliance #1 doesn't really have a story, but what makes up for the lack of story, is its introduction of each character divided instead of them teaming up right away in most team up books, and it's just kind of fun. We've never really seen a team up like this from Dynamite since Masks and Lords of Mars. Dynamite is always awesome when it comes to using their characters to create an entirely new team that nobody would ever think of. Honestly, I'd recommend this book if you want something different and interested in getting into Dynamite!

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Hellblazer (2016) #1

Aug 25, 2016

In a nutshell I really enjoy HellBlazer's first issue, my only grip would be if you are not fan of slow builds or unfamiliar with Swamp Thing or Constantine lore and writing style than you might be turned off, so for newer readers you have to go into it with the mindset of a detective!

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Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

Jul 20, 2016

Hellblazer Rebirth starts out a little confusing as unlike the rest of the Rebirth stories don't actually follow the new 52 continuity or the Hellblazer reboot before that. That being said it is nice to see them brining back characters and with the appearance of some familiar super heroes, possibly confirms that our favorite Con Artist might get some more attention when it comes to crossing over with the big named heroes. Hellblazer exceeds in a lot of different areas by dropping us into an event and gives us fast paced energy and tons of fun! Pick it up!

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Jem and the Holograms: Valentine's Day Special #1

Feb 10, 2016

I can't really say to much on this except it's an adorable read for someone who's in the mood for some slapstick reading for Valentines Day, really into Jem and the Holograms, or is a very very lonely person.

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Justice League / Power Rangers #1

Jan 11, 2017

I say give JL/PR a shot and enjoy the ride, the book has a lot of potentials to be a really great read for hardcore readers all the way to someone just starting out in the comic book scene! Have fun!

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Mars Attacks: Occupation #1

Mar 9, 2016

There has always been a soft spot for the Mars Attacks series for me, it's comical and fun to pick up. It never takes itself to seriously to the point of Alien or Independence Day, which makes it a great title to pick up and chuckle. Mars Attacks Occupation is just a fun read for those who are fans of the series or just someone who enjoys science fiction! I'd recommend Mars Attacks Occupation all day, I loved it.

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Mayday (2016) #1

Nov 2, 2016

Alex De Campi is a fantastic writer, the story itself is pretty solid with the whole classic spy genre down packed completely. She does make you feel like you are hanging out in the 1970s with classic 70s music and speaking. Also…hippies, but I cannot feel a little betrayed when it came to Felix and Rose jumping out of character to do something they should have seen coming a mile away. Tony Parker's artwork is actually rather great, he uses dark tones and vibrant colors to capture the 70s rather brilliantly and makes you really appreciate the time period it takes place in.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Pink #1

Jun 1, 2016

MMPR: Pink #1 is just fun and ridiculous just like the TV series I grew up with all those years ago, except a little bit more developed and structured. It's nice to see a Power Ranger get a solo book that isn't the White, Green or Red Ranger and Kimberly is a very likable character. By all means it's not perfect as the story line is a little bit cliche and some might not really appreciate what it is, but if you're a Power Rangers fan or you're just looking for a casual fun book"MMPR Pink #1 should be fine.

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Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 13, 2016

NightWing Rebirth is essentially just recapping everything that happened in the previous issues, which is fine for people who want to go back and see everything that has happened thus far or just get caught up without having to buy stuff! However, at the same time it's nice to see Dick just being himself and bonding with Damian, we don't get that a lot in comic books. If the stories are in the actual books then it would be a waste of time, but if they aren't then it's nice to see some newer fresh mini stories! Again, didn't read Grayson! So I have to say I'm indifferent on it but would recommend it for newer people wanting to explore NightWing!

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Power Lines #1

Mar 30, 2016

If you're interested in getting involved with Jimmie Robinson or just looking for an awesome new pick up, I'll recommend this book 10 times over.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

Jul 27, 2016

Red Hood and The Outlaws Rebirth #1 isn't even Red Hood and the Outlaws, in fact it doesn't even have the other Outlaws in it: Starfire, Red Arrow…Bizzaro. At the same time I can't say it brings anything new to the table with what we already know about Jason Todd becoming Red Hood, what I can say about it though is it does allow for newer readers to get into a fantastic and classic cannon Batman story to really grasp the feeling of Batman! So pick it up if you're new and if you're a fan of Red Hood and the Outlaws and just like Red Hood…then also pick it up!

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Romulus #1

Oct 5, 2016

I give Romulus an indifferent rating, maybe issue 2 and 3 will give us a lot more of a kick in the face and become a great read. Other then that, I'll pass on this one…

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She Wolf #1

Jun 22, 2016

She-Wolf was probably one of the most confusing horrible things I've read in a while, although I'll say the artwork is colorful and brings that pop art that a lot of old school readers will love. She-Wolf just is confusing, it has a clunky pace to the story on and are expected to know exactly what is going on, it is like some kind of acid trip but the acid trip has questions. I read Dark Corridor (Same artist and writer) and gave that a mediocre review but this, I just don't know what this is!

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Snowfall #1

Feb 17, 2016

SnowFall #1 is a great breathe of fresh air in the times of super heroes and crime dramas. It's nice to see a book try hard to be unique when people just want blood and gore, and also see a sci-fi series about the weather instead about alien invasions or robots! If you're a fan of sci-fi and weather, I'd check it for's a refreshing read.

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Street Fighter X G.I. JOE #1

Feb 24, 2016

Street Fighter X G.I. Joe is a concept that is just way to silly to take serious, the plot is ridiculous and makes for a really bad joke, it's not really a cross over but more of an integration of the characters, everyone is already established in the universe as good and evil meaning that there isn't an entire introduction to everyone, which is nice. The art work reminds me of a video game so that's a plus..but my biggest issue is the story is just plan silly! If you're a Street Fighter fan and a G.I. Joe fan then you'll like this"but for me"I'll pass.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #1

Aug 17, 2016

I do enjoy that they decided to go with the team that they used for the movie, simply because people who got into Suicide Squad because of the movie can now pick up the book and still have familiar characters to read about. This will create a great way to get more people interested into not only the Squad themselves, but also the DC Universe as a whole. Other then that, I feel like old school Suicide Squad fans will be turned off but stay faithful, and new readers will enjoy it for the familiar characters!

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Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Aug 3, 2016

Suicide Squad Rebirth is actually fantastic to sit down and read! Rob Williams story about super villains being “heroic” in all the wrong ways is brilliant and refreshing tale! What makes this so much fun is you can really tell the Squad doesn't really care what they are doing and they don't care for each other, unlike most super villain story lines where you try to feel sorry for them, you don't get that vibe from this story at all! I recommend this book to anyone who wants to read about a group of heroic super villains!

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Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

Superman Rebirth is..really great when it comes to art style and it's nice to see some remembrance of the old Death of Superman story line and how comic book characters constantly are coming back to life. But, the biggest lack of this book is content, there's a lot of talking and nothing particular happens to shock the audience into continue reading, it's a literal bridge to the new Superman #1 and Action Comics #957 with no real plot development for Rebirth. If you're interested in art, then sure it's a great book to pick up"but with story it doesn't really hold much ground.

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The Circle (2016) #1

Dec 7, 2016

Action Lab Comics, although only six years old, should hold The Circle in high regards as one of the best independent reads I have read this year.

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The Circle (2016) #2

Jan 29, 2017

The Circle in my honest opinion, should be on everyones pull if you want a nice teen horror story!

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The Circle (2016) #3

Mar 6, 2017

With that being said, The Circle continues to deliver high-quality material from Action Lab Comics. If you're not reading The Circle, then my advice…do it.

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The Circle (2016) #5

May 11, 2017

In conclusion Damon Clark and Alyzia Zherno are a power house duo in their very first comic book series, it is difficult to find good horror material to enjoy and The Circle, is the perfect example of good horror material. Damon and Alyzia create a fun and loving book that should be recommended for new and old readers for many years to come. Praise onto Damon Clark and Alyzia Zherno for creating a series that sparks curiosity, chills, and the true terrors of friendship!

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The Fix #1

Apr 6, 2016

The Fix #1, didn't Fix me up, *gets hit with a tomato* until the very end. There isn't much structure except going in and explaining that the two cops are crooked and that's pretty much it with this book. However, if you're into cop comedy with a slice of crime, then this book is for you. But I do recommend reading it until the end..then I know you'll be hooked.

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The Great Divide #1

Sep 7, 2016

This book was a little hard to review, not because it is not good, its very creative and does capture my attention to continue reading the story. But I kind of wish we could have seen a little bit more as to what is going on, the book holds your attention but by the end and thinking about it, you feel like it could end up being like any other post apocalyptic book where our hero is the only one who has the cure…and he's a bad guy who does not care.

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Torchwood #1

Aug 8, 2016

Torchwood interestingly is written by John Barrowman (Captain Harkness himself) and Carole Barrowman (Older sister and award winning author), both of them have worked on the Torchwood novels and continue to follow the quick pace of the universe while still staying true to what it is…again cheesy British Sci-fi. Torchwood continues to bring on the fun and excitement with this new hit series!

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Victorie City #1

Jan 27, 2016

Victoire city is your typical good cop trying to be straight in a corrupt city. It's a pretty basic story, but still keeps you interested enough to want to continue reading it, luckily I like crime thriller dramas so this is right up my alley to read. Keith Carmack writes the story and like I said it's basic but interesting"oh and this is also his first book! What really sticks out is Vincent Nappis' art, I'm a sucker for this type of sketchy very dark art style! If you want a good crime drama thriller, I'd recommend this book, even if the story is basic.

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Vikings #1

Apr 27, 2016

I'm not really sure how I feel about this comic book, it did not hold my attention and I did not feel like I was watching the TV show or at least reading the TV show. Maybe it is because Vikings the tv show did not really appeal to me? Well, the way I would put it is, if you are a fan of the show you might like it"as for me, I'll pass on this one. But the art work is rather well done, except everyone kind of looks like same"must be a Viking thing.

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