Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1

Writer: Ricardo Delgado Artist: Ricardo Delgado Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 3, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Ricardo Delgado's gorgeous and brutal Age of Reptiles series returns, marking a bold new direction in wordless storytelling! The steaming swamps of Cretaceous Africa teem with prehistoric life and primordial danger in a tale filled with villains, victims, and one of the most dangerous and unpredictable protagonists ever created: the lonely antihero Spinosaurus aegyptiacus!

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jun 5, 2015

    If like me, you like dinosaurs and have never checked out an Age of Reptiles before then I would definitely recommend it. Hell if you have kids that can handle nature programs then they can handle this and it might be a good gateway title for them to experience comics. It's good stuff so check it out. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jun 2, 2015

    It's difficult to rate Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1 alongside more orthodox comic books. Ricardo Delgado has put his heart and soul into this quiet yet dramatic book that feels more like a nature documentary than a standard comic. It would be easy to blast through Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1 in 3 minutes and blast it as overly simplistic, but you'd be missing the point. There's a subtle elegance to Delgado's tale of battling beasts that demands you spend a long time poring over its every nuance. Your mileage may vary. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Robert Reed Jun 3, 2015

    Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1 is a comic unlike any other in the stands, offering a slice-of-life tale about one of the Mesozoic's most fascinating creatures while simultaneously setting up a longer thread for the rest of the mini-series. Each panel tells its own story and while the issue can be read through quickly, it offers much more to the reader that lingers on each image, discovering the detail and nuance within. Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1 is a fantastic comic, and dinosaur fans would be foolish not to pick it up, as would anyone who enjoys purely visual storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jun 5, 2015

    This comic book, though silent, is one of the best, most suspenseful, beautiful and majestic books I have laid my eyes upon. However, in order to appreciate and understand the cinematic feel to it, you need to set aside time to look very carefully at each panel, so as to fully comprehend what is going on. This isn’t a book to go through quickly, just because there are no words. And if you have the time to really enjoy it, I recommend it for every single one of you, no matter what your “style” of book is. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Jan 7, 2016

    “Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians” is one of those books that won't take you long to read. However, it's a world you'll want to keep revisiting. The more often you return to it, the more you find to admire. Ricardo Delgado's storytelling sensibilities are aces. You're never at a loss for what's going on in the story, or who the characters are, despite not a single piece of sound or dialogue appearing. You're immersed in this prehistoric setting and you don't want to come out of it until the whole book is finished. And after that, you can't wait to return. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 3, 2015

    The Spinosaurus goes on a lengthy journey here and it's a very packed piece when you get down to it with lots of small panels, lots of dinosaurs and lots of brief moments of intense action as they live and survive. It's not your traditional journey when you get down to it, which makes sense considering the nature of the material being told, but once you settle into the style of it all and become more and more engaged with it, you really find yourself drawn to it and what it's telling. I also liked the small corner artwork we get on most of the pages along the lower right that brings in a variety of creatures itself. This is a really curious book, one that's going to challenge in some ways what you get out of it, but it's one that's left me curious to see just how strong the overall narrative is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Jun 10, 2015

    Let's not mince words - Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians is a very different reading experience than your average comic. It flexes muscles that some readers will have rarely used and, more than the format even demands, it is an exceedingly mellow read. Even so, the differences between it and DC or Marvel's standard fare are what make it such a rewarding read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Cory Anderson Jun 2, 2015

    Ricardo Delgado does an excellent job of storytelling through his artwork and creating a character in the Spinosaurus that I found myself pulling for throughout his adventures, the coloring is a piece of art itself. Ryan Hill's colors bring this wordless, ancient dinosaur adventure to life. By the end of this first issue, I was excited as I turned the pages feverously trying to read more and more and take in as much of this as possible. I can say that I can't wait for the next installment. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Martin Doyle Jun 3, 2015

    Conceptually, 'Age of Reptiles' is perhaps not the kind of book I would actively seek out, but I was genuinely surprised by how quickly I became engrossed in the story. I'm not really sure of it's broader appeal, but with the release of 'Jurassic World' sure to spark interest, it might be the perfect time to give it a go. Highly recommended for all ages. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Jun 4, 2015

    This comic does push the limits on what can or can't be a comic. While the idea of an entirely silent story is daring, one has to wonder if it could have worked without resorting to the instantly geek satisfying venue of dinosaurs. If these books followed say, a grizzly bear, it might not be as pleasing to read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Jun 8, 2015

    "Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians" #1 continues Delgado's strong work from previous "Age of Reptiles" series. It's an unorthodox reading experience that comfortably reproduces the rhythms of a wildlife film, but with dinosaurs instead of lions and giraffes. It's worth reading for its unusual balance of serenity and tension as it imagines the passage of time in a prehistoric world. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    ComicBuzz - JAdam Jul 3, 2015

    But the bottom line is that although it was unclear at times, this comic was fun, I read it more than once, and Delgado is a talented artist. For those reasons, I recommend picking up this comic. It is an ambitious project and I am interested to see where it goes. Read Full Review

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