Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3

Writer: Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello Artist: Andy Kubert Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 24, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 29
6.9Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

The hardest thing for Batman is to admit his greatest strength: Hes just one man, and sometimes he needs help. With so much at stake, will he turn to help of the Super variety?

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Feb 22, 2016

    Trust me when I say DK3 may be THE Bat book to read in 2016. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 25, 2016

    So far, this has been an excellent series - much superior to the second Dark Knight series, and worthy of the original! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Emma Houxbois Feb 22, 2016

    Love it or hate it, DK3 has emerged to become just as well crafted, thrilling, and frustrating as anything carrying Frank Millers name. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Feb 24, 2016

    DKIII: Book Three didn't kick my ass in the way Book One or Book Two did. It's shocking and exciting and it's even funny in parts, but ultimately this chapter's closing ellipsis offers more questions than it does chills. And that's perfectly fine. Here, it's the little things, the flourishes, that matter most " when it comes time to get shit done, Wayne favors leaning on a sledgehammer instead of a crutch, among a precious few examples " and when I see them placed carefully amongst DKIII's appropriately daunting scale,I know it will be those quiet moments that continue to remind me why I care about The Dark Knight saga so damn much. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Nick Enquist Feb 26, 2016

    The Dark Knight III is still a good story, and each issue successfully builds on top of each other, but answers need to be given soon, and a little more explanation about this specific world has to be made. Still a great book that is worth your time and money. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Black Nerd Problems - William Evans Feb 26, 2016

    Okay, fine, it isn't wholly spectacular but I am enjoying Master Race more than I thought I would. The next issue, provided it doesn't give us some sideways plot movement, should have some big developments in it that genuinely make me excited to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 27, 2016

    "Dark Knight III: The Master Race" raises the stakes in terms of tension and plot in the third issue. Once again, the comic provides a mini-comic and heavy paper for the cover and interiors to help give a little more bang for your six bucks. The comic goes over familiar territory where old heroes dust off their gear to save Earth one last time. However, there are a couple of interesting twists as things begin to heat up to set this story apart from previous ones. The artwork is good, but the presentation with the heavy page and mini-comic and big splash pages help to make the comic seem closer to epic in nature. This is worth a look if you don't mind paying the six bucks. It looks like this is going to be a mini-series that you don't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - androidisaloser Feb 29, 2016

    Chaos has a way of becoming infectious. A state of being that overrides order, logic, and rational thought, chaos is often difficult to explain. After reading book three of Miller's third act in the DK3, I find myself at a bit of a loss for effective words to describe what's happened. After the heart-dropping cliffhanger that concluded book two, book three largely chronicles the aftermath and the chaos as it rips across the earth and its people. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    FanboyNation - R.C. Samo Feb 24, 2016

    Issue four isn't coming out fast enough but for now Dark Knight III The Master Race's third issue will have to hold you over for another month as it comes out today online and at your local comic book retailers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Joshua Lago Feb 29, 2016

    Chaos has a way of becoming infectious. A state of being that overrides order, logic, and rational thought, chaos is often difficult to explain. After reading book three of Miller's third act in the DK3, I find myself at a bit of a loss for effective words to describe what's happened. After the heart-dropping cliffhanger that concluded book two, book three largely chronicles the aftermath and the chaos as it rips across the earth and its people. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Bill Heuer Feb 24, 2016

    Hopefully, the creative team can build on this solid issue and make this book really live up to the hype. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 22, 2016

    There are definitely some aspects of "Dark Knight III: The Master Race" #3 to like. The relationship between Bruce and Carrie is great, and Kubert and Janson's art looks fantastic. As a whole, the book is designed to shock its readers and that's exactly what it does. That said, there needs to be some more nuance to keep this from turning into either parody or a shrill polemic. The imagery of the Kryptonians is too strongly based on Middle East extremists to ignore, and it would be easy for this comic to go down the same disastrous road as "Holy Terror." Hopefully, future issues will give us a slightly more pragmatic and thoughtful take on the subject. For the moment, it's still interesting and worth reading, but it's also hard to avoid these warning signs. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Feb 24, 2016

    It's hard to say if I had no idea of Miller's ideological leanings how my views of this issue might have changed, but even without that knowledge it's clear Miller's focused on the rise of Al-Qaeda's more insane offshoot ISIS now. I can't judge the whole tale since there's much to go, but this issue is a huge shift from the first two in its tone and what it's trying to say. It's one I expected considering how the last issue ended, but I clearly still wasn't prepared for. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Feb 29, 2016

    As the action begins in earnest its going to be interesting to see where this book goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 24, 2016

    For whatever else can be said about The Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3, it's not a boring comic. This issue has its highs as it explores the bond between Bruce Wayne and Carrie Kelly and builds towards Batman's defiant stand against the Kandorians. But it also has its lows thanks to an unfocused narrative and the one-dimensional portrayal of its villains. At times The Dark Knight III doesn't even read much like a Batman story. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    Comicsverse - Matthew Murphy Feb 29, 2016

    After the cliffhanger from issue 2, you'd think the excitement would transition well into THE DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE #3. Unfortunately, a delay and bad characterization and plot leave this comic confusing and unenjoyable. Even appearances by Superman and Green Lantern can't save this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Jody Cardona Feb 24, 2016

    Bits and Pieces:This issue had some promise of greatness...but after waiting for 2 months doesn't justify what we got. The art continues to be amazing as we focus in on Batman and Carrie, but the story made the issue feel short. Cult appears to world, shows power, then skips 3 days to have them order the surrender. The biggest downfall of the series continues to be the mini-comic at the end of each issue, showing bland art and poor character representations. This issue does promise a big violent war ahead, and hopefully we get that sooner rather than later, because if we get pacing like we got in this issue, this series will fall hard. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopOptiq - Logan Dalton Feb 25, 2016

    When it's not awkwardly taking shots at texting young people (Or depicting texting in general.), making non-statements about the media, various world leaders, striking up aStrange Fruit-esque conversation about race involving only white people , or turning Bruce Wayne into a Randian hero with Carrie Kelly as his mouthpiece and Superman as his attack dog, The Dark Knight III #3 is an intergenerational superhero epic that boasts Andy Kubert's best artwork of his career and flaming post-apocalyptic palette from Brad Anderson. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Feb 29, 2016

    The first Dark Knight series was revolutionary. The second series was rebellious. But with this third series, attitude has given away to assuredness, as Miller, Azzarello, Kubert and Janson pull away from the new, young and unknown characters in favor of something a bit more commonplace. Batman and Superman overshadow their younger counterparts, making this latest issue a very conventional team-up of DC's two oldest heroes. Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3 is the most traditional DC superhero issue that either Frank Miller or Brian Azzarello have had their names attached to, playing this issue safe and tame rather than pushing the story forward for the daughters and futures of Batman and Superman. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Feb 24, 2016

    I've been genuinely surprised at how low-key this book has been, and while that means it isn't a disaster it also feels a lot smaller than it should. Kubert's pencils and Janson's inks continue to look great, and other than the political commentary misstep nothing in the script was particularly bad, but it committed an even more grievous sin: it was dull. And really, a Batman story where Superman breaks free from a glacier to take on kamikaze atomic Kandorians? That shouldn't be boring. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Feb 25, 2016

    Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3 isn't likely to win over fans who've been on the fence, but it definitely moves the story forward in an engaging manner. It's just a shame that it took a little too long at times to do this. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Feb 24, 2016

    Aside from strong Batman characterization this issue lacks the oomph of the previous issue's with much of the purpose lost with it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 22, 2016

    There's a quality hook to this project, with Batman and Superman putting aside their differences to stop a race of conquerors far worse than anything we've ever seen. But ultimately, you can't help but think that even at the end of the world, these cheap fireworks feels like nothing compared to the bad old days of the 1980s or the military-industrial complex of the early 2000s. Despite his controversies, Frank Miller should be considered a light of the industry, a roaring torch that led comics into a bold new era " and if DC Comics insists on evoking that legacy, they need to do more to live up to it, rather than cheapening it with a by-the-numbers rehash. But then again, maybe it's true. Maybe you can't recapture yesterday. Maybe the good things of the past need to remain just that " in the past. And maybe " just maybe " all fires must go out sometime. But if that's the case, it's a shame we all had to watch it happen. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dusty Good Mar 1, 2016

    I get more depth and emotion from my Alex Ross wallpaper than this title will everachieve. Face it Frank, it's time to hang it up.You've become a parody of your ownBatman. You're old, out of touch, and well past your usefulness. It's time to passthe torch and let the younger guns leave their mark. You were great, but you needto stop. You're just embarrassing yourself. Read Full Review

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