Generation Zero #1

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Francis Portela Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: August 24, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 8
8.1Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Because you demanded it! Exploding out of the pages of HARBINGER WARS comes AN ALL-NEW ONGOING SERIES starring GENERATION ZERO from New York Times best-selling writer Fred Van Lente (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG, IVAR, TIMEWALKER) and blockbuster artist Francis Portela (FAITH)!

If you have a problem... If your parents won't help... And if your cause is worthy... Log onto network #ZERO... because Generation Zero is listening.

Years ago, the children of the experimental strike team known as Generation Zero were taken from their families by Project Rising Spirit, a private weapons contractor, and raised to be psychic soldiers. After year more

  • 10
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Aug 23, 2016

    To fans of Valiant comics, Generation Zero's brilliance should be no surprise. If you're new to Valiant, this is a great place to start. Van Lente has a star in Keisha Sherman and we haven't really seen Generation Zero show up yet. It's a testament to good writing and world-building that this debut issue is so arresting. With great art from Portela & Dalhouse and an involving mystery, Generation Zero is poised to be another giant hit for Valiant. Get on board now! Read Full Review

  • 10
    GAMbIT Magazine - Alan D.D. Aug 26, 2016

    Original, creative, and with an interesting main character Generation Zero is a book you need to be reading. I'm definitely reading the next issues and have high expectations for this story. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Sep 4, 2016

    With Van Lente and Protela's Generation Zero, Valiant has yet another hit on their hands. It's wonderful to see the Valiant Universe 2.0 continue to expand and introduce new series based on new characters. Valiant is firing on all cylinders right now with both old characters like Eternal Warrior and new ones like Generation Zero and Divinity. The Future of Valiant is here, and based upon Generation Zero's first issue alone, it appears to be a bright one indeed. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Kaleb Hebert Aug 24, 2016

    On top of a fantastic, creative story, the art was done by Francis Portela, stands on its own as being incredible. A wide range of bright colors used to show detailed environments and also capture the raw emotion in the character's faces. Same as the writing, there is nothing major wrong anywhere in this issue. If this duo of Francis and Fred keep up the level of work they put into this issue, there is no reason this can't be one of the top standout comics of August. I look forward to reading more issues of Generation Zero, and I highly suggest everyone else gets on board with this series. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Jason Laframboise Aug 24, 2016

    We have been without a Harbinger book for so long and now Valiant seems to be giving us a lot of Harbinger, with Harbinger Renegades, Faith and Generation Zero. Now with Gen Zero in the very capable hands of Fred Van Lente we will finally get some real depth to these characters and not just looking at the cool powers stuff. I've loved every thing else Van Lente has done with Valiant and after issue one I have no reason to feel anything different. I'm really interested in what everyone else thought of it, but in my opnion it was great. Fantastic issue, and a must buy! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Slackjaw Punks - Iron Squid Aug 24, 2016

    But honestly if you want a productive Anonymous group without the Guy Fawks masks…pick this up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Daniel Mills Aug 31, 2016

    THE VERDICTGeneration Zero #1 may be geared towards teenagers, but it should easily please any comic reader. Fred Van Lente and Francis Portela have each helped make Valiant a success over the last couple of years. Both continue to show just how integral they are with this 1st issue. While the book could do with shedding more light on its title character's, saving their reveal for the final pages is an interesting choice that should keep readers invested in the coming story. Valiant is making some progressive comics by featuring unique protagonists not often seen in mainstream art. In a growing market, this once-dead publisher continues to distinguish itself thanks to the ideas and talents of artists like Fred Van Lente and Francis Portela. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Aug 28, 2016

    Although we don't get to see too much of the Generation Zero heroes, Keisha's journey to discover what happened to her boyfriend was enough to get me hooked and the art by Francis Portela is fantastic. His character designs are realistic and grounded, but he still throws in some crazy designs towards the end that shows that this book will keep me guessing on what's coming next, not only in terms of the writing, but artistically as well, much like Van Lente's previous TimeWalker series. Generation Zero looks to be so far, another hit for Valiant and as I get caught up on the rest of their line, I can see this book continuing to head towards the top of the stack. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Tyler Counsellor Aug 25, 2016

    Speaking of teens, the interactions of Keisha, her friends, and the others at Rook High School feels very The OC–Skins-Hollywood-style teens, which, honestly, doesn't feel real. That being said, it feels somewhat purposeful when contrasted with the utopian tech-paradise of Rook. Even so, it comes off as clichd. So does the ambiguously-Asperger's Syndrome brother, Kwame, drawing Spirograph patterns from memory, claiming they'll keep "the Cornerman" away. With the way Generation Zero is being set up, there's a very good change the Cornerman is real. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Aug 25, 2016

    Generation Zero takes a great twist on the "A-Team/Hell Girl" concepts and blends them with traditional teen superheroes effortlessly. Definitely one of the best new books of the year. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Aug 25, 2016

    While some elements need a little more time to fully develop, Van Lente, Portela and Dalhouse make a big splash with Generation Zero. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Sep 5, 2016

    Whilst the ending seems a little bit bat-shit crazy, we kind of loved it. The Slenderman-like imagery was particularly creepy, and a faceless enemy certainly isn't one the audience can associate with. This immediately puts them as ‘Bad-guy' status. But we get a quick glimpse of the powers that the Zeroes can conjure up – and it proves to be hugely intriguing. If Generation Zero #1 is anything to go by, the series should be wildly entertaining. With diverse characters, a great jumping off point for the second issue and one big mystery – the Zeroes will certainly have their hands full. Valiant comics clearly know what they're doing. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 24, 2016

    Generation Zero #1 is a good start to bringing back these young heroes who should not be forgotten. It is easy for young heroes to get lost in the shuffle, even the popular ones. But Valiant knows how to keep things connected, and they make sure you get what you want out of all the characters you love in some manner. This first issue set the tone, the direction of this story, and left us with potential for where this can go. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dylan Hicks Aug 26, 2016

    In fact, good job team. When I first heard that this was going to be a new title, I was a little nervous. Joshua Dysart and Duane Swierczynski did such an amazing job creating and cultivating these character, and I didn't want to see them ruined. That was until I realized that Fred Van Lente was on the docket. I could not have chosen a better writer to pick up after those two creators, and, like I said, the new creative team did not disappoint. This on-going title is super promising. If you love sci-fi, goth chicks, female leads, young superheroes, or Valiant, then you have to get this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Ray W Aug 26, 2016

    For a set-up issue, this is definitely a solid #1. I can't wait to get into the next installment of Generation Zero. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 21, 2016

    Needless to say, if you're a fan of the Valiant universe, or even just mystery titles at all, this feels like a worthwhile addition to your pull list. Valiant has added another diverse title to their ever expanding lineup leaving me intrigued to learn more about just what secrets Rook, Michigan contains and what Keisha and Generation Zero can uncover. Even though our namesake heroes don't have a huge presence here, the setup provided to introduce them is extremely intriguing. Give these dark web heroes a try. 8.0/10 var linkwithin_site_id = 2203111; Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Aug 24, 2016

    This series, after one issue, is looking incredibly promising. I just hope we don't get the story from the previews. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Aug 29, 2016

    Generation Zero #1 may not unfold like a traditional first issue, and that is a big part of what it makes it work so well. The one question remaining is can Generation Zero live up to their reputation inside the book and out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Daniel Gehen Aug 27, 2016

    The Valiant Universe has been a dark place in recent years with events like "Book of Death" and even "4001 A.D." However, the publisher appears to be making for a major tonal shift. Jody Houser's Faith is evidence of this, and Generation Zero #1 even more so. With a compelling setup and an interesting, relatable protagonist, Fred Van Lente and Francis Portella have retooled tried-and-true superhero tropes into a title that reads like a breath of fresh air. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Aug 31, 2016

    I'm most looking forward to meeting all of Generation Zero. I want to learn what they're like, how they operate, what made them quit the killing game, and how they're going to help Keisha solve this mystery. It's only issue #1 and I'm already hooked. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Aug 24, 2016

    The mystery is solid. The execution is true. The characters are real. Valiant's newest team book, a direct successor to its own Harbinger series, feels very much like a product of its time. So long as it can continue to balance its list-checking altruism with its first-rate drama, you can bet I'll be checking in every single month. If Valiant's future continues in the hands of the industry's best and brightest, it will be a very bright future, indeed. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Matthew J. Theriault Aug 22, 2016

    First issues are notoriously poor indicators regarding the quality or direction in which a series will eventually develop. It may be that future installments will indeed feature much more of Generation Zero themselves and the likes of the cornermen and other uncanny encounters. But just as easily the elements which worked in this debut could prove the aberrations, with the teen angst embodied by the character of Keisha being doubled-down on with each new installment. Given my love of Imperium and my interest in revisiting Harbinger " especially in anticipation of Renegades " I came to Generation Zero with high hopes. After this disastrous debut, I won't be burdening the next issue with any such lofty expectations. And if that second issue is much the same as this first, I won't be coming to the third issue at all. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Rick Sep 5, 2016

    I think the title, in extrapolation, says everything you need to know about this comic: Generation as in, generated by marketing analysis. Zero as in, the amount of patience I have with this comic. Read Full Review

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