Matthew Murphy's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse, Monkeys Fighting Robots Reviews: 14
8.9Avg. Review Rating

4001 A.D. #1

May 5, 2016

For those of you wanting to catch up on RAI before reading this title, note that Valiant has recently released a deluxe edition hardcover of the first three arcs. I haven't read it, though I'm planning to, and I feel like David Mack's introduction to RAI, and New Japan is all you need to get into this crossover. In a summer that is looking to be bogged down by superheroes at war and relaunches, the first issue of 4001 A.D. truly stands out as the beginning of what looks to be another Valiant storytelling masterpiece.

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Dec 15, 2015

Williams' history as an illustrator has left him with experience drawing both the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Batman and that has left a lasting impact on the pages of this comic. Every character's presence is felt on the page; Batman is a massive figure that watches Gotham while the individual turtles' personalities are reflected in how they are drawn. His action-oriented style is much appreciated and Tynion's writing compliments it in a way I was not expecting. Known for a past on Batman, I wasn't sure if he would have the ability to meld the humor of TMNT into the seriousness of Gotham. I was horribly wrong, BATMAN/TMNT #1 is one of the funniest issues I've picked up this year.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1

Nov 26, 2015

Again, that's not to say I didn't enjoy this issue. I spent six dollars on this book and it was worth every damn penny. The use of texting as a narrative device to bring the DK universe into modern times is sheer brilliance, the police brutality scenes hit home, and the panels where Batman is on the ground being beaten are hard to swallow. The reveal that Carrie Kelly is under the mask and that they are brutally beating a woman also made it all the more disturbing to me. That's what I like from Azzarello though, he tests his readers with topics that are hard to chew and it fits perfectly into the world. This is not the story that DC Comics was promising, but I have to say it did exceed my expectations. The team of Azzarello and Kubert is one to watch, and I can't wait to see what is coming next in this series.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2

Dec 23, 2015

Joined by Carrie Kelly, a teenage female Robin, Batman takes to the streets to end the threat of the mutant gangs that have overrun the city. And after facing off against his two greatest enemies, the Joker and Two-Face for the final time, Batman finds himself in mortal combat with his former ally, Superman, in a battle that only one of them will survive. This collection is hailed as a comics masterpiece and was responsible for the launch of the Batman movies.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3

Feb 29, 2016

After the cliffhanger from issue 2, you'd think the excitement would transition well into THE DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE #3. Unfortunately, a delay and bad characterization and plot leave this comic confusing and unenjoyable. Even appearances by Superman and Green Lantern can't save this issue.

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Grayson #12

Sep 25, 2015

I thought this issue was one of the best of the run so far. I think the art seems to get better by the month and the risks taken this month to explore the theme were innovations that I'd expect from a DC comic.

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Grayson #13

Nov 2, 2015

Awkward storytelling and objectification aside, this was a very weak issue of Grayson. I have a personal fear that returning to Gotham is going to slowly kill my favorite series as the series individuality and espionage theme will be consumed by BATMAN AND ROBIN ETERNAL as well as ROBIN WAR. Are the days of Grayson, super spy, behind us? Has the reign of "Sexy Batman" begun? Check in with me next month for a review of GRAYSON issue 14!

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Grayson Annual #2

Oct 4, 2015

This issue wasn't the finest moment for the Grayson creative team but it wasn't entirely bad. I feel like for the first time since picking up the title I have a secure understanding of who the Fist of Cain are and what their motivations are. I also couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Lex Luthor developing technology while in the bathroom, that is something that just makes perfect sense to me.

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Huck #1

Nov 23, 2015

I'm a big Mark Millar fan and unfortunately, a huge critic on top of that. I've often claimed that Millar's books in recent years are actually just the storyboards for the eventual movie adaptation and that's not an opinion I'll back down from. I genuinely believe that Mark Millar is a genius in the medium of comics, just a genius whose head is in Hollywood. This is why I'm so happy that Huck reads like a comic book filled with believable characters. As stated before, this is a book about love and as a reader, you can tell Millar and Albuquerque love this protagonist and this story. Huck is the best Millarworld title that I've read since I first read KICK ASS and you need to go out and buy it right now.

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Jem and the Holograms #8

Oct 18, 2015

As mentioned earlier, I'm pretty nervous about the NYCC 2015 announcement of the "Dark Jem" storyline but I mean, Sophie Campbell drawing punk and goth girls? Sold! I'll see you guys next month for my review of JEM AND THE HOLOGRAM#9. Stay fabulous.

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Jem and the Holograms Annual: 2015

Oct 4, 2015

While Sophie Campbell is missedafter her work on the first six issues from the title (she'll return on issue 11!), I am always glad for another issue of Jem and the Holograms and I can't wait to see what Kelly Thompson and Emma Vieceli have in-store for us next month!

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Spider-Man (2016) #1

Feb 7, 2016

All in all, this is definitely a book to pick up for prior fans of the character as well as new readers. While I might complain about there being more questions than answers, this is just the thing for a new reader looking to get into the character. I'll be adding this to my pull list in the upcoming months, and you should, too.

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The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Dec 6, 2015

TOTALLY AWESOME HULK #1 is a good issue, if a little rough around the edges. Like many of the Marvel #1s for ALL-NEW ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL, the introductory issue has a lot packed into it with little explained. Unfortunately, I can't even blame SECRET WARS at this point for being late- this time jump is just a struggle. Thankfully, Amadeus is as charming as ever and the creative team holds nothing back, I just hope Frank stays for more than six issues.

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Vision (2015) #1

Nov 5, 2015

Vision is looking to be one of the hottest books going into 2016 and I can tell you I'm sticking along for the ride. The look of fear in Virginia's face in the final panel of this issue wasn't out of her actions, but the thought of her husband's reaction to the break in normalcy. This is a story about an unhealthy man starting a family, first and foremost, and I can only imagine what happens when his first family comes into the picture.

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