"AMAZONS ATTACKED" part one! The Gods separated Themyscira from the world for a good reason: it serves as the prison for the God of War, and the most powerful army ever created stands guard around him! So what happens when the greatest evil in the universe decides he wants that army for himself?
Complementing the story was the brilliant art of Stephen Segovia who not only draws a mean Darkseid but a perfect Wonder Woman as he captures everything that this hero is meant to be. He also brought a warmth to his art, particularly with the scenes between Diana and Steve plus a chilling moment with Darkseid as he murders one of the natives of the temple has has stolen on Earth. All in all, another enjoyable issue and probably my favourite of the week… oh… the last page is almost worth the admission price alone. Read Full Review
Diana is preparing to take down Darkseid, and in order to do that, she needs to partner up with the other Amazons to slowly pick off his subordinates. Jason has gone missing. ....Again. Can Diana prevail? Read Full Review
This is a fine issue that explores Dianna Prince and Steve Trevor's relationship. Read Full Review
Though something of an interlude to lead into the meat of 'Amazons Attacked,' "Wonder Woman" #41 nonetheless helps bring out all of the major pieces to move things in a consistent direction. Read Full Review
While it is a beautiful issue to the series, the story feels more of a chore to read than anything. Read Full Review
If you are a regular reader of Wonder Woman then this issue will not rock your world as it plays out like a clip show of what has happenned since Diana's brother turned up. The art is great though and you should check out Sogovia's first go at drawing Diana as I think she looks great. Read Full Review
Though WONDER WOMAN #41 brings a positive light to Diana and Steve's relationship, it ultimately fails to be an impactful work for its characters and overall narrative. Read Full Review
The artwork was pretty standard for a Wonder Woman comic. The cover for this Wonder Woman issue is more complex and busy than is typical, but in a way it does a good job of showing the impending chaos. The fight scenes inside the issue itself were short (remember, she took down most of her enemies quickly) but still interesting to look at. Read Full Review
That's pretty much this issue in a nutshell. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but it doesn't provide much incentive to get it if you haven't already been reading Wonder Woman. Hopefully, the reveal at the end leads to more exciting future developments. As is, the book is in need of something to shake up the status quo. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #41 has a few good character moments, but not enough to warrant Darkseid's stay as the series' villain. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #41 is a mostly inoffensive and forgettable issue compared to the last few, but when that's the best that can be said, this is a book in serious trouble. Read Full Review
I did not enjoy this issue. It's very dull; I feel like the story is padded. But it's the first issue of a new arc so I'm not sure why it already feels that way. The issue kind of wastes time on seemingly nothing. It's hard to tell without if some of these elements work their way into this new story later. But this issue is not engaging as its own piece. Read Full Review
The new issue of Wonder Woman features four big battles, but not a single moment of excitement. Read Full Review
While I was still holding out for this title to make a comeback and start "Wow-ing" me again, this issue just really proves in my mind that that will never happen. For every issue where something important seems to happens, we get three more that just seem like filler and recap and sadly, this is one of those issues that really does nothing with it's page count. Read Full Review
As you can tell, this is a very short review. It's not my fault; James Robinson wrote a completely trashy story that makes me embarrassed for him. It's clear he has nothing to work with and he doesn't have a story he wants to truly tell. If I were buying this book, I would have dropped it a long time ago. Stay away from this series while you still can. Read Full Review
All in all, this issue was a sleepy tale of Diana and Steve unwinding at the end of their day, with little to nothing happening to move the story along. Its hardly the way anyone would have hoped the next big Wonder Woman story arc would begin, but given the opening scene with Darkseid, and the eyebrow-lifting note the book ends on, it is hopeful that this is just the extreme tip of the iceberg, with much more excitement to come. Read Full Review