Broken Moon #1
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Broken Moon #1

Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Nat Jones Publisher: American Gothic Press Release Date: September 9, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When explosions on the moon rock the surface of the Earth, humans are all but wiped out - allowing monsters of legend to rise and take control of civilization. Vampires, with their polluted cities and human factory-farming, have thus far come out on top - but if the werewolves have anything to say about it, the vampires' reign won't last for long...

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Sep 10, 2015

    I’m looking forward to whatever battle will happen next issue. I hope the werewolves battle it out with the vamps; that would be a nice fight to see. It’s an age old conflict, but it never gets old. Next month, we get to see where the vampires reside! Keep reading, you little horror hounds, to see what happens next! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Sep 11, 2015

    This is a new take on the classic monsters we all grew up with. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Sep 20, 2015

    This issue sets the stage and moves us just a little bit into the story. The Vampires want to ensure they have a steady food supply, and that means farming humans. Humans who don't take kindly to being farmed, so we have the “plucky band of rebels fighting the overlords” trope. Werewolves are in the mix too, but we've not yet seen the full extent of the role they'll play in our drama. This is a great comic for people who “like this sort of thing”, and I count myself among that number. I'm looking forward to seeing the story play out and I hope people will give American Gothic Press a try, it certainly seems to be the kind of comic that you're going to need to ask most comic shops to carry, and is worth asking for if you're a fan of the genre. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dawn of Comics Sep 17, 2015

    Actually a good book. Very few written words most of the story is told with the beautifully dark art panels. It's only a 4 issue mini series so it's clear the pacing will be very fast. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Sep 17, 2015

    Broken Moon presents a dark version of the future for those living in it and a pretty awesome one for anyone reading that loves monsters. I can't wait to see what other creatures the creative team has in store for the rest of the series. Will these beasts learn to live in peace with some sort of monster version of the United Nations? Or will they squander it all like we did? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Capeless Crusader - Kevin Dempsey Sep 17, 2015

    Broken Moon has a nice balance of genres with its post-apocalypse and sci-fi setting mixed in with some classic movie monsters. I had some nitpicks here or there and the vampire vs werewolf concept is pretty over done, but none of that really ruined the overall story or the interesting setup for me. As a first issue, it did a great job of giving us an appetizer of whats to come and hopefully the next issue will make us want to dig our fangs even deeper into this interesting concept of a story. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    GWW - Cory Anderson Aug 31, 2015

    Some slight nitpicking on my part still left me excited to read more issues of Broken Moon. Vampires vs werewolves is a cliche and one of the most played out storylines of the monster vs monster genre. But somehow the events of this comic feel fresh and are still entertaining. I'm also hoping the Broken Moon aspect as the title would suggest comes into play more in future issues. Read Full Review

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